British Army recruitment in South Africa 2022: process, form, requirements
Apply for the British Army recruitment in South Africa in 2022. Working for the British Military is a lucrative career, but many qualified people miss the opportunity because they do not have enough information about the recruitment process.

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The British Army recruits people from their Commonwealth partners, including those who do not even reside in the UK. Citizens of the Republic of Ireland, South Africans, Kenyans, and more African countries are invited to apply.
British Army recruitment for Commonwealth countries in 2022
Understand the British Army recruitment process and requirements and evaluate yourself before applying. Since many foreign nationals are eager to join them, be among the first applicants to increase your chances of a successful application.
What are the requirements to join the British Army?
In the British Army recruitment for foreigners in 2022, the five-year residency requirement for Commonwealth army recruits no longer applies. Furthermore, reforms have been made to the size of the armed forces. Here are the conditions for the British Army Commonwealth recruitment in 2022:
1. You must be 18 to 32 years old
The Commonwealth recruits' age limit of 18 years is two years more than the minimum for Britons to prevent minors from travelling to the UK without guaranteed jobs.
2. You should be a citizen of Britain, Ireland, or any Commonwealth country
South Africa is a member of the Commonwealth; hence its citizens are allowed to apply. Check the British Military's official website to find out when applications for Commonwealth recruits will be open.
3. You must have a valid passport
Have a valid passport of at least two years. You will need the document to legally enter the UK for the recruitment and selection process until you are enlisted to join the British Army.
4. You must apply for a full-time position
A Commonwealth individual must apply for a Regular Army position (full-time), not as a Reservist (part-time).

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5. Immigration control rules apply where possible
Someone from overseas who is a Regular Army is exempted from immigration control during their service.
However, not that an individual from overseas who is an Army Reserve is not exempt from immigration control.
Families who are not citizens of countries in the European Economic Area (EEA) are subject to immigration control and must have legal immigration status.
6. Adhere to relationships policies
You are only allowed to bring your legally married spouse or fiancé. They will be subjected to immigration control because they must enter the UK under Immigration Rules Appendix Armed Forces outlined on Form VAF AF.
The spouse or fiancé of the British Army officer from a Commonwealth country can work in the UK and get some state benefits if they meet the relevant rules.
Families using a Visitor Visa are not entitled to Service Family Accommodation. They will have to return to their country of origin when the Visa expires.
7. Enter the UK using the right channel
Families that enter the UK under Immigration Rules Appendix Armed Forces can settle if you will be granted an Indefinite Leave to Remain or Indefinite Leave to Enter.
The type of leave you will be given depends on whether you apply from within or outside the UK. Settlement is a step for applying for British citizenship if the family wishes.
8. Meet the minimum income requirements to bring your family to the UK
An applicant who lives outside the European Economic Area (EEA) but wants to bring their family to the UK should meet these minimum annual gross income:
- Partner with no children – £18,600
- One child and a partner – £22,400
- Two children and a partner – £24,800
- Three children and a partner – £27,200
9. Returning home after service
Since the British Army considers one's cost of visas, citizenship application, or returning home at the end of their service career, it offers the non-UK national community a range of savings plans.
Consult the Army Families Federation (AFF) website for your concerns over immigration or Visa issues. The AFF's trained immigration advisers deal with matters affecting service families.

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10. Educational requirements are not a necessity
The British Army recruitment does not have any educational qualification requirements. Educational qualifications only apply to those who want to join the technical teams. Find more details on the role finder.
As for now, apply and start training to become an officer. You might get a chance to earn a degree while serving and join a technical team of your choice to increase your salary.
11. Health requirements
You will receive forms inquiring about your medical history once you submit your application online. Some medical conditions might delay your British Army recruitment process or stop you from joining them.
These health complications have been listed on their website. You will also undergo a medical assessment.
Please note that joining the British Army will be delayed if you are pregnant or have given birth over the last 3 months.
For those who were drug addicts, provide evidence that you have abstained from them for at least the last 3 years before joining the army.
History of occasional usage of recreational drugs will not affect your recruitment but abstain from them before joining this strong army. The army carries out random, compulsory drugs testing during training. You will be discharged if you fail any test.
12. Criminal convictions
A criminal conviction will not affect your British Army recruitment if you are honest about your history during the application.
Disclose any changes to your case, such as court appearances or being a court witness. The situation might delay your application until the British Army knows the outcome of the hearing.
13. Fitness test
The fitness examination only happens at the assessment centre after a successful application.
14. Tattoos and piercings
Like most professions, the army is strict about tattoos and piercings. Tattoos should not be visible on the passport photo. If you have piercings that change your appearance and offensive, racist, or obscene tattoos, they might stop you from joining the army.
British Army recruitment process

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If you meet the above requirements, apply for the British Army recruitment. The process is outlined below:
1. Create a portal to get login details
The British Army portal has three sections; applicants (below 14 years), (14 - 17 years old), and (18 years and above). Those under 17 years old need their parents' consent before applying.
2. Log in and fill in the army application form online
Upon logging in, take the eligibility check test, which determines whether or not you qualify to apply. After this, fill out the British Army recruitment application form with honest details.
3. Do the suitability test
Once you are through with the application, the army officials will ask you more questions to determine your suitability for the position and review your application to determine whether or not you qualify for the job.
4. You will go through a British Armed Forces briefing session
If you are suitable for the position, you will be summoned for a briefing at a careers centre and taught more about your job description.
5. Take the mental and physical assessment test
You will be required to visit an assessment centre on a stipulated date to ascertain whether or not you are mentally and physically fit for the job. At this point, you will be interviewed to determine whether you qualify to join the UK army or not. If you are eligible, you will be given details on when to report on duty.
If the British Army's recruitment portal has technical issues, call 0345 600 8080 or contact your recruiter for help. You can also reach out to them for more inquiries about the application procedure.

Source: Facebook
Is the British Army recruiting Commonwealth in 2022?
Yes, the British Army's recruitment is open for citizens of Commonwealth countries, including those not living in the UK.
Can you join the British Army without being British?
You can as long as you are a citizen of the Republic of Ireland or a Commonwealth country.
Is the British Army recruitment for foreigners?
The only foreigners allowed to apply for the British Army recruitment are citizens of the Republic of Ireland or Commonwealth countries.
Can a Ghanaian join the British Army?
Ghana is a Commonwealth country, and its citizens are able to join the British Army. As of April 2022 though, the army is not accepting candidates from Commonwealth countries due to the high volume of applicants.
Can I join the British Army as a South African?
South Africans can join the British Army. They are even allowed to bring their legally married spouses, fiancés, and families to work in the UK and apply for British citizenship during their term in the army.
However, some UK immigration rules and regulations apply to the applicants, and their spouses, fiancés, and families.
Can a South African join the British Air Force?
South Africans can apply to join the British Armed Forces, but they need valid Visas of at least two years since they need legal entry into the UK for recruitment and selection till they are enlisted.
However, they do not need permanent residency documents to apply (only acquirable after spending five years in the UK).
Is it easy to join the British Army?
It takes around six months from the initial date of application to join the British Army. Getting the positions is incredibly competitive.
The British Army recruitment process is straightforward if the applicant meets all the requirements. Since having the qualifications does not guarantee that you will be granted the position, prepare mentally and physically for the tests.
DISCLAIMER: This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. Therefore, it is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility.
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Source: Briefly News