Maps Maponyane escorts Liesl Laurie’s baby sister to her matric dance

Maps Maponyane escorts Liesl Laurie’s baby sister to her matric dance

Maps Maponyane just scored some more brownie points when he chaperoned former beauty queen, Liesl Laurie’s baby sister to her matric dance. Like Maps needed to score any more points with the ladies!

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Mzansi’s most eligible bachelor has the ladies dropping like flies around him. Maps has a heart of gold that is encased by a jaw-dropping rock-solid shell. knows how the people of Mzansi, especially the ladies, absolutely love Maps for all the good that he does.

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Michaela Laurie, who is the sister of Liesl - Miss South Africa 2015, had the pleasure of having the hunky Maps accompany her to her matric dance.

Taking to social media like the true gentleman that he is, Maps made it all about Michaela. Not only did Maps make it out as if Michaela did him a favour, but he also said that she looked like a princess.

Gosh guys, Maps is going to make the most perfect husband and father one day!

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Source: Briefly News

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Denika Herbst (Editor) Denika Herbst is a Human Interest writer at Briefly News. She is also an Industrial Sociologist with a master's degree in Industrial Organisational and Labour Studies from the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, which she completed in 2020. She is now a PhD candidate at UKZN. Denika has over five years of experience writing for Briefly News (joined in 2018), and a short time writing for The South African. You can reach her via: