Plug Us With the Diet: Mzansi Lady Loses 8kg in 10 Days

Plug Us With the Diet: Mzansi Lady Loses 8kg in 10 Days

  • Ladies, we all know that annoying struggle of not being able to fit into our favourite dresses after enjoying a juicy treat or two
  • A woman on TikTok is here to save us by sharing her secret to losing over 8kg in just 10 days
  • The generous lady showed her before and after looks to give a more realistic transformation that actually works

Belly fat is one of the most stubborn forms of body fat that just will not go away no matter how many push-ups we do an hour.

Mzansi lady loses 8kg in ten days
A Mzansi lady lost 8kg in just 10 days by sticking to a diet. Image: @lee_maboi
Source: TikTok

Summer bodies are made in winter

Closer to December, women start going wild over their beach bodies. Usually, the most significant trouble is losing their stubborn belly fat.

The beauty industry has benefited immensely from women’s insecurities. Women now have gone from pills to flocking to a cosmetic surgeon's office to hopefully get approved for liposuction or the famous Brazilian B Lift (BBL).

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It is rare to see people promoting the natural and healthier way of losing weight, but one woman on TikTok dared to show off her natural weight loss journey. The woman shared with her TikTok followers a celebratory moment of losing over 8 kg in only ten days.

Lee Maboi filmed herself before she started her body transformation. She was seen wearing a very tight dress that almost burst the zip because of her full figure. Still, in just 10 days, the dress nearly zipped up on its own because of the drastic weight she had lost in a short amount of time.

The fitness queen captioned her post:

"This diet is working wonders for me. I’ll do it often until I achieve my dream weight. The goal is to burn as much body fat as I can while developing lean muscle. As you can see from the picture, abs are slowly coming out to play and I’m here for it. So in case you’re wondering if the diet works and if you should give it a try. Well, I’m here to tell you it does and you should give it a try. I have vlogged my journey thus far, do check it out."

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Watch the video below:

Losing weight is healthier

Humans tend to be excited by the easy way of doing things when we all know that taking the long road leads to fulfilling results. We’ve been taught since primary school that eating healthier results in a healthier lifestyle and a healthy desirable body for all.

Weight loss supplements have been proven to have debilitating side effects, and cosmetic surgeries, too, have fatal side effects where many die on the operating table.

A healthy diet and good exercise still win even in the 21st century, with the presence of BBLs seemingly taking over. This is what netizens had to say:

@Gape April knows how effective the diet is:

"Used to do this diet when I was skinny! I would lose a minimum of 6kg! Been thinking of doing it! Ga ke akaya boiled spinach and egg."

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@Boitumelo Mokoena understands that the diet requires serious discipline:

"I’ve done this before. I lost a lot of weight but it requires a little of discipline, yeses. Anyway, I’m fat again."

Eliminating belly fat

Briefly news also reported that a woman took to TikTok to share a recipe she used to help eliminate her belly fat. The thick paste included a few spices, lemon and garlic, which she combined in a blender.

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Source: Briefly News

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Chuma Nontsele (Editor) Chuma Nontsele is a human interest journalist for Briefly News. Nontsele holds a diploma in journalism and started her career working at Daily Maverick as a news reporter. Later, she ventured into lifestyle. You can reach her at:

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