What is the difference between FET, TVET and GET?
Education in South Africa has been labelled as one of the most basic needs. The Mzansi government has put in place necessary laws and regulations to ensure that every child gets at least the most basic education. In the article below, we will discuss the education system in the country and differentiate between FET, TVET, and GET.

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South Africa currently has one of the highest rates of public investment in formal learning across the world. The nation's learning sector is managed by two sectors: the Department of Basic Education responsible for lower learning and the Department of Higher Education and Training.
In the country's curriculum, there are three bands of education: General Education and Training, Further Education and Training, and Higher Education and Training.

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This band includes grade 0 plus grades 1–9. It marks the most basic learning stage, and once you are done, you will receive a grade 9 certificate. The GET is further subdivided into three stages: The Foundation Phase, which includes grade 0 plus grades 1–3, the Intermediate Phase (grade 4–6), and the Senior Phase (grade 7–9)

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The General Education and Training Certificate
The Department of Basic Education (DBE) introduced an exit examination qualification at the end of grade 9. The GETC Certificate is meant to provide qualifications and certificates for learners who want to exit schooling at grade 9.
Further Education and Training
The FET Colleges is an old term that was eventually changed to Technical and Vocational Educational and Training (TVET Colleges). FET includes grades 10–12 and is mainly focused on vocational and occupational aspects, including career-oriented training. In TVET, a student gets knowledge of a specific range of jobs or entrepreneurial opportunities. TVET colleges are public, and so their students are eligible for funding from the NSFAS. Some students may also qualify for the 'University of Technology' to continue their learning at higher levels in the same field as they were studying in the college.
GED South Africa
The GED is the American option in contrast to the A-level test, HSC, New Zealand's NCEA, the Worldwide Baccalaureate Certificate Program, and other higher auxiliary qualifications. 97% of all the schools and colleges in the US are just as numerous as in different nations and they acknowledge GED graduates. A large number of establishments around the globe acknowledge the GED.
In South Africa, students who have failed their Matric or are homeschooled and want to finish their grade 12 have the option of studying for a GED certificate. The GED is eligible for evaluation as a South African National Senior Certificate and is recognized as a Grade 12 equivalent.

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The Umalusi Council creates and implements measures for general and further education and training in SA according to the National Qualifications Framework Act No 67 2008. The name Umalusi is derived from the word Nguni, meaning shepherd.
The South African government has been working hard to ensure that every child gets quality education. In today's world, the importance of education cannot be stressed more since it has become a part of our lives.
READ ALSO: Capricorn TVET college courses, online application, application status, login
Meanwhile, Briefly.co.za on Wednesday covered the details of Capricorn TVET college, the courses they offer, their application, among other details. The Institution is a product of a fusion of three institutions with distinct historical backgrounds. These are the former Bochum College of Education, Pietersburg Technical College, and Northern Province Community College.
All the programs offered at Capricorn TVET College directly respond to the essential skills needed in the South African economy. Theory teaching is complemented with practical learning to make learners comprehend concepts. Here is everything you need to know about the institution’s courses, online application, requirements, and much more.
Source: Briefly News