60 relationship memes that are suitable for different moods
How do you communicate with your significant one at different times? Other than having usual conversations, you can use relationship memes for different moods. For instance, you can send them funny memes to cheer them when they are sad, supportive memes to build their confidence, or romantic memes to make them feel special.

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Exchanging couple memes is a cool, thoughtful way of communicating, especially if they are funny, romantic, or supportive. So, which meme should you send him or her on various occasions?
60 relationship memes for different moods
Memes are copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations. So, which meme can you share with your partner and when? Select a relevant in a relationship meme to send him or her to pass a specific message. Here is a list of 60 alternatives that you can customize to suit your need.
Relationship memes for him
You must have come across something funny that reminds you of your relationship with your boyfriend. Here are some memes for him.
1. This is part of what he signed up for

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Are you naturally playful, and he knows and enjoys it even though, at times, it is annoying? A relationship where you can act like complete idiots together is probably the best thing ever.
2. Waiting for you

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Eagerly waiting for someone means that they are important and you care for them. Send this to him if you are expecting him home in the evening or for the weekend. He will feel special because it means you cannot wait to spend quality time with him.
3. It may be a trap

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Women are born detectives, and at times they may ask questions that they already have answers for. If she asks you where you were or who a specific girl is and keenly watches your reaction, then just know that she already knows.
4. Do not leave your phone

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Are you cheating or hiding something from her? It does not matter if the folder has a passcode or how smart you are at covering your tracks.
5. Be ready for different questions

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She wants to be the only special girl in your life, so when you tell her a story about another girl, she will be busy reading between the lines. If you sound too excited, she will conclude that you want her, and if you omit some parts, you are hiding something.
6. When you miss him

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Do you miss him, but he is genuinely engaged, and you understand that his work is important and you cannot mess with it? Send this relationship meme for him, and he will get the message. A glance at it will make him smile because he is assured of your love.
7. If she is happy, you will be happy

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Bro, just treat her right, and your relationship will be couple goals. Most of the time, women are impressed by the small genuine acts, so play your cards right, and you will make her happy forever.
8. Perfect boyfriend

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If she sends you this, know that you have truly won her heart. You have checked all boxes in her checklist, and you can confidently take things to the next level because she is deeply in love with you.
9. Cannot get enough of you!

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Some things may sound stupid, but when in love, they are not. These can range from practical things like her waiting for you to kiss her just after kissing her to unrealistic things like listening to you breathing.
10. So cute, right?

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Send this to your boyfriend if you like wearing his things, and he will understand that it is not the item you want, but specifically his T-shirt, cap, or socks.
11. You will never get used to them leaving

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Forever may seem like not long enough to be with your favourite person. The joy and peace that they bring in the midst of other commotions in your life are unexplainable.
Relationship memes for her
Your girlfriend may be loving, caring, and romantic, but dramatic at times. She may wake you up at 3 a.m to ask you if you want to break up because you faced the other way whilst sleeping. Here are some relatable memes for her.
1. Be patient with her

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They say you will kiss many frogs before finding your prince charming. If you are the prince, you need to understand that the frogs she kissed before you may have made her insecure. Sometimes she may get into her bubble because she is not sure how to handle things.
2. Being yourself

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Remember the first days when you did not want him to see your flaws and focused on the good side? You can comfortably be yourself and spice up things by dressing up regularly.
3. How to get his attention

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Send this relationship meme for her if your girl wakes up one morning and asks you to explain something that you did in her sleep, or she starts fights randomly. Maybe it is her way of spicing up the relationship, or she just misses you and wants the attention.
4. Just call them

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Some people find it difficult to tell the truth even if they care so much; their pride may not allow them to initiate reconciliation. This is a relatable meme, especially if you are waiting for them to apologise.
5. When you are obsessed with your man

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Sometimes, her love may look overwhelming. Just enjoy the moment and sleep well!
6. Find other activities

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Boom! Just like that, you find yourself in a relationship. If he sent you this, then it is over, so stop texting him. Fake flirting because you are bored can be dangerous.
7. Transmitting thoughts to others

