Patriotic Alliance's Coalition Condition: Adopt Our Immigration Stance

Patriotic Alliance's Coalition Condition: Adopt Our Immigration Stance

  • The Patriotic Alliance said it's open to collaborating with any political party that's prepared to adopt its stance on illegal immigrants
  • Party leader Gayton McKenzie said they would also request the management of the Home Affairs Department as part of a coalition agreement
  • Some netizens, however, pointed out that the Patriotic Alliance does not have sufficient votes to make such demands

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Zingisa Chirwa is an experienced Briefly News journalist based in Johannesburg, South Africa, who has covered elections and current affairs on the radio for over 15 years.

The Patriotic Alliance is open to collaborating with any political party that agrees to adopt its stance on illegal immigrants.
The Patriotic Alliance's Gayton Mckenzie said his party was open to collaborating with any party that accepts its stance on illegal immigrants. Images: Brenton Geach/Gallo and Leon Sadiki/Bloomberg
Source: Getty Images

The Patriotic Alliance is open to collaborating with any political party that agrees to adopt its stance on illegal immigrants.

Patriotic Alliance requests management of Home Affairs

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Leader Gayton McKenzie said the party would want to head the Home Affairs Department as part of its coalition agreement.

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Radio station @Radio702 shared a clip of McKenzie addressing journalists at the National ROC at Gallagher Estate in Midrand on 1 June 2024:

After tallying 99.53% of the voting districts, the IEC dashboard displayed that the PA garnered 2.05% of the vote nationally, securing about nine seats in the National Assembly.

Netizens debate Patriotic Alliance’s demands

While some netizens agreed with the Patriotic Alliance’s stance, others pointed out that the party does not have sufficient votes to make such demands.

@BbwMaturity said:

“They don’t even have enough seats in a coalition to ask for such.”

@SyTsingo added:

“It's a game of percentages. 2.5 % has no negotiation power for anything. Nine votes out of 400 is a drop in the ocean.”

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@nokwanekgabo commented:

“What people must understand is that we can’t achieve economic prosperity with illegal foreigners holding fake documents in SA. Lawlessness must be prioritised before we attract investments.”

lulushezi pointed out:

“LOL. Being a minister of a department doesn't mean you get to change the laws as you see fit. There are things called public consultation and parliamentary processes.”

@Muvhuso2020 stated:

“I like Gayton and what he stands for. He is very clear about his assignment for now; I wish he can be granted his wish.”

MK Party supporters stage mock funeral for ANC

Briefly News reported that MK Party supporters held a faux funeral for the ANC in Manguzi, northern KwaZulu-Natal.

A clip of the procession posted on social media showed the supporters carrying what looked like a coffin draped in ANC colours.

Source: Briefly News

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Zingisa Chirwa (Editor) Zingisa Chirwa is an experienced broadcast journalist who has worked predominantly in radio newsrooms for over 15 years. Chirwa has occupied numerous positions, including news journalist, editor and current affairs host, focusing mainly on Mpumalanga politics and business. You can reach Zingisa at

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