SA newspaper headlines today: 6 February 2019

SA newspaper headlines today: 6 February 2019

Several breaking news pieces made headlines on Wednesday - both online and offline.

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So, took a look at five newspaper headlines for 6 February, which ranged from a treasure buried in a backyard to President Cyril Ramaphosa's to-do list.


A man found R10 000 buried in the backyard of his deceased father's house. However, the money is worthless as it sustained damage over the years it had been stashed under ground.

SA newspaper headlines today: 6 February 2019
The Daily Sun's headline for Wednesday, 6 February 2019. Photo credit: The Daily Sun/Facebook.
Source: Facebook

2. Cyril's to-do list

Newspaper Die Burger gathered a panel of experts to talk about Ramaphosa's "to-do list" when it comes to several issues in South Africa - ranging from racism to corruption.

With the Sona set for tomorrow, all eyes will be on the head of state and his game plan for the country.

SA newspaper headlines today: 6 February 2019
Die Burger's headlines Wednesday, 6 February 2019. Photo credit: Die Burger/Facebook.
Source: Facebook

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3. Bosasa's threat against journo

News24 editor-in-chief Adriaan Basson testified in the State Capture that Bosasa's PR executive threaten to kill him if he told anyone about a threatening phone call she made to him.

SA newspaper headlines today: 6 February 2019
The Citizen's newspaper headline. Photo credit: The Citizen/Facebook
Source: Facebook

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4. Dad prayed as son died

According to the Son Koerant, a happy child died after a fatal shooting following dinner.

SA newspaper headlines today: 6 February 2019
Son Koerant's headlines, 6 February 2019. Photo credit: Son Koerant/Facebook
Source: Facebook

5. Protesting student shot dead

There are reports that a Durban University of Technology student was shot and killed by security yesterday.

This comes in the wake of unrest at several South African universities. The DUT protests are over financial aid, transport and accommodation.

SA newspaper headlines today: 6 February 2019
Sowetan's headlines for today, 6 February 2019. Photo credit: Sowetan LIVE/Facebook.
Source: Facebook

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Source: Briefly News

Maryn Blignaut avatar

Maryn Blignaut (Human-Interest HOD) Maryn Blignaut is the Human Interest manager and feature writer. She holds a BA degree in Communication Science, which she obtained from the University of South Africa in 2016. She joined the Briefly - South African News team shortly after graduating and has over six years of experience in the journalism field. Maryn passed the AFP Digital Investigation Techniques course (Google News Initiative), as well as a set of trainings for journalists by Google News Initiative. You can reach her at:

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