Diepsloot: EFF Criticises Police Over Treatment of People After Protests

Diepsloot: EFF Criticises Police Over Treatment of People After Protests

  • The EFF has slammed the police for their treatment of people they arrested following the protests in Diepsloot
  • According to reports, the police were asking people to name body parts in indigenous languages if they did not have a passport or ID on them
  • Political parties have called for Bheki Cele to face consequences over the police's handling of the protests in Diepsloot

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DIEPSLOOT - The Economic Freedom Fighters have slammed the police for what way in which they arrested people following the protests in Diepsloot.

According to reports, police officers were allegedly asking people to identify body parts using indigenous South African languages in an effort to establish if they were SA citizens if they did not have their passport or ID book on them.

Diepsloot, EFF, protests, Xenophobia
The EFF has criticised the police on how they treated people in Diepsloot. Photo credit: @dinanodamano, @EffJhbRegion
Source: Twitter

SABC News reported that those who failed to use the correct language were ordered to identify themselves.

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Diepsloot: Tempers flare, man kicked out of meeting between government and community members

The EFF took exception to this and called the police out on their behaviour.

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Congress of the People (COPE) spokesperson Dennis Bloem has called for Bheki Cele to be fired and regarded him as "a danger to the safety and security of the country" according to The Citizen.

Social media users react to the EFF's take on the Diepsloot protests


"You should not murder someone because they don't have a passport," EFF Spokesperson Sinawo Thabo addressing the media outside murdered Elvis Nyathi's home in #Diepsloot."


"This Swati is African, and this Pedi is African" sing the EFF as they leave the home slain Elvis Nyathi."


"#OperationDudula is simply saying illegal immigrants must go home because they are not needed or wanted by South Africans. What is hard to understand there. The EFF needs Rude Awakening in 2024."

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Diepsloot: Tempers flare, man kicked out of government meeting

Earlier, Briefly News reported that a meeting between the government and Diepsloot community members descended into chaos when a man introduced himself as a member of the Zimbabwean Communist party.

The man was drowned out by angry jeers by the crowd when he tried to talk at an event set up by the government to hear the community's concerns.

The police escorted the man from the meeting, and home affairs minister Aaron Motsoaledi told the man that he would not be allowed to take part in the closed proceedings.

Source: Briefly News

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Stefan Mack (Editor) Stefan Mack is an English and history teacher who has broadened his horizons with journalism. He enjoys experiencing the human condition through the world's media. Stefan keeps Briefly News' readers entertained during the weekend. He graduated from the University of KwaZulu-Natal in 2010 with a Bachelor of Education (BEd), majoring in History and English. Stefan has been writing for Briefly News for a number of years and has covered mainstream to human interest articles.

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