Where is Dylan Dean Taljaard? The murder story of Shannon Roberts in Amanzimtoti

Where is Dylan Dean Taljaard? The murder story of Shannon Roberts in Amanzimtoti

A worldwide chase for a suspected Durban killer who is on Interpol's most wanted list, may have ended when authorities in Texas apprehended a South African named Dylan Dean Taljaard. In November 2014, the body of an 18-year old girl was discovered in the dense bush near Doonside Beach. According to reports, she suffered numerous stab wounds during the murder.

Shannon Robert and Dylan Dean Taljaard's murder story and pictures in Amanzimtoti Durban South Africa
Shannon Robert and Dylan Dean Taljaard's murder story in Amanzimtoti, Durban, South Africa. Photos: @Shannon (Modified by author)
Source: Facebook

As per reports, Taljaard has been on the run since fleeing the country in 2016. Shannon Lee Roberts, his ex-girlfriend, was murdered, and he has been ruled the primary suspect.

Profile summary

NameDylan Dean Taljaard
Age27 years (as of August 2023)
Date of birth12 January 1996
Interpol red noticeWanted for murder
VictimShannon Roberts
ContactsIf you have any info about this case please get in touch with investigatorsMike Bolhuis (mikebolhuis1@gmail.com)Werner Koekemoer (koekies.wk@gmail.com)
LocationDoonside, Amanzimtoti, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, or Kempton Park, Johannesburg, South Africa
TattooVisible tattoo on chest reading: 'Pain is just a moment.'
Date of crimeNovember 2014
AppearanceBlue eyes and light brown hair

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After Dylan reportedly fled South Africa, he assaulted a girl in Uruguay, and his name was found online and given to detectives as per records. A warrant for his capture was issued in August 2018, and he was added to Interpol's most wanted or 'Red Notice List.'

Dylan Dean Taljaard and Shannon Roberts story of murder in Amanzimtoti
Dylan Dean Taljaard (pictured above in 2014) has a tattoo on his chest reading 'Pain is just a moment'. Photos: @Shannon (Modified by author)
Source: Facebook

While authorities have not yet commented on Taljaard's extradition, a local radio station said that investigating officer Rajan Govender of the Provincial Organised Crime Unit confirmed that SAPS and Interpol are focusing their efforts on the investigation.

Gavin Roberts, Shannon’s stepfather, has confirmed that they have collected evidence including video footage and it will be presented in court. Taljaard went backpacking in 2016, two years after the suspected murder. After departing South Africa, passport control confirmed that he had landed in Dubai, but that no movement on his passport had been detected since then.

Interpols most wanted list
Authorities tracked Dylan Dean Taljaard via his cellphone and GPS tracking. Photo: @inmemoryofshannonroberts (Modified by author)
Source: Facebook

Dylan and Shannon were once in a relationship but had become estranged at the time of the crime. It is believed that they attended Kuswag Skool in Amanzimtoti, Kwazulu-Natal. Taljaard had posted a picture of himself on Facebook in Argentina in 2018, which was discovered by authorities.

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Taljaard's family insists that their son was not guilty of the murder. Dylan's father, Wynand Taljaard, claimed in a February 2019 statement that Dylan had been 'made to look like a suspect and found guilty on social media, primarily by the Roberts family.' Wynand also ruled out the possibility that his child was travelling using forged documents.

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He went on to say that the last time they heard from Dylan was in October 2018, while he was in South America, and that they had not heard from him since. The father was unaware that his son was on Interpol's most wanted red list.

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Shannon Roberts body was discovered in Doonside, KZN with multiple knife wounds in 2014. Photo: @inmemoryofshannonroberts (Modified by author)
Source: Facebook

Dylan Dean Taljaard was born on the 22nd of January 1996 and is characterized by a chest tattoo that says ′pain is just a moment’. Shannon was born on the 14th of March 1996 and would have turned 25 years of age at the time of her death. Police say they will provide further details about the extradition of the suspect. We will be updating this article as more information surfaces.

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Source: Briefly News

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Nicolette Marais (Lifestyle editor) Nicolette has been a senior managing editor at Briefly.co.za since December 2021. With more than 17 years writing experience in both creative and media-related platforms, she has worked in a wide range of industries and uses this in her writing. In 2023, Nicolette finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques and was awarded Manager of the Year (2023 and 2024). E-mail: lifelineva@outlook.com