Open letter: Gauteng MEC Mbali Hlophe: You came to loot and control

Open letter: Gauteng MEC Mbali Hlophe: You came to loot and control

An emotional open letter has been penned to Gauteng MEC Mbali Hlope detailing the writer's disappointment. The head of the Department of Sports, Arts, Culture & Recreation was welcomed at the start of her tenure but the enthusiasm has allegedly worn off.

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An anonymous South African has penned an emotional letter aimed at Gauteng MEC Mbali Hlophe.

The author has opted to hide their identity for fear of victimisation, but felt the nation needed to hear what was going on behind the scenes.

Hlophe, according to the citizen, was welcomed with excitement but it has since turned to 'sadness and disgrace'.

The politician is accused of using the position to loot and manipulate state resources. Staff members were allegedly stripped of their posts without due process being followed and without knowing why.

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A CFO has been appointed and subsequently accused of ill-treatment towards employees as well as incompetence.

Financial abuse, mismanagement and illicit behaviour are all outlined in the letter. Read it in full below:

Dear MEC Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation Mbali Hlophe

It is with great sadness and disgrace to write this open letter to you. Unfortunately due to fear of victimization and fear for my life, I shall remain anonymous.

When you were first introduced to the Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation (SACR), the Gauteng community was very excited and couldn't wait to see what a young, vibrant woman coming into such space would do in order to bring about change in people's lives.

Shooo...! what a disappointment because instead of turning around the industry, you came with one aim - which is to loot and try to control the state resources into your own benefit.

1: You suspended senior managers (CFO, Director: Supply Chain and others) without following the proper Labour Relations route. You were so power-hungry and misinformed that over 120 days later, the CFO and Director: Supply Chain Management don't even know the charges labeled against them. They are getting full salaries while they haven't even attended any formal hearing. I wonder what the auditors will say. You even went to media and released their names without even having facts. Wish they could sue.

2: You claim to be changing the way the community perceives the department, while all you ever do is to be on media trying to look nice and visible on the other hand programmes are suffering because you brought in an arrogant CFO to act while he doesn't even know the law himself. He denies employees their rights for overtime. He ill-treats the Supply Chain personnel and treats them like clueless rubbish beings. He seems to be against any manager who dares to challenge him as he never signs documents in a department that is events driven and therefore delaying service delivery.

3: Human Capital Management (HR), Corporate Services, Legal Services, Security & Facility Management, Financial Management, Sully Chain and Infrastructure Management are without Senior Managers. There are capable, qualified Deputy Directors whom you don't trust enough to make them act in those positions because you want to bring your own comrades who will take over and control the department while looting it further.

4: Most Senior Manager's contracts are expiring this includes Managers at Corridors, Strategic Management, Arts and Culture, Internal Audit to name a few; you have not done anything positive to ensure that the structure is filled so that the department doesn't loose capable, qualifies managers. It's clear that you want to bring your useless cadres into the department.

5: You have allowed a former COO who was also a Director at East Corridor (Ms Tiisetso Motloung) to continue coming to work even though her contract has expired and unfortunately her post is no longer on the structure. She has access to an office and departmental resources without anything on paper that shows that she is still an employee.

I have a lot to write about you, excuse of a human, especially to young women out there trying to prove themselves in a male-dominated industry but will stick to the 5 points above for now.

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Source: Briefly News

Samantha Riddle avatar

Samantha Riddle Samantha Riddle is a former Mainstream/ Current Affairs Manager. She covered the breaking stories and SA news from 2018-2021. Currently, she’s working for The South African.
