How can you register to write for the NBT?

How can you register to write for the NBT?

Are you enthusiastic about enrolling for a degree at the university or some other institution of higher learning in South Africa? Well, to qualify to apply for university education in SA, you may need to write the National Benchmark Test (NBT). So, how can you register to write for the NBT?

How can you register to write for the NBT?
Image:, @nationalbenchmarktest
Source: Facebook

National Benchmark Tests

Have you decided to pursue higher education in South Africa and have identified your preferred course and institution? That is great, although, there is one more thing that you may have to do. Depending on the university you are applying to, you may be expected to write the NBT. While this test is compulsory for some South African universities, it is not for some.

How can you register to write for the NBT?

NBTs were brought into the limelight of South African education by Higher Education South Africa (HESA) in the year 2005.

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As an assessment tool, NBTs were introduced for three reasons:

  • To measure entry-level literacy and skills in mathematics.
  • To measure the relationship that exists between institutions of higher learning entry-level skills and the school-level exit results.
  • To make additional information available for institutions needing to admit entry-level students.

The following two tests have to be taken by prospective entry-level university students:

Academic and quantitative literacy (AQL) test

nbt test registration
Source: Facebook

This is a multiple-choice test that combines academic and quantitative literacy. It is taken by all participants regardless of the area of study. The test takes a total of 3 hours.

Mathematics Test

Also referred to as MAT, this test is taken by all those applying to be admitted to courses that have mathematics as a requirement. The test is also multiple-choice and runs for up to 3 hours.

After registering with an institution and writing the test, the results are made available in 2 weeks and are received by the institution to which you have applied. And just in case you do not perform well in this test, there is room to repeat. However, you will have to incur an additional cost, and you will only be allowed if the institution approves of it.

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Registering to write for the NBT

The entire NBT registration process is done online through the NBT website, and you can use a computer or a cell phone to complete the test. And as we talk, the national calendar for NBT registration 2019 test dates for the 2020 intake is already available at the NBT website.

So, where can you register to write the NBT?

nbt test application
Source: Facebook

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Before you start, it is critical to ensure that you have the following information ready for your NBT booking:

  1. An official ID book is required of all South African citizens and a passport for foreigners.
  2. The city where you intend to write your NBT.
  3. Specific NBT application requirements as provided by the institution you are applying to.
  4. The date when you would like to write the test. To be on a safe side, it is recommended that you expect your results within four weeks.
  5. A pen and a paper for writing your username and EasyPay number.

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Although the registration process appears simple, preparing and registering for NBTs can at times be very confusing. For this reason, it is advisable to make certain decisions in advance.

Below is a new checklist of things to do beforehand:

  1. Establish the NBT registration requirements for your degree of choice.
  2. Scout out for the most appropriate place to write your NBTs from.
  3. Access the website of the university you are applying for or request for a prospectus to know the university’s specific requirements for NBT.
  4. Select an ideal date to write your NBT and possibly mark it in your calendar so as not to forget. However, a reminder is usually sent through an SMS or email to confirm your test venue two days ahead of the test.

In case you are not able to finish your NBT test application, you can always return to do so at a later time. By using your ID or passport number as your username and an associated password, you will be permitted to login and complete the process. The same credentials will be required if you are to amend your personal details or request for a change of the test date or location.

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Your assigned EasyPay number, on the other hand, is used during the NBT test registration to verify your payments. This is done to facilitate the release of your test results to your selected institution of higher learning.

Writing NBTs from outside South Africa

nbt booking
Source: Facebook

In case you would like to write your NBT, but for one reason or another, you are not in South Africa, there is no cause for alarm. It is possible to realize your goal from wherever you are. The NBT project team understands this predicament and has done everything possible to enable you to do so by providing a remote registration feature integrated into their website.

The following steps provide a useful guideline to facilitate your NBT test application as a remote writer:

  1. Access the NBT website.
  2. At the top of the home page, you will see a drop-down menu labeled “applicants."
  3. Point at the “applicants” menu and from the resulting drop-down list click the “register as a remote writer” option.
  4. From the resulting register-remote-writer page, proceed to read about the registration process for remote writers.

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NBTs for people with learning disabilities

To accommodate people with learning disabilities, the NBT website includes a unique feature, "learners with disabilities," to enable this category of individuals to register for NBTs. Similar to the “register as a remote writer” option, the “learners with disabilities” option is available through the “applicants” menu.

Although preparing and registering for NBTs can be puzzling, paying attention to essential registration details can help to answer the question; how can you register to write for the NBT? Fortunately, the NBT registration process has greatly been simplified for you. This notwithstanding, exercising due diligence is necessary.


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Peris Walubengo (Lifestyle writer) Peris Walubengo is a content creator with 5 years of experience writing articles, researching, editing, and proofreading. She has a Bachelor of Commerce & IT from the University of Nairobi and joined in November 2019. The writer completed a Google News Initiate Course. She covers bios, marketing & finance, tech, fashion & beauty, recipes, movies & gaming reviews, culture & travel. You can email her at