45 fun family Christmas games to bring joy to your holiday
The holiday season is a time to strengthen family bonds while having fun and creating lasting memories. Engaging and fun family Christmas games are one of the best ways to bring everyone together. Most of the holiday games are family-friendly and perfect for all ages.

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From classic favourites like charades and scavenger hunts to creative new ideas like Candy Cane Olympics and Reindeer games, you can never go wrong with a fun Christmas game. When selecting the game, consider factors like the number of people, space, materials needed, and tradition.
Fun family Christmas games
If the question 'How do you entertain your family at Christmas?' has been on your mind, then these fun holiday games are the answer;
1. Christmas Charades

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The family can play Christmas charades by dividing players into teams and acting out Christmas-themed words or phrases without speaking. Team members guess the phrase within a set time limit, and if they succeed, they earn a point. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
2. Jolly Jingle Bell Toss

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Jolly jingle bell toss involves players tossing jingle bells into a basket or container from a set distance. Each player takes turns throwing the jingle bells, and points are awarded for successfully landing them on the target.
3. Santa's Hat Hot Potato
Santa's Hat Hot Potato is played by passing around a Santa hat while holiday music plays. When the music stops, the player holding the hat is out. The game continues until one player remains.
4. Christmas Bingo

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Christmas Bingo is played by distributing bingo cards featuring holiday-themed words or images to each player. As a caller announces each word or image, players mark off the corresponding spaces on their cards. The first player to complete a row, column, or diagonal and shout 'Bingo!' wins the game.
5. Pin the Nose on Rudolph

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Pin the Nose on Rudolph is a holiday twist on the classic 'Pin the Tail on the Donkey' game. Players take turns being blindfolded and spun around, then try to pin a red nose on a large picture of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. The player who places the nose closest to the correct spot wins.
6. Christmas Trivia
Players answer questions related to Christmas traditions, movies, songs, and history. The host reads out questions, and players or teams take turns trying to answer them correctly. Points are awarded for each correct answer, and the player or team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
7. Saran Wrap Ball Game

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The Saran wrap ball game involves unwrapping a giant ball of plastic wrap filled with small gifts and candy. Players take turns unwrapping the ball while wearing oven mitts or gloves, trying to get as many prizes as possible before their turn ends. The next player continues unwrapping until all the layers are gone and all the prizes are collected.
What is a good family game to play at Christmas?
A good family game will help you unwind as you enjoy the company of your loved ones. Try any of the following games;
8. Candy Cane Olympics

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Candy Cane Olympics involves competing in various holiday-themed games using candy canes as props. Activities can include relays, balancing challenges, and candy cane hooks to pick up items. Participants earn points for each event, and the player with the most points at the end is the winner.
9. Christmas Karaoke

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Set up a karaoke machine or using karaoke software with a selection of holiday songs. Participants take turns singing their favourite Christmas carols or holiday tunes, often with festive props or costumes to add to the fun. The activity can be competitive or just for enjoyment.
10. Put a Finger Down
Put a Finger Down Game is a fun and interactive game where participants take turns making statements that start with 'Put a finger down if...' followed by a specific action or experience. Players lower a finger each time the statement applies to them.
11. Christmas Family Feud

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Christmas Family Feud is played by dividing participants into two teams who compete to answer Christmas-themed survey questions. Each team takes turns guessing the most popular answers to questions like 'Name a popular Christmas movie' or 'What's a favourite holiday treat?' Points are awarded based on how common the answers are.
12. Frosty the Snowman Relay Race
Participants are divided into teams. They then race to dress a teammate as Frosty using winter Christmas clothing. One player from each team runs to a designated spot, puts on the Frosty attire, and then runs back to tag the next teammate, who repeats the process. The first team to successfully dress all their players as Frosty and return to the starting point wins.
13. Christmas Scavenger Hunt

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In the Christmas scavenger hunt, you create a list of holiday-themed items or clues for participants to find. Players search for the items, which can be hidden around a house, yard, or other designated area, following the clues provided. The first player to find all the items on the list wins.
14. Christmas Carol Opposites Game
Christmas Carol Opposites game is played by providing players with phrases that are the opposite of the lyrics or titles of well-known Christmas carols. Players must then guess the correct melody based on these opposite phrases. The player that correctly identifies the most carols wins.
What are some cool family-friendly games?
Cool, family-friendly Christmas games promote interaction among family members of all ages, which enhances a sense of togetherness. Try any of the following game selections for an unforgettable holiday;
15. Gingerbread house competition

