TV Shows
Squid Game is a South Korean drama series that follows people competing for money in violent games. So, is Squid Game real? Explore the truth behind the hit series.
The South African long running soapie 'Generations: The Legacy' recently announced that they will be bring in new and fresh actors to the show this season.
'Big Brother Mzansi' fans have shared mixed reactions about new housemate Ashley Ogle. Some compared her to Themba Broly while others blasted her.
Watch as a KFM radio personality hilariously explains why South Africa needs Top Billing back, from rugby wedding coverage to those iconic stair descents.
The talented South African culinary princess Lorna Maseko recently announced that she will launch her first-ever-produced cooking show, 'Lorna's Pantry,' on S3.
The South African 'Big Brother Mzansi' housemate Sweet Guluva recently made history by becoming the first head of the house for the show's season 5.
Just days into the new season of 'Big Brother Mzansi,' it looks like viewers have already picked their favourite after Mshini dazzled them with her striking beauty.
The Netflix hit reality show 'Young, Famous and African' is back with a bang as its trailer was dropped on YouTube revealing new faces that will join the cast.
South Africans have reacted to a recent episode of 'Sugar Mamas' showing a 42-year-old mother of three dating a 19-year-old man. Many said it's wrong.
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