Liesl Laurie biography: age, full names, ex boyfriend, new boyfriend, parents, tattoo and stunning pictures

Liesl Laurie biography: age, full names, ex boyfriend, new boyfriend, parents, tattoo and stunning pictures

Liesl Laurie, pronounced as Liezel Lorry, is a beauty star and model famous for her unrivalled victory as Miss South Africa 2015. Laurie’s modelling career has gradually blossomed around her title of the Continental Queen of Africa which she earned during Miss World 2015. Facts about Liesl Laurie's biography will undoubtedly excite and inspire you.

Liesl Laurie biography: age, full names, ex boyfriend, new boyfriend, parents, tattoo and stunning pictures
Image:, @liesllaurie
Source: Instagram

The 28-year-old ex-pageant winner, Liesl Laurie, is famed for her impactful impressions not only at the local level but also across the world. She is now widely admirable for her boldness to accommodate different fame-related responsibilities that came with her win.

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Liesl Laurie biography

From her age to personal life and family, there is no doubt that there is something worth admiring about this Mzansi celebrity's lifelong accomplishments. So, who is Liesl Laurie?

Liesl Laurie profile

  • Birth date: April 28th, 1990
  • Liesl Laurie age: 28 years old
  • Place of birth: Johannesburg
  • Country: South Africa
  • Birth sign: Capricorn
  • Origin: Ga-Mphahlele, Limpopo, South Africa
  • Marital status: Single
  • Occupation: South African model
  • Famous for: lHer winning in Miss South Africa and after that Miss World 2015. Also known as a presenter at Jacaranda FM.
  • Liesl Laurie height: 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in)
  • Facebook: @OfficialLieslLaurie
  • Twitter: @LieslLaurie
  • Instagram: liesllaurie

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Early life, education, parents, and family

Liesl Laurie biography: age, full names, ex boyfriend, new boyfriend, parents, tattoo and stunning pictures
Image:, @liesllaurie
Source: Instagram

Unlike other celebrities of her class, Laurie maintains a private life with little to tell concerning her personal life. Here are facts that we know about her family's background and schooling.

Early life and family

Liesl Laurie parents
Image:, @liesllaurie
Source: Instagram

Liesl Laurie is a beautiful woman from a humble coloured suburb in Eldorado Park where she grew. Liesl Laurie mother is Karen Laurie, and you can without a doubt confirm that she is a real image of where the gorgeous former Miss South Africa gets her natural beauty. Her mother was a career high school teacher who was involved in raising her single-handed. Liesl’s grandmother equally took a critical role in raising her without the fathers’ support. Laurie has openly confirmed that her grandmother is her most favourite person in the world. Besides founding POCCO, her grandmother is a retired teacher.

Liesl grew together with her younger sister Michaela. In 2015, during the crowning of the new Miss South Africa, Michaela was finishing primary school in readiness for her drama studies at National School of Arts.

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She is a graduate from the University of Johannesburg where she pursued a Bachelor of Commerce general degree. It was during her time at the university that Laurie accomplished her modelling dream.

Liesl Laurie boyfriend

Liesl Laurie boyfriend
Image:, @liesllaurie
Source: Instagram

Is Liesl Laurie and ProVerb still together? Liesl was dating rapper ProVerb until October 2018 when their relationship took a new twist. It started with the two restraining from posting pictures of each other after which Liesl dumped ProVerb for spending less time with her. It is alleged that Tebogo Thekisho famous as ProVerb spent too much of his time with his children, resulting in Liesl feeling like an outcast. ProVerb and Liesl called it quits after being together for about three years, although they officially announced that they were an item in 2017.

Liesl ex boyfriend, ProVerb, has a couple of children from his previous relationship with Onalerona Tekisho. ProVerb ex wife was allegedly the cause of their split after her secret affair with a wealthy businessman, Edwin Sodi surfaced.

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Liesl Laurie career

Liesl Laurie career
Image:, @liesllaurie
Source: Instagram

Her pageant dates back to age 19 when Laurie recorded her first win. In 2010, Laurie led the beauty pageant contest and held second place in 2014 as African’s leading beauty goddess. Her rise to cross-border fame followed multiple contests in which she kept hunting for her luck. She would later win Miss South Africa 2015.

Is she the same as Liesl Laurie Jacaranda? Yes, miss Laurie is also a presenter at Jacaranda FM.

Liesl Laurie tattoo

In a bid to encourage listeners to vote, Liesl Laurie promised to have a tattoo while Martin Bester pledged to have his ears pierced or his beard shaved. And she did.

Liesl Laurie latest news

Liesl Laurie stunning pictures
Image:, @liesllaurie
Source: Instagram

Her vacation to Bali, Indonesia has recently attracted a considerable debate after photos of her having good times surfaced on social media. She seems pretty happy and embracing her life again after a painful breakup with ProVerb. In the photo above, the caption was, "An ACTUAL picture of me and bae." Based on this there is no Liesl Laurie new boyfriend yet.

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Liesl Laurie stunning pictures

Liesl Laurie biography: age, full names, ex boyfriend, new boyfriend, parents, tattoo and stunning pictures
Image:, @liesllaurie
Source: Instagram

You cannot deny the fact that she is a beauty queen!

Liesl Laurie biography: age, full names, ex boyfriend, new boyfriend, parents, tattoo and stunning pictures
Image:, @liesllaurie
Source: Instagram

She looks good in anything!

Liesl Laurie biography: age, full names, ex boyfriend, new boyfriend, parents, tattoo and stunning pictures
Image:, @liesllaurie
Source: Instagram

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Liesl Laurie is now thrusting her charm into an even higher stance and seems unwavering in her dedication to leaving a legacy in the modelling industry. She remains a favourite face in the South African entertainment industry with a high followership ratio.


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Jedidah Tabalia Jedi is a journalist with over 5 years working experience in the media industry. She has a BSc. in Human Resource Management from Moi University (graduated in 2014) and a working in progress MBA in Strategic Management. Having joined Genesis in 2017, Jedi is a passionate Facts and Life Hacks, Fitness, and Health content creator who sees beauty in everything. She loves traveling and checking out new restaurants. Her email address is