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A Gingerbread house competition involves participants building and decorating their own gingerbread houses within a set time limit. Judges evaluate the creations based on criteria like creativity, design, and execution. The participant with the best overall gingerbread house wins.
16. Decipher the Canticles
In Decipher the Canticles, players try to identify popular Christmas songs from a set of challenging clues or altered lyrics. The clues often use synonyms or rephrased lines that hint at the original song title. The player or team that correctly identifies the most songs from the given clues wins the game.
17. Would You Rather game for families
'Would You Rather' game for families involves players taking turns posing 'Would You Rather' questions with two difficult choices related to holiday themes. Each player must choose one option and explain their choice. The game continues with each player coming up with new questions, making it an enjoyable way to share laughs and get to know each other better.
18. Christmas Songs Pictionary

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Christmas Songs Pictionary involves players drawing clues related to Christmas songs while their team guesses the song titles. Each player takes turns drawing on a board or paper, using only images and no words or letters. The team that guesses the most song titles correctly within the time limit wins the game.
19. Sushi Go Party!
Sushi Go Party! is a card-drafting game where players aim to create the best combination of sushi dishes. Players take turns choosing a card from their hand to play, then pass their remaining cards to the next player, continuing this process until all cards are played. Points are scored based on the different sushi combinations created.
20. Spin the Wheel

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A spinner is divided into sections, each labelled with different tasks, challenges, or prizes. Participants take turns spinning the wheel and must complete the task, accept the challenge, or receive the prize where the spinner lands. The game continues with each player taking turns.
Minute to Win It Christmas games
60-second Christmas games are usually short, which keeps the energy high and allows for multiple rounds of excitement without dragging on. Add a unique twist to your holiday celebrations with the following game;
21. Face the Cookie
A cookie is placed on each player's forehead. Players then use their facial muscles to move the cookie down to their mouth within one minute without using their hands. The first player to successfully get the cookie into their mouth within the time limit wins.
22. Ponginator

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Ponginator is played by bouncing ping pong balls into a series of cups arranged in a specific pattern on a table. Players have one minute to land as many balls as possible into the cups using only their bouncing skills. The player who successfully gets the most balls into the cups within the time limit wins the game
23. Stack Attack

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36 plastic cups are stacked into a perfect triangular pyramid, then collapsing them back into a single stack within one minute. Players must carefully balance speed and precision to avoid toppling the cups during the process. The player who completes in the shortest time within the minute wins.
24. Junk in the Trunk

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An empty tissue box filled with ping pong balls is strapped to a player's waist, positioning the box at the back. The player must then shake, twist, and move their body to get all the ping pong balls out of the box within one minute. The player who successfully empties the box the fastest or within the time limit wins.
25. Reindeer Antler Ring Toss

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Reindeer Antler Ring Toss is played by setting up a pair of reindeer antlers, either worn by a participant or placed on a stand. Players take turns tossing rings, aiming to land them on the antlers within one minute. The player who successfully lands the most rings on the antlers wins.
Best Christmas games for kids
Having Christmas games for kids is an excellent tradition that they can look up to each year. It helps create lasting memories with strong family connections.
26. Elf on the Shelf Hide and Seek

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Elf on the Shelf Hide and Seek involves hiding an elf on the shelf doll around the house each day leading up to Christmas. Each morning, children search for the hidden elf in a new spot, adding excitement and fun to their holiday routine.
27. Festive Tic-Tac-Toe

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Festive Tic-Tac-Toe is a holiday twist on the classic game of Tic-Tac-Toe, where players use holiday-themed markers like candy canes and ornaments instead of the usual Xs and Os. Players take turns placing their markers on a grid, aiming to get three in a row horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The first player to achieve this wins.
28. Snowman Mummies

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Participants are paired up, with one child acting as the snowman and the other as the wrapper. The wrapper uses rolls of toilet paper to wrap their partner from head to toe, aiming to create the best snowman look within a set time limit. The pair that makes the most convincing or creative snowman mummy wins.
29. Snowball Fight

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If you are lucky enough to experience a 'White Christmas' the snowball fight must happen. It involves using soft, safe snowballs, often made from cotton or foam, to create a fun and indoor-friendly battle. You can also go outdoors and fight with real snow. Kids are divided into two teams, and they try to hit members of the opposing team with the snowballs within a set time limit.
30. Christmas Musical Chairs

