The Briefly News manifesto

Briefly News is an independent source of information that generates income via advertising and is not financed or influenced by government or private individuals.

Our goal is to collect information from all available sources and systematise and explain it in a clear and unbiased way.

All the stories at Briefly News shall avoid a single-sided view of the situation unless it is the author’s opinion. We reserve the right to publish alternative views as long as they are not considered propaganda, do not justify violence and do not lead to the sparking of enmity.

Any reporting errors in our articles are instantly amended, ensuring maximum integrity, accuracy and precision. We always refer to the initial source of information. Our readers have an opportunity to contribute to this process as well.

Briefly News takes its readers' interests into consideration. We are open to cooperation with independent contributors, which is regularly done via our social media channels. We make sure to be maximally transparent in covering such stories.

Briefly News Values


Satisfying our readers with up-to-date and interesting content through our website and social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok) is of key importance to us.


We take fact-checking seriously and avoid clickbait headlines to never mislead our readers.


We respect the diversity of the world and do not justify violence. Our aim is to follow the ‘do not harm’ policy in everything we publish.


We raise our readers’ awareness of the most trending and important issues while focusing on the local news to enhance South Africans’ daily routine.


We constantly improve our website, updating the newsfeed to our readers’ preferences and decreasing pages’ loading speed.

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