All the dog Pokemons in the Pokedex franchise 2022: A-Z list with images
The world of Pokemons is filled with all kinds of beautiful creatures, and there are plenty of loyal dog and puppy Pokemons of different types. Whether you are a cat or dog person, there is no denying just how impactful these real-world animals have been to the Pokemon series. This article has all the dog Pokemon names.

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A dog is a man's best friend. So, there are tons of them in the Pokemon universe. Dog Pokemon invokes the little child in us who wants to battle the world and become the greatest master. This article has all Pokemon dogs from the lowest to the highest based on their style, resemblance, and power.
Which Pokémon is a dog?

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Pokemon is a gambling franchise aiming to accumulate and instruct a horde of tiny creatures. So, who is the best dog Pokémon? How many dog type Pokemons are there? Find out below in this article.
1. Vulpix

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Vulpix features an impressive lineup of fire-type moves. It evolves into Ninetales using firestone, and its Alolan variant can evolve through an ice stone. Cuddling your Vulpix will keep you warm in the Winter, and brushing its beautiful tail is a Zen-like experience.
2. Ninetales

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Ninetales is significantly larger than Vulpix and is said to live 1,000 years. It has a cream colouring instead of the brown coat of its initial form. It has been known to guide lost travellers and punish those who have harmed nature.
3. Growlithe

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Also referred to as fire dog Pokemon, Growlithe is bred and trained to become a police dog in the Pokémon universe. This is due to its loyalty and great sense of smell.
4. Arcanine

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Arcanine is a ferocious and brave Pokémon capable of running 6,200 miles in just 24 hours. Its agility is so majestic that people think it is on wings. Furthermore, it is so powerful that it is considered close to Legendary Pokémons, such as Entei.
5. Snubbull

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Snubbull has two abilities: Run Away & Intimidate. It is a popular choice among female trainers. Snubbull is timid by nature, and when mixing with other dogs, it is known to be bullied.
6. Granbull

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While Granbull may be a lot stronger than other Pokemons, it does not know much about disputes and instead prefers to avoid confrontation.
7. Houndour

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Houndour closely resembles a Doberman. However, Houndour is a dog Pokemon with a pack mentality, filling the air with eerie howls before dawn to call attention to their pack. In addition, it is a master cooperator.
8. Houndoom

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Houndoom has decent offensive stats, but its low HP and defence render it vulnerable to heavy damage. It also suffers a disadvantage against water, fighting, ground, and rock-type Pokémons.
9. Smeargle

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Smeargle is capable of painting unique works of art using its tail. The paintbrush part on the tail oozes with a special fluid that changes colour based on emotions. As the name suggests, the inspiration for this species came from the beagle breed of dog.
10. Suicune

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This mythical water-type beast appeared during Pokémon Gold and Silver alongside two cat-inspired Pokémon. Suicune embodies the compassion of a pure spring of water. Suicune also can purify dirty water.
11. Poochyena

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Poochyena base stats are relatively long. Besides, its move pool is littered with status-effect attacks that do not play well with others. Although Poochyena is an omnivore, it is known to take a bite at anything that moves.
12. Mightyena

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Once you have evolved Poochyena, it becomes Mightyen. This evolution is a much larger beast that retains a similarly minimal design. Mightyena's intimidating ability will drop any foe's attack stat right when it hits the field, keeping danger at bay.
13. Electrike

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The four-legged species has a striking green, yellow coat and long head. Electrike has the static ability, which can cause paralysis upon contact. It also carries electricity in its fur, so it frequently gives off sparks.
14. Manectric

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Manectrics are found in grasslands and savannas. They have a total base stat of over 450 and can create thunderclouds. It may be old and in control of its skills, but there is a reason they call it the release Pokémon.
15. Riolu

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Riolu is energetic and skilled in hand-to-hand combat, described in the Pokedex as having enough stamina to keep running throughout the night. However, it is also skilled in using waves called auras to gauge how others are feeling and sense the state of the environment.
16. Lucario

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Lucario comes with a strange combination of steadfastness, which boosts its speed when flinched. Lucario is a cross between a dog, wolf, and jackal and borrows a few characteristics from kangaroos and raccoons. They can understand human speech.
17. Lillipup

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It has a particular weakness in fighting-type moves and is capable of pickup ability. This feature allows it to pick up items in and out of battle. It is a Yorkshire Terrier dog!
18. Herdier

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It is also known as the Loyal dog Pokémon due to its connection with people. Herdier's base stats are poor, but it redeems itself with a decent lineup of normal-type moves. However, it might be somewhat troublesome to maintain its black fur.
19. Zorua

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Zorua is vulnerable to fairy, bug and fighting-type moves. In addition, it has the illusion ability. Despite having this kind of funny character, its beauty and cuteness make it attractive to all sorts of coaches.
20. Zoroark

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Zoroark does not offer much damage-dealing capability. However, its base stats are moderately powerful. In addition, it has an aggressive demeanour to match its incredibly powerful offence.
21. Furfrou

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Furfrou has limited use in single-player campaigns. It is far from the jumpy and hypoallergenic things we keep in our homes. They are renowned for their loyalty and were the designated guardians of kings during ancient times.
22. Rockruff

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What is the cutest dog Pokémon? Rockruff is the kind of pup you would want just for looks. But, unfortunately, he may not be the strongest dog out of any of the games. Pokedex claims that Rockruff can be difficult to train.
24. Lycanroc

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Lycanroc is inspired by a wolf, as suggested by its name, unlike its initial evolution. Depending on the time you acquire this species, its appearance will be slightly different.
25. Nickit

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Nickit has a cute and cool aesthetic that makes it a good collectable in Sword & Shield. Its Dark-type moves pack a decent punch, though overall, its move pool is pretty shallow.
26. Thievel

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Thievul can stalk its targets and steal from them with the aid of its ability to detect scent. Though its kleptomaniac trends remain sterile, the experience aids it to implement cleaner heists that cannot be tracked back to your property.
27. Yamper

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Yamper resembles a corgi and is known to chase after fast-moving objects. It has a total base stat of 270 and can learn new moves quickly. However, it is still a puppy and cannot control its powers yet.
28. Boltund

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Boltund has poor base stats and a shallow moveset. It is particularly good at running, with a top recorded speed of 50 mph. It can send electricity through its legs as it runs to strengthen its legs. It is also referred to as electric dog Pokemon.
29. Zacian

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Zacian boasts a set of armours and is commonly seen with a sword in its mouth.
30. Zamazenta

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Zamazenta has impressive stats centred on protection. But, as the game's title suggests, some of Zamazenta's physical attributes are modelled after a shield, including its armoured coat.
31. Stoutland

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Stoutland is good at heart and is known for rescuing people lost at sea and mountains. Unfortunately, it is a bit challenging to find in the game. It has a total base stat of 490 and is an extremely wise dog Pokémon.
Above is everything you would love to know about the dog Pokemons in the Pokedex franchise 2022. Of course, whatever you choose depends on what game you are playing and whether you want to take them into the competitive arena. You can even enjoy more with the right Pokemon dog costumes.
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