The social worker's average salary in South Africa per month in 2024
Social workers are a pivotal part of society due to the services they offer communities. Some of their duties and responsibilities, which ensure the health and safety of children and their families, include crisis intervention, community building, implementing treatment plans, and securing and referring needed resources. In this regard, do you know how much they earn? Find out more about a social worker's salary.

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Various factors influence the monthly salary earned by a social worker. These include level of experience, area of employment and the company they work for. On average, an entry-level social worker's monthly salary is estimated to be around R15,000 per month.
Social worker's salary in South Africa
Different sources provide multiple estimates of South African social workers' average salaries. In particular, reports suggest that the average salary of a social worker is R237,642 per year, with entry-level positions starting at a salary of R181,800 annually.
What is the monthly salary of a social worker in South Africa?
According to Rate Web, social workers in South Africa who hold a bachelor's degree earn a monthly salary of R13,700. Besides education and experience, the salary changes when a social worker moves to a different city or gets employed by a specific company that offers a competitive salary.
For example, social workers that practice in Gauteng's biggest township Soweto, earn R23,246 monthly.
What type of social worker gets paid the most in South Africa?
As with other careers, experience is crucial in determining how much an employee earns. Therefore, an experienced social worker with ten years of experience earns an average annual salary of R255,468. Some of the areas of specialisation for this type of social work include clinical social work, family and school social work and veteran social work.
Are social workers in demand in South Africa?

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A report by News24 mentions that South Africa is in demand of social workers. The Department of Social Development, quoted in the article, states that the country needs 55 000 social workers to provide social welfare services to citizens. As it stands, South Africa has 17 500 social workers.
Is social work a good career in South Africa?
The work social workers do require not only a qualification but passion as well. This career can be a good one for South Africans who intend to positively change South Africa in respective ways. Importantly, pay disparities characterise doing social work in the private and public sectors.
What are the requirements for being a social worker?
A bachelor's degree is one of the prerequisites for being a social worker, and universities in South Africa offer a study programme for this career field. Besides this, you must also obtain outstanding levels in high school for English and Mathematics.
How long does it take to study for a social work qualification?
The duration of a social work qualification depends on its level. For instance, the term for completing a diploma or degree in social work varies. However, a bachelor's degree, the most popular qualification for this work, takes four years to complete.
Furthermore, many social work programmes have a small intake of students per year to ensure they are given the required attention as this is a demanding course.

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Social work encompasses working with people and assisting them with their issues. If you are considering studying for this career, the above-stated salaries should give you an idea of what you can expect to earn during the beginning and late stages of your job.
DISCLAIMER: This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility.
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Source: Briefly News