Police Minister Bheki Cele said MKP's KZN dominance was expected

Police Minister Bheki Cele said MKP's KZN dominance was expected

  • MKP's dominance was expected by everyone, however, the rate at which the party has been growing has shaken the ANC
  • Minister Bheki Cele said the ANC was expecting the MKP to gain numbers and support in KZN
  • ANC's Nomvula Mokonyane said people should calm down, it was still early days to concede the province

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Cele expected MKP's numbers
Police Minister Bheki Cele says he's not shaken by the MKP's dominance in the KZN, but the ANC is taken aback by the numbers. Images: Darren Stewart/Gallo Images via Getty Images.
Source: Getty Images

Police Minister Bheki Cele at the IEC National Results Operations Centre says uMkhonto we Sizwe's (MKP) numbers were expected.

Counting has continued at the National ROC, and the MKP has gained more than a million votes so far.

See the post below:

Preliminary results have shown that the MKP will be a major contender for the next five years.

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Cele is happy with the ANC's progress

Speaking to the media, Cele said he was happy with the ANC's progress.

He noted that the leaderboard, although it has taken a dip for the ANC, is still looking promising.

"In KZN there was a little bit of an expectation on that. They have surpassed our expectations. But we expected them to gain momentum and numbers. That's why the leadership there and nationally would have to sit down and work out a strategy."

Nomvula Mokonyane says it's still early days to concede KZN

ANC's first deputy secretary-general, Nomvula Mokonyane, said it was still in the early days to concede and accept that the MKP had overthrown the ANC.

"When we went into campaigns, we knew it would be a contested terrain. And it means we were correct in saying we would have a high contestation.
"And even then, we believe we've done better than what we had thought because of the numbers that we got, against the numbers of the IFP, which was the main opposition."

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Gwede Mantashe claims ANC will win despite not looking confident

Previously, Briefly News reported that in early KZN election results, the MK party led by Jacob Zuma is ahead with 41.77% of the vote, while the ANC is second with 21.06%.

ANC Chairperson Gwede Mantashe, surprised by MK's performance, blamed journalists for the ANC's decline and vowed to counter the MK threat.

Source: Briefly News

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Reitumetse Makwea (Editor) Reitumetse Makwea is a Current Affairs journalist at Briefly News. She has a National diploma, Advanced diploma and Post-graduate diploma in Journalism from the Tshwane University of Technology. She first worked as a student journalist and freelancer for Caxton's Record Noweto and later joined The Citizen News, where she worked for a little over 3 years covering politics, environmental news, business, education, and health. Reitumetse joined Briefly News in 2024. Email: reitumetse.makwea@briefly.co.za

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