ANC Sources Claim GNU Collapsed Because of ANC-DA Disagreements

ANC Sources Claim GNU Collapsed Because of ANC-DA Disagreements

  • Sources within the former ruling party, the African National Congress, have revealed that the Government of National Unity may collapse
  • This is because of conflict between the party and the Democratic Alliance regarding ministerial positions
  • Some in South Africa celebrated the possibility that the GNU could fall apart, and others made jokes

Tebogo Mokwena, a Briefly News current affairs journalist in Johannesburg, South Africa, has covered policy changes, the State of the Nation Address, politician-related news and elections at Daily Sun and Vutivi Business News for over seven years.

Sources in the ANC say the GNU is all but collapsed
The GNU could never take place according to ANC sources. Image: Wikus de Wet /AFP via Getty Images
Source: Getty Images

JOHANNESBURG – The Government of National Unity could collapse because of disagreements between the African National Congress and the Democratic Alliance.

GNU could collapse

According to IOL, sources in the ANC revealed that the African National Congress was not keen on a coalition with the Democratic Alliance, and how it conducted itself made matters worse. The source claimed that the ANC blames the DA for leaking information to the public.

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Cyril Ramaphosa rebukes John Steenhuisen during GNU talks in leaked letter

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The ANC reportedly does not appreciate how the DA speaks to the ANC, and the source added that the ANC feels like they don't need the DA for them to create a government.

South Africans celebrate the news

Netizens commenting on @IOL's tweet were happy that the government of national unity could collapse.

Nema Jnr said:

"that "ANC is not only in negotiations with DA" was saying something. The ANC has options to still form something with fewer demands."

Amo said:

"Divorce can be this quick."

Ndlela KaMaMlobeli Camera said:

"It's about time."

Joel said:

"Good riddance."

Academi said:

"Let it collapse. The country cannot continue to be held at ransom by John and Helen. The ANC needs to get better partners who have the country at heart, not the DA which thinks of nothing but manipulating the economy to their favour."

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Cyril Ramaphosa slams Helen Zille and John Steenhuisen

in a similar article, Briefly News reported that the president of the ANC, Cyril Ramaphosa, rebuked John Steenhuisen.

In a leaked letter, Ramaphosa took him to task after the DA demanded more ministerial positions.

Source: Briefly News

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Tebogo Mokwena (Current Affairs editor) Tebogo Mokwena is a Current Affairs Editor at Briefly News. He has a Diploma in Journalism from ALISON. He joined Daily Sun, where he worked for 4 years covering politics, crime, entertainment, current affairs, policy, governance and art. He was also a sub-editor and journalist for Capricorn Post before joining Vutivi Business News in 2020, where he covered small business news policy and governance, analysis and profiles. He joined Briefly News in 2023. Tebogo passed a set of trainings by Google News Initiative Email:

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