Nick Evans Rescues Black Mamba Doused in Chemicals, Says Substance Won’t Repel Snakes and SA Is Amazed

Nick Evans Rescues Black Mamba Doused in Chemicals, Says Substance Won’t Repel Snakes and SA Is Amazed

  • Nick Evan posted on his Facebook page about how he rescued a black mamba in Durban that slithered into a family home
  • Frightened residents poured Jeyes Fluid on it, however, Nick warned that it doesn't repel snakes but delivers a slow and painful death
  • Peeps praised Nick for yet another rescue and asked him questions related to black mambas as they were fascinated by their growing numbers

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A man saw a snake slithering into his family home in Inanda, Durban, called Nick Evans and predicted it was a black mamba.

Nick confirmed his prediction in his Facebook post about the rescue. He noted that the snake was doused in Jeyes Fluid and warned peeps that the chemical wouldn't deter snakes.

During his rescue, Nick hilariously recounted:

"As we were looking under the cabinet, a flipping toad hopped out, right by face. The fright I got when that happened!"

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Nick Evans, black mamba, Inanda, jeyes fluid, chemical, death, venom, Durban
Nick Evens rescued a black mamba drenched in chemicals and he warned that the chemicals wouldn't repel snakes but kill them slowly and painfully. Image: Nick Evans_Snake Rescuer/Facebook
Source: Facebook

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Peeps who read his Facebook post were tickled by his frightened reaction to a toad when was there to rescue a far dangerous animal. People thanked him for rescuing the black mamba from its Jeyes Fluid bath while others asked about the species' growing numbers in Durban.

Linda Hammond praised Nick:

"Great save Nick, thank you for saving the mamba from a cruel death. Would have loved to see your face as the toad hopped out though!"

Clive Mortimer said:

"Nice one Nick. We must try to teach people to somehow not harm snakes but rather watch them and call you."

Saberah Gumede showed gratitude:

"Thanks Nick, great and educational post again. Do you think that the Durban mambas have become immune to Jeyes Fluid?"

Justin McCarthy requested:

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"Please keep us updated on the snake's health, Nick. I can't believe people still do this."

Gerhard Britz asked:

"Any particular reason for the increase in black mambas vs green mambas?"

Nick Evans catches deadly vine snake which stopped by to "help" with the laundry at a Durban home

In another hair-raising story that involved venous serpents, Briefly News reported that brave snake rescuer Nick Evans was called to remove a big vine snake from a home in Westville, Durban.

According to Evans, the homeowner was in her kitchen when the long, thin snake came slithering past her, perching on her laundry basket before going into the passageway, where he caught it.

“I don't get many inside homes, but it's hot outside, so it's probably looking for a cool retreat,” he said on his Facebook page.

According to Kruger Park, the vine snake is also known as the twig snake for its resemblance to small branches on trees, and in some places called the bird snake for its habit of preying on small birds.

Source: Briefly News

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Nina Dhlamini Nina Dhlamini is an experienced writer; she cooperated with Briefly News as a Human Interest writer in 2022. Nina holds a BCom advanced diploma in Business management, and was studying in Midrand Graduate Institute (2005-2008). Before Briefly News, she’s been working for YATI MARKETING (2018), UNITED HOLDINGS (2020), SHUTER&SHOOTER and CHERRY DIGITAL PR AGENCY(2021).

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