Beautiful woman shows off sexy new ride with hilarious photos

Beautiful woman shows off sexy new ride with hilarious photos

- Aluta Maqoko posted snaps of her brand new whip on Twitter

- She dubbed it her "bundle of joy"

- Her followers complimented not just the car, but also her beauty

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A young and beautiful woman took to Twitter yesterday to share snaps of her brand new whip — a mean-looking BMW.

Aluta Maqoko appeared in the photos holding balloons and posing next to the green car, gathered.

She had a simple but apt caption for the pics, "My bundle of joy."

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In her Twitter bio, Maqoko describes herself as an entrepreneur and petrolhead. She's also a sneakers addict.

The young beauty posted a frontal snap of her whip in a subsequent tweet.

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Twitter users evidently loved Maqoko's snaps. Her tweet has amassed well over 3,500 likes and 200 retweets so far.

They congratulated her on the acquisition.

Others weren't too sure whether to compliment the car or Maqoko's beauty. In fact, some cleverly jumbled the two.

Some of Maqoko's followers found themselves asking her out on a date.

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Source: Briefly News

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Kelly Lippke (Senior Editor) Kelly Lippke is a copy editor/proofreader who started her career at the Northern-Natal Courier with a BA in Communication Science/Psychology (Unisa, 2007). Kelly has worked for several Caxton publications, including the Highway Mail and Northglen News. Kelly’s unique editing perspective stems from an additional major in Linguistics. Kelly joined Briefly News in 2018 and she has 14 years of experience. Kelly has also passed a set of trainings by Google News Initiative. You can reach her at

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