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Chairs are arranged in a circle, with one less chair than the number of players. Holiday music is played while the children walk around the chairs, and when the music stops, they must quickly find a chair to sit on. The child left standing is out, and one chair is removed for the next round; the game continues until only one child is left sitting.
31. Spoon Relay

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Participants are divided into teams, with each team having a spoon and a small object like a ping pong ball or cotton ball. Players must race to transfer the object using only a spoon from a starting point to a designated spot and then back to tag the next teammate.
32. Christmas Craft Station
Set up various craft stations, each with different holiday-themed projects like making ornaments, decorating cookies, or creating holiday cards. Kids rotate between stations, spending a set amount of time at each one to complete their crafts. The activity encourages creativity and festive fun.
33. Christmas Heads Up

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One participant holds a card with a holiday-themed word or phrase on their forehead without looking at it. The other players give clues to help the person guess the word or phrase within a time limit. The game continues with different players taking turns holding the cards.
34. Christmas Scramble

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Participants are provided with a set of mixed-up holiday-themed words or phrases. Players race against each other to unscramble the words correctly within a time limit. The person who unscrambles the most words accurately in the shortest amount of time wins.
Silly Christmas games
Silly holiday games are designed to be humorous and entertaining to ensure everyone has a good time. Create cherished memories with any of the following games;
35. Christmas Mad Libs

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One person reads out a story template with blanks for various parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives. The other players provide words to fill in these blanks without knowing the context of the story. Once all the blanks are filled in, the completed, often humorous and nonsensical story is read aloud for everyone to enjoy.
36. North Pole Pop
Participants inflate balloons and then try to pop them by sitting or stomping on them within a set area. The game can be timed, and players compete to see who can pop the most balloons in the shortest amount of time. The player who pops the most balloons within the given time wins.
37. The Penguin Waddle

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Participants place an object, like a small ball or balloon, between their knees and race to a designated finish line while keeping the object from falling. Players must waddle like penguins, and if the object falls, they have to pick it up and continue from where it dropped. The first person to reach the finish line without dropping their object wins.
38. Santa's Beard Game
Participants apply petroleum jelly to their faces and then race to attach as many cotton balls as possible, creating a 'beard.' Players use their faces to stick the cotton balls. The participant who makes the fullest and most impressive Santa beard within a set time limit wins.
39. Santa Belly Bust

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Participants are given inflated balloons to tuck under their shirts, mimicking Santa's big belly. The aim is to pop the balloons by performing various tasks or challenges without using hands or sharp objects.
What is the best Christmas board game?
Christmas board and card games promote friendly competition for the family. It is an excellent way to have face-to-face interactions with your loved ones;
40. The Christmas Express

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The Christmas Express is a holiday-themed board game where players travel around the board, collecting different items needed for a perfect Christmas. Players must complete tasks and challenges while avoiding obstacles to reach the North Pole. The first player to gather all the necessary items and arrive at the North Pole wins the game.

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41. Christmas-Opoly

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Christmas-Opoly is a holiday-themed board game based on the classic Monopoly. Players move around the board, buying and trading Christmas-themed properties, such as the North Pole and Santa's Workshop, while trying to avoid getting sent to 'Naughty' spots. The goal is to be the richest player by acquiring properties and collecting rent from other players.
42. 12 Days
Players use a deck themed around the 12 Days of Christmas song. Each round, players gift a card to their neighbour and play a card, aiming to have the lowest card to win the round. The game consists of twelve rounds, and players score points by collecting winning cards and having the best set of Holiday cards at the end.
43. Merry Grinchmas

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Players race to deliver presents to various locations on the game board while trying to avoid the Grinch. Each player takes turns rolling dice and moving their piece, encountering obstacles and challenges along the way. The first player to successfully deliver all their presents without getting them stolen by the Grinch wins.
44. Forbidden Desert

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Players work together to locate and assemble parts of an ancient flying machine to escape a harsh desert. Players take on different roles and must manage their water supply while uncovering clues buried under the desert. The game is won by successfully assembling the flying machine and escaping the desert, but it is lost if any player succumbs to the harsh conditions before completing the mission.
45. Guess Who Christmas Game
Players take turns asking yes-or-no questions to deduce which Christmas-themed character or item their opponent has chosen from a pre-set list. Using a game board with the same characters or items, players eliminate options based on the answers given. The first player to accurately guess the opponent's chosen character or item wins.
Playing any of the above fun family Christmas games guarantees joyful and laughter-filled holidays. Enjoy the festivities with a competitive spirit and holiday cheer!
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Source: Briefly News