EFF student command secretary, Aseza Mayaphi, arrested for wearing SANDF uniform

EFF student command secretary, Aseza Mayaphi, arrested for wearing SANDF uniform

Aseza Mayaphi, EFF student command secretary, has been arrested after appearing on TV wearing a part of the SANDF uniform. The Defence Force warns the public not to wear official outfits without having served.

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20-year-old Aseza Mayaphi, EFF student command secretary, has been arrested for wearing a part of the South African National Defence Force uniform.

Briefly.co.za reported yesterday that Mayaphi had been spotted wearing the uniform during an interview about the EFF’s “Sizofunda ngenkani” campaign.

The SANDF has warned members of the public not to break the law by wearing the official uniform without having served.

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Mayaphi has been released with a warning and will be appearing before the Bellville Magistrate's Court tomorrow.

The incident has done little to deter the EFF member, who took to Twitter to say:

"They can jail us, but they will never jail our ideas"

Although the SANDF has not named the EFF member, earlier statements confirmed the person in question as the 'young man' who had appeared on TV donning the uniform depite the fact that he was 'not an SANDF member'.

READ ALSO: EFF student leader in hot water after wearing defence force uniform on live TV

In a statement released earlier today the SANDF explained:

“The SANDF uniforms and related items are registered for use solely by regular force, reserve force and honorary members of the SANDF in execution of their duties as stipulated in the SA constitution and civilians/non-members of the country’s military are prohibited by law to wear such uniforms,”

Siphiwe Dlamini, spokesperson for the SANDF maintains that wearing the uniform when not a member is a punishable offence that will lead to prosecution for people who do not comply.

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Source: Briefly News

Samantha Riddle avatar

Samantha Riddle Samantha Riddle is a former Mainstream/ Current Affairs Manager. She covered the breaking stories and SA news from 2018-2021. Currently, she’s working for The South African.

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