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Sometimes people expect you to read what is in their minds instead of just saying it. She will text you that she is fine and expect you to know what the problem is.
Supportive memes
Sending a supportive meme to your loved one, family member, or friend confirms that you care for them and only want what is best for them. Here are some examples that you can modify so that the recipient can relate.
1. Be a supportive partner

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Cheering your partner on all occasions is one of the greatest forms of affection. By doing so, you motivate each other to take steps to greater heights or simply show them that you are their number one fan in everything they do.
2. Cherish your people

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Have you been going through a tough time lately, and he or she was there for you every step of the way? Share with them this supportive meme to show how much you treasure the role they play in your life.
3. Believe in each other

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A healthy relationship involves two people coming together to make each other happy by supporting each other, building each other up, and growing together. Express your support by sharing the meme above with your partner.
4. Cheer up your significant other

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Being in a relationship with someone means that you will always wish them well because they deserve good things. Be the kind of partner that makes him or her feel worthy regardless of how their game is going.
5. Be there for him or for her

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Some days are good, others are bad. Share this supportive meme with your bestie so that they know that although they may be really tired, they should keep going and that you will always be there to listen to them.
Funny relationship memes
Are you even compatible if you cannot laugh at his or her jokes? Here are some funny relationship memes that may be funny to you and your partner because you can relate. Some do not directly point at couples but to relationships in general.
1. It is not over until he says it is over

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Why have a sleepless night or long day just because he blocked your number? Write him a letter and have it delivered to his home or workplace, then you feel happy because you have said everything that you wanted to.
2. Sharing is caring

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Sometimes you are not hungry, but when you see food, you want to try it. Share this with your man if you always do this to him.
3. Pics he takes of me

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Does your girlfriend always complain about the pictures of her that you take? Maybe you are not focusing on her good side or features, so pay more attention!
4. He is mine!

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Girl, you have to mark your territory! If someone else seems to be interested in your man, make sure they know he is yours!
5. I have changed my mind

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They say not to get too much involved in fights with two people sharing the same blanket. They will get back together, and you will be left hanging.
6. Short honest conversation

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You can share this with your girlfriends or boys club, but not your lover because they may assume you are trying to indirectly tell them that you are cheating.
7. Just give some attention

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This is a perfect meme to send him if he understands you. Sometimes you want him to just read between the lines, and when he does, you brighten up.
8. Girl, you are amazing just the way you are

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Are you insecure about your looks, but he loves you the way you are? This is a funny but emotional and romantic meme because it shows that he loves all of you, and that is what counts the most.
8. Just face the fact

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Your girlfriend's enemies are your enemies, so do not bother to understand why but simply embrace the fact.
9. Change my mind meme

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It may not always work out, and when you fail several times, you may be convinced that true love does not exist. Here is a relatable meme.
10. Nice answer

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In this era where virtual dating is a norm, you may be interested in the physical appearance of the other person before sinking deeper. However, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, and if you are the beholder, then her personality will wow you more than her looks.
Long-distance relationship memes
Having a long-distance best friend or lover is not easy. However, with the internet, you can easily facetime every day and find ways of making your relationship interesting. Sharing relatable long-distance relationship memes is one way of spicing things up
1. Do not be tempted

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There are so many challenges of dating someone who is far away. You may be tempted to cheat because he or she is not around.
2. Perfect long distance relationship meme

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Sometimes you want your lover to be there so that you can easily get through a tough time. However, when dating someone who is many miles away, you can only imagine that they are there with you, and that should be enough to carry you through.
3. Being in LDR

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If you truly love him or her, then the distance is nothing. His voice, face, or laugh on the other side of the screen is enough to warm your heart and make it skip a beat.
4. It is that simple

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A long-distance relationship can only work if you properly communicate. It is, therefore, important to create time despite the busy schedules and time difference that you may have to make things work.
5. Benefit of an LDR

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The Covid-19 restrictions did not affect them, did they? Long-distance lovers are used to being apart but still connecting intimately, therefore, they were ahead of the game.
6. Long time no see

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After a long time apart and months of the countdown, the meeting day is closer but guess what? Unavoidable circumstances come in the way of you being old.
7. Change your internet provider

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It can be frustrating when you have been looking forward to your regular video calls and the internet misbehaves when the time comes. It will spoil your mood but you have no option but to wait for next time because you love him or her too much to let the internet interfere.
8. It is not always a bed of roses

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Just like couples who are close to each other, long-distance lovers fight. Sometimes the reason why she is mad is that she misses you so much.
9. Do you miss your significant other?

