10 Celebrities who love visiting South Africa

10 Celebrities who love visiting South Africa

South Africa is beautiful country with a lot to offer and it is no surprise that many fall in love with all that our country has to offer.

Some of those who people who love visiting South Africa are famous international celebrities. We here at Briefly.co.za have put a list together of 10 celebrities who love our country.

1. Dave Mathews

Dave has described South Africa as a "melting pot. You find these cultural collisions that result in art and music and its pretty amazing."

Dave Mathews if one of the most respected musicians out there and to add to his genuine love for South Africa he was also born right here in Johannesburg.

10 Celebrities who love visiting South Africa

2. Richard Branson

Richard Branson know what success is and when he says something is great we can take his word for it, this is what he had to say about SA.

“I love Africa, and Ulusaba, our home in South Africa, is pretty special. It’s on a rock overlooking the bush, and from your room, you can see lions stalking zebras by the waterhole”.

10 Celebrities who love visiting South Africa

3. Tom Hiddleston

Tom Hiddleston is loved by his fans when playing the hero or the villain. He has been to many exotic locations but South Africa is particularly special to him. He eloquently described his South African experience as.

“I feel as though a cardboard box of my own reality has been flattened and blown open. Now I can see the edge of the world”.

10 Celebrities who love visiting South Africa

4. Will Smith

The Fresh Prince of Bel Air has made a considerable dent the pop culture world as a rapper and an actor. He took a tour of the Panama Route close to the Kruger Park and was so moved that he said, "“it feels like God visits everywhere else, but lives in Africa”.

10 Celebrities who love visiting South Africa

5. Taraji P Henson

Taraji is a triple threat, actress, singer, and author and she found South Africa amazing especially the food.

“I love South African food because it’s flavourful, your taste buds dance, you just never know what combinations… very spicy. I love food that you can taste. I don’t like bland food”.

10 Celebrities who love visiting South Africa

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6. Shakira

When she opened the Fifa World Cup in 2010 Shakira fell in love with our country and developed an intimate relationship with the country and the continent.

“I’ve learnt to see Africa with new eyes, from the perspective of a continent that has given the world so much, that has nourished it like a mother nourishes her child. A continent full of colours, feelings, smiles, and kids with enormous talent that are just waiting for the chance to shine (…) I wasn’t surprised to find so much beauty, but I never expected to see such warm, gentle and loving people; I had never been given that much love, that many hugs and kisses, that many smiles. That is what makes me believe in humankind over and over again.”

10 Celebrities who love visiting South Africa

7. Roger Federer

Roger Federa is a fantastic tennis player and judging by his love for South Africa he is also great at appreciating amazing places. Oh, and his mom was born here so he has an extra special connection.

“My heart is in South Africa, through my mum. My mum being from here, me spending a lot of time here as well, I feel most connected to this part of the world.”

10 Celebrities who love visiting South Africa

8. Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo is no stranger to South Africa and spent quite some time here, even playing a South African in the blockbuster Blood Diamond, he had an amazing experience in South Africa.

“I saw a pack of 35 lions eat a wildebeest carcass and swam with giant manta rays. That was unbelievable. Africa’s natural beauty is unmatched."

10 Celebrities who love visiting South Africa

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9. Heston Blumenthal

The British Celebrity chef does not mince his words when describing South Africa and probably loves the Winelands in particular but also the South African menu is unmatched in terms of variety and flavour.

“I love South Africa. I’m always inspired when I come here.'

10 Celebrities who love visiting South Africa

10. Jared Leto

Last but definitely not least is blue eyes himself, Jared Leto. Our beautiful country has moved him so much it has even inspired a song or two from the talented singer/actor.

“We have been very lucky in that we have toured South Africa twice, and plan on coming back. It’s one of the great inspiring places, a magical place and some of our best shows have been in your beautiful country. We’ve been inspired to write songs there, and recording there was an experience to be remembered."

10 Celebrities who love visiting South Africa

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Source: Briefly News

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Stefan Mack (Editor) Stefan Mack is an English and history teacher who has broadened his horizons with journalism. He enjoys experiencing the human condition through the world's media. Stefan keeps Briefly News' readers entertained during the weekend. He graduated from the University of KwaZulu-Natal in 2010 with a Bachelor of Education (BEd), majoring in History and English. Stefan has been writing for Briefly News for a number of years and has covered mainstream to human interest articles.