Operation Dudula Calls on Public Protector to Investigate Government’s Illegal Foreigner Responsibilities

Operation Dudula Calls on Public Protector to Investigate Government’s Illegal Foreigner Responsibilities

  • Operation Dudula wants Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane to hold Government accountable for illegal foreigners in the country
  • The movement plans to officially launch in KwaZulu-Natal and aims to conduct two marches in the city
  • The movement’s deputy national spokesperson, Dan Radebe, said that South Africans are forced to live in squatter camps because they are law-abiding

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KWAZULU-NATAL - Operation Dudula wants Public Protector Busisiwe Mkhwebane to hold the government accountable for allowing illegal foreigners to reside and gain employment in the country.

The movement’s deputy national spokesperson, Dan Radebe, said that South Africans are forced to live in squatter camps while immigrants “hijack” and occupy buildings.

Operation Dudula, calls on public protector, investigate governement's role, dealing with hijacked buildings, durban, Dan Radebe, department of employment and labour
Operation Dudula is set to launch the movement in KwaZulu-Natal. Image: Michele Spatari/Getty
Source: Getty Images

Radebe spoke to the media in Durban on Tuesday, 5 April and said South Africans are forced to live in informal settlements because they are law-abiding, according to SABC News.

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South Africans react to President Cyril Ramaphosa's remarks on Operation Dudula calling it a vigilante group

He also slammed the Department of Employment and Labour for allowing illegal immigrants to be employed by local companies.

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Operation Dudula plans to officially launch the movement in KwaZulu-Natal with a planned march on Sunday in Durban. TimesLIVE reported that members of the movement are set to march to the Department of Home Affairs and deliver a memorandum at the Point police station in Durban.

EThekwini Metro police spokesperson Parboo Sewpersad said the march has not yet been approved.

South Africans have mixed reactions to the movement

@Tempo_rsa said:

“What Dudula is doing is actually bringing all government’s baggage back to its doorstep without burning anything, something that is foreign in our country, we all expected it but never thought it will come out this way. So far, they are winning, like it or not.”

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@ThemillonthePo commented:

“Regardless. It's an important step to debunk false propaganda that aims to diminish Dudula as a "vigilante type" movement.”

@WilsonMoira posted:

“Must say I’m starting to respect Operation Dudula. Doing the Home Affairs and SAPS jobs for them.”

@MabuMonyela shared:

“Our people are squeezed in shacks sharing toilets, while we have a lot of hijacked buildings. Will the public protector protect her people?”

@CruzJochi added:

“Wow! Malema is right! This idiot is mimicking @Julius_S_Malema ! He is hijacking Malema’s very words and actions! May God save us from fools!”

South Africans react to President Cyril Ramaphosa’s remarks on Operation Dudula, calling it a vigilante group

Briefly News also reported President Cyril Ramaphosa has distanced the African National Congress (ANC) from Operation Dudula. During the Mpumalanga ANC’s conference, he said that the party cannot support the “vigilante-like force” organisation.

Ramaphosa said the group must be stopped and that the movement will divide the people on the African continent. Ramaphosa added:

“People who are here illegally have to be dealt with within the framework of the law.”

Source: Briefly News

Bianca Lalbahadur avatar

Bianca Lalbahadur Bianca Lalbahadur is a current affairs journalist at Briefly News. With a knack for writing hard-hitting content, she is dedicated to being the eyes and ears of South Africans. As a young and vibrant journalist, Bianca is passionate about providing quality and factual stories that impact citizens. She graduated from the Independent Institute of Education in 2017 and has worked at several award-winning Caxton associated community newspapers.

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