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Instead of liking, send this to him or her to show them that you miss them. It may be obvious that you miss them, but you need to say it and one of the best ways to do so is by sharing a meme.
10. Be together

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Sometimes you may enjoy being away from your partner so that when you miss them and look forward to the magical moments when you meet. Send this to him or her to tell them how much you miss them.
Romantic memes
Do you still look at her exactly the same when you first met her because you love her so much and she makes you happy? A deep feelings meme can best express how much you care for your partner.
1. Being thankful

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You may not have planned to fall in love or need someone, but then he or she appears and they make you want them to the extent that you cannot imagine life without them. Send him or her this and they will understand that you truly cherish them.
2. Something real

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In a world where most things are fake, what could be more real than true love? When destiny brings you to the love of your life, you slowly begin to care for the things that they care about, and in some ways, you become like them. You can send this romantic meme to your lover.
3. Make it right

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This is a wise romantic meme that spells out the biggest rule for a successful relationship. It will not always be happy moments with your partner; therefore, when you have misunderstandings, find a way to resolve them if you truly love them.
4. Make them feel loved

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You may want to hug him until you smell like him. A hug from your lover may wash away the bad feelings of the day and make you smile again.
5. Did you get it?

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Simply put, what is yours is hers, and hers is yours. The best relationships are founded by caring genuinely for each other, no matter the flaws, weaknesses, or shortfalls.
6. Think about your love

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You thought of him or her and smiled. That is a clear sign that you are in love, and no matter what you do, you will always have them in mind because they bring good vibes.
7. Everything

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This romantic meme tells you that he or she loves all of you; they enjoy the good and are ready to handle the bad.
8. Thank him or her

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Now send this to that person you care for, to put a smile on their face and make them feel how you felt.
Toxic relationship memes
Memes are not just for good times. An uncomfortable meme may be just what you are looking for to end or indirectly tell your partner to change in a way that will not offend them if you are in a toxic relationship. Here are some examples of bad relationship memes.
1. Humble yourself

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If he or she sends this, the message is clear. You are not making it safe for her or him to confide in you. You may lose the best thing that will ever happen to you by not allowing them to talk to you or feeling that you know everything, so you cannot listen.
2. Healthy relationships

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A toxic relationship may be formed when each of you knows that they are wrong but cannot bring themselves to say they are sorry. Eventually, you tear each other down, something that a simple apology would have resolved.
3. Some attention

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You are not a good partner if you do not communicate or give the attention she or he needs. Being in such a relationship makes one frustrated.
4. Hello, I need it!

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This is a relevant meme that you can send your partner to tell them that they are giving you bad vibes. If they sent you this, then it is a red flag that soon, they will leave you.
5. Are we cute?

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If this is your case and you can relate to this toxic relationship meme, then it is time to pack your bags and leave. Physical abuse is a projection of mental and emotional abuse already done, and clearly, the two of you are not a happy couple at all, so it is better to walk away.
6. Toxic ex

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Send this to him or her to warn them, and if they make any other moves, report them because they may harm you.
7. The one

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Maybe you do not know that he or she is toxic. This meme perfectly explains the difference between a healthy and an unhealthy relationship, so watch out!
8. Toxic people

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Share this widely with your family and friends so that they understand that it is okay to put boundaries instead of entertaining toxicity.
Choosing a relatable relationship meme will make your partner smile, laugh, feel loved, or personally attacked if they are not treating you right. The most important thing is identifying the appropriate relationship memes for your mood and communicating exactly what you want to put across.
READ ALSO: Best cute love quotes for him and her
Briefly.co.za shared the best cute love quotes for him and her. If you have fallen in love or have a crush on someone but do not have the right words to say, you may try the sample love quotes that will change your relationship entirely. Read on for creative ideas.
Source: Briefly News