250 most common Afrikaans words translated in English

250 most common Afrikaans words translated in English

Learning a new dialect is profoundly overwhelming and comes with new experiences, mostly fun and worthwhile. If you have traveled a lot, you can attest to a compelling need for learning another language simply to get to know the people and find room in their culture. If you are a South African or are intending to visit any Afrikaans speaking region, it is advisable to master common Afrikaans words to make your stay more charming. Here are the most words in Afrikaans that you can definitely find useful while in Africa.

250 most common Afrikaans words translated in English
Image: canva.com (Modified by the author)
Source: Original

Is Afrikaans an easy language to learn? From my personal experience, English speakers experience little to no difficulty in mastering Afrikaans. You can spice up your learning experience a little by starting with some of the most used Afrikaans words which you will undoubtedly encounter routinely for example: how are you in Afrikaans. Knowing useful Afrikaans to English phrases is a starting point to becoming proficient and good in Afrikaans.

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Most common Afrikaans words in English

What countries speak Afrikaans? Afrikaans has a widespread usage, not only in South Africa but also in neighboring states such as Zimbabwe and Namibia. It is exciting to learn that most English speakers can learn common Afrikaans words in days and eventually become amazing in Afrikaans with some more commitment. Let us now concentrate on Afrikaans vocabulary list alongside their English translations.

Afrikaans English translation

Here are Afrikaans word and their translation in English

  1. as -as
  2. warm - hot
  3. wat - what
  4. jy - you
  5. of - or
  6. en - and
  7. uit - out
  8. doen - do
  9. tyd - time
  10. hoe - how
  11. speel - play
  12. klein - small
  13. huis - home
  14. lees - read
  15. hand - hand
  16. seisoen - season
  17. voeg - add
  18. hier - here
  19. groot - big
  20. Wet - act
  21. Hoekom - why
  22. vra- ask
  23. mans - men
  24. verandering - change
  25. lig- light
  26. soort - kind
  27. nodig - need
  28. huis - house
  29. prentjie - picture
  30. probeer - try
  31. ons - us
  32. weer - again
  33. dier - animal
  34. ma - mother
  35. naby - near
  36. bou - build
  37. self - self
  38. vader - father
  39. nuwe - new
  40. werk - work
  41. neem - take
  42. kry- get
  43. plek - place
  44. lewe - live
  45. waar - where
  46. na- after
  47. terug - back
  48. bietjie- little
  49. slegs - only
  50. man - man
  51. jaar - year
  52. goeie - good
  53. my - me
  54. gee - give
  55. ons - our
  56. naam - name
  57. net - just
  58. vorm - form
  59. vonnis - sentence
  60. groot- great
  61. dink - think
  62. sê - say
  63. help - help
  64. voor - before
  65. skuif - move
  66. reg- right
  67. seuntjie - boy
  68. ou - old
  69. sy - she
  70. al - all
  71. baie - many
  72. skryf - write
  73. hierdie - these
  74. haar - her
  75. lang - long
  76. maak - make
  77. ding - thing
  78. sien - see
  79. twee - two
  80. dag - day
  81. kon - could
  82. gaan - go
  83. kom - come
  84. het - did
  85. aantal - number
  86. klink - sound
  87. geen - no
  88. mense - people
  89. my - my
  90. weet - know
  91. water -water
  92. oproep - call
  93. eerste - first
  94. wat - who
  95. af - down
  96. gewees - been
  97. eie - own
  98. bladsy - page
  99. land - country
  100. gevind - found
  101. antwoord - answer
  102. skool - School
  103. studie - study
  104. leer - learn
  105. plant - plant
  106. voedsel - food
  107. son - sun
  108. vier - four
  109. tussen - between
  110. staat - state
  111. oog - eye
  112. gedink - thought
  113. stad - city
  114. boom - tree
  115. plaas - farm
  116. Begin - start
  117. storie - story
  118. saag - saw
  119. ver - far
  120. see - sea
  121. verlaat - left
  122. laat - late
  123. hardloop - run
  124. doen nie - don’t
  125. terwyl - while
  126. nag - night
  127. lewe - life
  128. paar - few
  129. noord - north
  130. boek - book
  131. wetenskap - science
  132. eet - eat
  133. kamer - room
  134. vriend - friend
  135. begin - began
  136. idee - idea
  137. vis - fish
  138. stop - stop
  139. hoor - hear
  140. cut - cut
  141. seker - sure
  142. kyk - watch
  143. kleur - color
  144. gesig - face
  145. hout - wood
  146. hoof - main
  147. oop - open
  148. saam - together
  149. volgende - next
  150. wit - white
  151. kinders - children
  152. loop - walk
  153. byvoorbeeld - example
  154. papier - paper
  155. groep - group
  156. altyd - always
  157. musiek - music
  158. diegene - those
  159. beide - both
  160. dikwels - often
  161. brief - letter
  162. rivier - river
  163. motor - car
  164. sorg - care
  165. tweede -second
  166. genoeg - enough
  167. meisie - girl
  168. jong - young
  169. gereed - ready
  170. voel - feel
  171. Besprekings - talk
  172. voël - bird
  173. liggaam - body
  174. gesin - family
  175. lied - song

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176. meet measure

177. deur - door

178. produk - product

179. swart - black

180. wind - wind

181. vraag - question

182. volledige - complete

183. vuur -fire

184. Suid - south

185. probleem - problem

186. geheel - whole

187. straat - street

188. niks - nothing

189. natuurlik - course

190. bly - stay

191. koppel - connect

192. post - post

193. spandeer - spend

194. koord - chord

195. vet - fat

196. bly - glad

197. oorspronklike - original

198. aandeel - share

199. stasie - station

200. volle - full

201. voorwerp - object

202. besluit - decide

203. diep - deep

204. stelsel - system

205. besig - busy

206. toets - test

207. rekord - record

208. gemeenskaplike - common

209. goud - gold

210. moontlik - possible

211. vliegtuig - plane

212. wonder - wonder

213. lag - laugh

214. duisend - thousand

215. spel - game

216. vorm - shape

217. mis - miss

218. gebring - brought

219. hitte - heat

220. sneeu - snow

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221. band - tire

222. bring - bring

223. Ja - yes

224. taal - language

225. onder - among

226. krag - power

227. dorp - town

228. fyn - fine

229. vlieg - fly

230. val - fall

231. geroep - cry

232. donker - dark

233. wag - wait

234. plan - plan

235. figuur - figure

236. ster - star

237. box - box

238. korrekte - correct

239. staat - able

240. skoonheid - beauty

241. ry - drive

242. bevat - contain

243. leer - teach

244. week - week

245. finale - final

246. gegee - gave

247. groen - green

248. o - oh

249. vinnige - quick

250. ontwikkel - develop

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Learning Afrikaans is now more straightforward and easy as evident in the Afrikaans words translated in English above. If deeply interested, you can go ahead and learn Afrikaans words or how Afrikaans words are used in English, for instance saying 'what are you doing in Afrikaans.' Meanwhile, you can use our English translations of Afrikaans words to become proficient in this famous language, and you will feel comfortable when in an Afrikaans speaking nation.

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Source: Briefly News

Jedidah Tabalia avatar

Jedidah Tabalia Jedi is a journalist with over 5 years working experience in the media industry. She has a BSc. in Human Resource Management from Moi University (graduated in 2014) and a working in progress MBA in Strategic Management. Having joined Genesis in 2017, Jedi is a passionate Facts and Life Hacks, Fitness, and Health content creator who sees beauty in everything. She loves traveling and checking out new restaurants. Her email address is jedidahtabalia@gmail.com