250 most common Afrikaans words translated in English
Learning a new dialect is profoundly overwhelming and comes with new experiences, mostly fun and worthwhile. If you have traveled a lot, you can attest to a compelling need for learning another language simply to get to know the people and find room in their culture. If you are a South African or are intending to visit any Afrikaans speaking region, it is advisable to master common Afrikaans words to make your stay more charming. Here are the most words in Afrikaans that you can definitely find useful while in Africa.

Source: Original
Is Afrikaans an easy language to learn? From my personal experience, English speakers experience little to no difficulty in mastering Afrikaans. You can spice up your learning experience a little by starting with some of the most used Afrikaans words which you will undoubtedly encounter routinely for example: how are you in Afrikaans. Knowing useful Afrikaans to English phrases is a starting point to becoming proficient and good in Afrikaans.
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Most common Afrikaans words in English
What countries speak Afrikaans? Afrikaans has a widespread usage, not only in South Africa but also in neighboring states such as Zimbabwe and Namibia. It is exciting to learn that most English speakers can learn common Afrikaans words in days and eventually become amazing in Afrikaans with some more commitment. Let us now concentrate on Afrikaans vocabulary list alongside their English translations.
Afrikaans English translation
Here are Afrikaans word and their translation in English
- as -as
- warm - hot
- wat - what
- jy - you
- of - or
- en - and
- uit - out
- doen - do
- tyd - time
- hoe - how
- speel - play
- klein - small
- huis - home
- lees - read
- hand - hand
- seisoen - season
- voeg - add
- hier - here
- groot - big
- Wet - act
- Hoekom - why
- vra- ask
- mans - men
- verandering - change
- lig- light
- soort - kind
- nodig - need
- huis - house
- prentjie - picture
- probeer - try
- ons - us
- weer - again
- dier - animal
- ma - mother
- naby - near
- bou - build
- self - self
- vader - father
- nuwe - new
- werk - work
- neem - take
- kry- get
- plek - place
- lewe - live
- waar - where
- na- after
- terug - back
- bietjie- little
- slegs - only
- man - man
- jaar - year
- goeie - good
- my - me
- gee - give
- ons - our
- naam - name
- net - just
- vorm - form
- vonnis - sentence
- groot- great
- dink - think
- sê - say
- help - help
- voor - before
- skuif - move
- reg- right
- seuntjie - boy
- ou - old
- sy - she
- al - all
- baie - many
- skryf - write
- hierdie - these
- haar - her
- lang - long
- maak - make
- ding - thing
- sien - see
- twee - two
- dag - day
- kon - could
- gaan - go
- kom - come
- het - did
- aantal - number
- klink - sound
- geen - no
- mense - people
- my - my
- weet - know
- water -water
- oproep - call
- eerste - first
- wat - who
- af - down
- gewees - been
- eie - own
- bladsy - page
- land - country
- gevind - found
- antwoord - answer
- skool - School
- studie - study
- leer - learn
- plant - plant
- voedsel - food
- son - sun
- vier - four
- tussen - between
- staat - state
- oog - eye
- gedink - thought
- stad - city
- boom - tree
- plaas - farm
- Begin - start
- storie - story
- saag - saw
- ver - far
- see - sea
- verlaat - left
- laat - late
- hardloop - run
- doen nie - don’t
- terwyl - while
- nag - night
- lewe - life
- paar - few
- noord - north
- boek - book
- wetenskap - science
- eet - eat
- kamer - room
- vriend - friend
- begin - began
- idee - idea
- vis - fish
- stop - stop
- hoor - hear
- cut - cut
- seker - sure
- kyk - watch
- kleur - color
- gesig - face
- hout - wood
- hoof - main
- oop - open
- saam - together
- volgende - next
- wit - white
- kinders - children
- loop - walk
- byvoorbeeld - example
- papier - paper
- groep - group
- altyd - always
- musiek - music
- diegene - those
- beide - both
- dikwels - often
- brief - letter
- rivier - river
- motor - car
- sorg - care
- tweede -second
- genoeg - enough
- meisie - girl
- jong - young
- gereed - ready
- voel - feel
- Besprekings - talk
- voël - bird
- liggaam - body
- gesin - family
- lied - song
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176. meet measure
177. deur - door
178. produk - product
179. swart - black
180. wind - wind
181. vraag - question
182. volledige - complete
183. vuur -fire
184. Suid - south
185. probleem - problem
186. geheel - whole
187. straat - street
188. niks - nothing
189. natuurlik - course
190. bly - stay
191. koppel - connect
192. post - post
193. spandeer - spend
194. koord - chord
195. vet - fat
196. bly - glad
197. oorspronklike - original
198. aandeel - share
199. stasie - station
200. volle - full
201. voorwerp - object
202. besluit - decide
203. diep - deep
204. stelsel - system
205. besig - busy
206. toets - test
207. rekord - record
208. gemeenskaplike - common
209. goud - gold
210. moontlik - possible
211. vliegtuig - plane
212. wonder - wonder
213. lag - laugh
214. duisend - thousand
215. spel - game
216. vorm - shape
217. mis - miss
218. gebring - brought
219. hitte - heat
220. sneeu - snow

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221. band - tire
222. bring - bring
223. Ja - yes
224. taal - language
225. onder - among
226. krag - power
227. dorp - town
228. fyn - fine
229. vlieg - fly
230. val - fall
231. geroep - cry
232. donker - dark
233. wag - wait
234. plan - plan
235. figuur - figure
236. ster - star
237. box - box
238. korrekte - correct
239. staat - able
240. skoonheid - beauty
241. ry - drive
242. bevat - contain
243. leer - teach
244. week - week
245. finale - final
246. gegee - gave
247. groen - green
248. o - oh
249. vinnige - quick
250. ontwikkel - develop
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Learning Afrikaans is now more straightforward and easy as evident in the Afrikaans words translated in English above. If deeply interested, you can go ahead and learn Afrikaans words or how Afrikaans words are used in English, for instance saying 'what are you doing in Afrikaans.' Meanwhile, you can use our English translations of Afrikaans words to become proficient in this famous language, and you will feel comfortable when in an Afrikaans speaking nation.

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Source: Briefly News