Best romantic love poems for him from her
How often do you express how deeply-affectioned you are to the man who makes the world worth living for you? If you do not know, composing beautiful love poems for him is one of the ways through which you can specially paint the picture of your affection in a perfect way that he would understand. Being creative is quintessential to keep your relationship lively and to choose special ways to express your feelings of affection will only make your man appreciate you more.

Source: UGC
How do you write a simple love poem? Composing poems is a beautiful way to evoke a well-concentrated awareness or express your emotion. This is because a poem grants you the opportunity to carefully choose your words and arrange them in ways that will pass the exact message to your partner. Once you have brainstormed on your thoughts, you present them in such a way that will speak directly to his heart. So, whether you are celebrating a special day or you just want to express how much he means to you, here are some poems that you can choose from or follow to write your own exciting poems that will make your partner the happiest one on Earth.
Deep meaningful love poems for him
Your loved one is your hero, and you must make him feel like that always. One of the ways through which you can achieve that is to constantly tell him words that will always resonate in his mind even when you are not together. When you send him the right words at the right time, you are only creating an avenue for him to adore you more. Consider the poems below that you can use to express how deeply-affectioned you are.
- Your love is the breath that keeps me alive
- And the force that keeps me on the track
- After searching through the length and breadth of the whole universe
- Looking for the kind of love that would end my fears,
- You came in just about the time I wanted to give up
- And made me know that truly, true love still exists.
- Your endearment makes me whole.
- I just want to say thank you for loving me.
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Words are powerful; they are like seeds with the tendency of producing fruits. This is why you have to use your words creatively to harvest the fruits of deep admiration from your better half. As against the usual text messages that people send to those they are into a relationship with, you can send him a poem conveying your deep emotion. With that, you can also spark off his emotions and make him want to be with you at every possible moment. Here is a sample of a poem that you can use to emphasise your feelings to him.
- I have always wanted to define or explain love in its simplest times,
- But how could I when there is really no feeling of affection within me?
- When you came out of the blues,
- Then it dawned on me that all the years I have tried to explain how I feel without success
- Was because you haven't shown up in my life.
- Now, if the world would ask me to define love in the simplest way,
- Then will I confidently announce that you are an epitome and the true definition of love.
Let him know that he is the best thing that has ever happened to you, and he will be willing to do more. The secret is when he knows that you appreciate what he has done for you, he will be desirous to do more for you his babe. This is a nice poem that you can use to express yourself.
- When people talk about love, I really don't pay much attention
- Because I believe true love really does not exist.
- I have always seen it as a concept and never as a reality
- Until my life you walked into.
- You came in and everything changed.
- A one-time fanatics of love has now become a passionate preacher of it.
- Thank you for changing my orientation.
But if you choose not to use that, you can use the one below.
- It is true that there is always the side of us that we do not know.
- While I have always lived at the backside of life thinking there is nothing special about me,
- You came into my life and showed me the true picture of who I never thought I am.
- Now I can walk with majesty and as a queen
- Knowing fully well that there is a king behind me cheering me on
- And opening the unknown parts of me to me.
- What else could I say and how best can I say it?
- I love you today and always, and I will do again for the rest of my life my king.
Love poems for him from the heart
Look for the best ways to convey your mind to him, and he will do everything within his reach to ensure that your heart is protected. You can sincerely tell him how much you feel about him, or you talk about the unique things that you know stand him out from others. These are beautiful poems that you can use to paint the true picture of your feelings about him.
- I often wonder what kind of gene flows in you
- And if you even belong to this planet.
- How quick you are to forgive and let go is an amazement to me.
- You prefer to be hurt rather than see tears drop off my face
- What else does a lady want in her guy that you don't have?
- You are simply the dream of any lady come true.
- Providence must have been kind to me to have sent you my path
- Forever I will be grateful to you for making my world.

Source: UGC
Here is another poem that will give anyone the perfect picture of the message being passed across.
- I have often been the object of ridicule among my friends
- With no one willing to identify with me because of my flaws
- Yet, you overlooked all of those and take me as I am
- Everyday you shower me with love and make me feel like a queen
- You have consciously held my hand and walked me down to where I ought to be
- Your love has driven me crazy so that when I am with you, nothing else matters
- All I just want to think and hear about is you.
- I love you baby with every drop of blood in me.
When you are writing your poem, one thing that you should endeavor to do is to let it come from your heart. The reason is that poems like that carry lots of emotions that are able to bring whosoever reads them into the same level with which the writer was at the time of writing. The poem below is a very good example of the point being passed across here.
- Sometimes when I look at myself, I wonder if I am dreaming or things are real
- How I have come to be deeply endeared to you is still a wonder
- Knowing you for years is just as though I have only been with you for days
- Well, what more can I say?
- When your soul eventually finds what it had longed for
- Every other thing becomes meaningless and it looks as if nothing bad had once happened
- My king, my hero, my cheerleader and the only one that completes my world
- I love you sooooo much.
Thinking of how to start writing a poem? Just be clear on the purpose for which you are writing to him and use words that will help paint the perfect picture. This is a two-versed poem that explains exactly how a lady feels for her man. You can be sure that he would be so happy to receive this kind of poem from a special person like you.
[Verse 1]
- All my life I have always looked forward to a man who would love me as I am
- And who would cherish me without any complaints
- Friends and foes told me the man who would do those for me does not exist in this world
- I was almost believing it after waiting and hoping tireless
- Until you suddenly surfaced and proved them wrong.
[Verse 2]
- But come to really think of it, do you actually belong to this planet?
- You are not just my man but my only friend,
- And you are not only my friend but you have come to be my angel.
- Since angels do not belong to this world,
- I can now accept the fact that you are one of a kind.
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Deep love poems for him
How proud are you to have him in your life? The truth is you do not have to keep that yourself; you need to open the window of your heart to him so he could really feel what you are thinking and how you feel about him. Thinking of how to go about that? Express that with a well-composed poem. You will be amazed at how much the power of your words can move him to have a deeper feeling for you. Check out this example below.
- If there is any thing I wish for all my life
- And if there is anything I want to spend the rest of my life doing
- If there is anything I want to be known for
- It is that I am in love with you all the days of my life
- Thank you for everything that you have done.
- This is another short poem that your main man will be glad to receive from you.
- For so long I have searched for the perfect words to use
- To express the deepest secret of my heart.
- And so here is the depth of the depth and the root of the root;
- Loving you has been effortless for me,
- And having you in my life is the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Here is another beautiful poem that he will want to hold dear to his heart. This, without doubt, will always put a smile on his face each time he reads through it.
- I was on my path to the world of forgetfulness
- When you came into my life and restored hope to me.
- I thought life could never be better for me
- Until you came and made me know that there's more to life than I ever knew.
- You are the angel God sent into my life
- To recreate my world and garnish it with your aura of love.
- How do I thank you enough for everything you've done for me?
- If I ever had the opportunity to come to this world again,
- You'll still be my most-cherished man.
Sometimes, making it short and straight to the point can be very nice. Here is a short poem that you can use to appreciate your partner when you are expressing how much you admire and adore him.
- My world had no shape until you stepped in and reshaped it.
- My world was as empty as anything until you came in and filled it with your love.
- Knowing that you are there always stills my fear,
- And remembering your love for me dissipates my sorrow.
- Your gentle touch rekindles confidence in me,
- While your soft voice puts a smile on my face at all time.

Source: UGC
Famous love poems for him
If you are thinking of what is best to send your sweetheart, it is interesting to know that there are so many love poems that have been written by famous poets. They are very romantic and will fit into whatever reasons you may have in mind for sending a poem to him. You can be sure that he will be so grateful for sharing them with him as they all speak to the emotions. For instance, here is a poem written by Pablo Neruda that will immediately strike the string of a deep feeling of affection in your better half. The title of the poem is "When I die I want your hands on my eyes".
[Verse 1]
- When I die I want your hands on my eyes:
- I want the light and the wheat of your beloved hands
- to pass their freshness over me one more time
- to feel the smoothness that changed my destiny.
[Verse 2]
- I want you to live while I wait for you, asleep,
- I want for your ears to go on hearing the wind,
- for you to smell the sea that we loved together
- and for you to go on walking the sand where we walked.
[Verse 3]
- I want for what I love to go on living
- and as for you I loved you and sang you above everything,
- for that, go on flowering, flowery one,
[Verse 4]
- so that you reach all that my love orders for you,
- so that my shadow passes through your hair,
- so that they know by this the reason for my song.
Here is another poem written by Ella Wheeler Wilcox titled "I love you". Interestingly, if you want to convey your deep feeling of affection to your partner but do not know how to go about that, you can always make do with this poem. It is a perfect poem that contains the exact words that any man who has given his all to his babe would want to hear.
[Verse 1]
- I love your lips when they’re wet with wine
- And red with a wild desire;
- I love your eyes when the lovelight lies
- Lit with a passionate fire.
- I love your arms when the warm white flesh
- Touches mine in a fond embrace;
- I love your hair when the strands enmesh
- Your kisses against my face.
[Verse 2]
- Not for me the cold, calm kiss
- Of a virgin’s bloodless love;
- Not for me the saint’s white bliss,
- Nor the heart of a spotless dove.
- But give me the love that so freely gives
- And laughs at the whole world’s blame,
- With your body so young and warm in my arms,
- It sets my poor heart aflame.
[Verse 3]
- So kiss me sweet with your warm wet mouth,
- Still fragrant with ruby wine,
- And say with a fervor born of the South
- That your body and soul are mine.
- Clasp me close in your warm young arms,
- While the pale stars shine above,
- And we’ll live our whole young lives away
- In the joys of a living love.
If you want to express how much your soul yearns for him, this poem by Matthew Arnold will be perfect to achieve that. It explains how anxiously a lady wants to be with the one she is emotionally attached to. The words have been carefully chosen to help paint the exact picture that you want him to get about your feelings for him. The poem is titled "Longing".
[Verse 1]
- Come to me in my dreams, and then
- By day I shall be well again.
- For then the night will more than pay
- The hopeless longing of the day.
[Verse 2]
- Come, as thou cam’st a thousand times,
- A messenger from radiant climes,
- And smile on thy new world, and be
- As kind to others as to me.
[Verse 3]
- Or, as thou never cam’st in sooth,
- Come now, and let me dream it truth.
- And part my hair, and kiss my brow,
- And say My love! why sufferest thou?
[Verse 4]
- Come to me in my dreams, and then
- By day I shall be well again.
- For then the night will more than pay
- The hopeless longing of the day.
If there is anything that a man wants to know and hear from his better half, it is that he alone completes her world. The truth is that jealousy may be much-pronounced among females, but it does not leave the males out as well; the only difference is that a man may not want to really show or express his. Stir up the deep feeling of affection in your man by sending him this poem composed by Anne Bradstreet. Its title is "To my dear and loving husband".
[Verse 1]
- If ever two were one, then surely we.
- If ever man were loved by wife, then thee.
- If ever wife was happy in a man,
- Compare with me, ye women, if you can.
[Verse 2]
- I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold,
- Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
- My love is such that rivers cannot quench,
- Nor ought but love from thee give recompense.
[Verse 3]
- Thy love is such I can no way repay;
- The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray.
- Then while we live, in love let’s so persevere,
- That when we live no more, we may live ever.
As you must have found out by now, composing special love poems for him is a creative way to express your feelings for your spouse and telling him how much you admire and adore him. Irrespective of how short or long the poems may be, as long as they reflect the longing of your heart, you can rest assured of an instant acceptance of them all, and they will make him to admire you more and more.
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Source: Briefly News