“Your Skin Looks Good”: Woman Shares Skincare Product Plug From Dis-Chem for R45, SA Is Impressed

“Your Skin Looks Good”: Woman Shares Skincare Product Plug From Dis-Chem for R45, SA Is Impressed

  • A lady dished out an impressive skincare plug for netizens in a video, and peeps loved it
  • The stunner unveiled the moisturising cream, which was budget-friendly, and the clip went viral online
  • Social media users loved the woman's plug as they took to the comments section with inquiries and suggestions

One lady raved about a skincare product in a TikTok video, and Mzansi netizens went wild in the comments section.

A lady plugged SA with a moisturising cream for R45 from Dis-Chem in a TikTok video.
A lady showed off a moisturising cream for R45 from Dis-Chem in a TikTok video. Image: @chelseabun312
Source: TikTok

Woman plugs SA with R45 moisturiser from Dis-Chem

Beauty influencer @chelseabun312 unveiled an impressive skincare product. The young lady revealed that she had been using the CeraVe Moisturizing Cream for dry skin, which cost her R400; however, her friend informed her about the Natures Nourishment skin cream for dry skin, which she purchased from Dis-Chem at R45.

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@chelseabun312 was quite impressed with the product as to how soft and soothing it was feeling on her skin. The young lady also stated that the cream smelled good. The young lady went on to say that the cream was like the Niva soft cream, which she loves and adores.

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The clip geared many views, likes and comments within three days of publication.

Take a look at the product below:

Mzansi loves the woman's hook-up

People were impressed by the lady's plug as they flooded the comments section, expressing their thoughts, and others asked for more skincare tips.

Sylvia Donoghue suggested:

"You must try the shampoo and hair mask. My hair is growing like crazy, and you need so little of it too."

Lolisha K loved the woman's plug

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"The green one made my face a bit tight, I should try this one as well."

Nazley Cassiem gushed over the woman's skin, saying:

"Your skin looks good."

Sagree commented:

"Will try it. their shampoo is excellent and worth the money."

Woman unveils her Dis-Chem skincare haul with prices in a video

Briefly News previously reported that a woman in Mzansi plugged South Africans with her skincare haul from Dis-Chem, and netizens loved it.

In a video, TikTok user @zamanyange flexed her skincare haul with prices from Dis-Chem. The stunner unveiled all the items she uses to achieve flawless skin. @zamanyange showed off a facial brush that came along with a headband, which she purchased for R194.95.

Source: Briefly News

Johana Mukandila avatar

Johana Mukandila (Editor) Johana Tshidibi Mukandila has been a Human Interest Reporter at Briefly News since 2023. She holds a national diploma in journalism from the Cape Peninsula University Of Technology (2023). She has worked at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, PAICTA, BONA Magazine and Albella Music Production. She is currently furthering her education in journalism at the CPUT. She has passed a set of trainings from Google News Initiative. Reach her at johana.mukandila@briefly.co.za

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