List of UNISA courses for 2024/2025: fees, requirements, contact details
The demand for a skilled workforce influences many to acquire a university education. UNISA courses have full-time, part-time, and distance learning programs to accommodate different types of learners. If you have tight schedules at work or home, you can choose between part-time and distance learning options.

Source: UGC
- UNISA courses and requirements for admission
- Which courses are still open at UNISA?
- Does UNISA offer bridging courses?
- What are the free online courses at UNISA?
- What are the UNISA plumbing courses?
- Does UNISA have Master's and doctoral degrees?
- What are the requirements for studying at UNISA?
- What are the basic admission requirements for UNISA?
- What are the UNISA application deadlines for 2024?
- How do you apply for UNISA qualifications?
- How much is the application fee?
- How much does it cost to study at UNISA?
- Does UNISA give bursaries?
- Is a UNISA degree good?
- Is UNISA recognized internationally?
- Does UNISA accept foreign students?
- What is a UNISA prospectus?
The University of South Africa is undoubtedly one of Africa's most prestigious higher learning institutions. It is recognized as the longest-standing committed distance education university, enrolling nearly a third of all students in South Africa.
UNISA courses and requirements for admission
UNISA programs provide training opportunities suitable for people from various walks of life. Through part-time and distance learning courses, UNISA ensures more people can access its training expertise. Below are the University of South Africa's courses and requirements for admission:
UNISA higher certificate courses
These are the higher certificate qualifications UNISA offers:
- 98201: Accounting Sciences
- 90098: Animal Welfare
- 98577: Archives & Records Management
- 98225: Banking
- 90006: Criminal Justice
- 98237: Economic & Management Sciences
- 90093: Education - FIP
- 90093: Education - SMS
- 90093: Education- SPF
- 98751: Law
- 98366: Life & Environmental Sciences
- 98229: Marketing
- 90129: Mathematics and Statistics
- 90101: Physical Sciences
- 90014: Retailing
- 90011: Social Auxiliary Work Not Applicable
- 90015: Supervisory Management
- 98226: Tourism Management
UNISA advanced certificates
These are the advanced certificate qualifications UNISA offers and their codes:
- 90017: Accounting Sciences
- 90177: Intermediate Phase Teaching: Math & English
UNISA diploma courses
These are the diploma qualifications UNISA offers and their codes:
- 98200: Accounting Sciences
- 98216: Administrative Management
- 90097: Agricultural Management
- 98026: Animal Health - AHE
- 90130: Chemical Engineering
- 90137: Civil Engineering
- 98218: Corrections Management
- 90187: Early Childhood Care & Education
- 90138: Electrical Engineering
- 98222: Explosives Management
- 98211: Human Resource Management
- 90136: Industrial Engineering
- 98806: Information Technology - ITE
- 98750: Law
- 90083: Local Government Finance
- 98202: Marketing Management
- 90132: Mechanical Engineering
- 90140: Mining Engineering
- 98024: Nature Conservation - NCO
- 90183: Operations Management
- 98025: Ornamental Horticulture - HOR
- 98220: Policing
- 98203: Public Administration & Management
- 90077: Public Relations
- 90141: Pulp & Paper Technology
- 90107: Safety Management
- 98221: Security Management
- 90073: Small Business Management
- 98223: Tourism Management

Source: UGC
UNISA advanced diploma courses
These are the advanced diploma qualifications UNISA offers and their codes:
- 98230: Cert. in Theory in Accounting - CT1
- 98230: Financial Accounting - FAC
- 98230: Internal Auditing- AUI
- 98230: Management Accounting - MA1
- 98230: Taxation - TAX
- 98027: Agricultural Management
- 90112: Animal Health
- 90128: Chemical Engineering
- 90113: Intermediate Phase Math Teaching
- 90126: Electrical Eng. in Power Engineering
- 90127: Electrical Eng. in Telecommunications
- 90124: Engineering Tech. in Civil Engineering
- 90124: Explosives Management
- 90134: Industrial Engineering
- 90007: Information Resource Management
- 90133: Mechanical Engineering
- 90131: Mining Engineering
- 98028: Nature Conservation
- 90094: Ornamental & Landscape Horticulture
- 90181: Safety Management
- 98235: Security Management
- 90184: Teaching and Learning Support
- 90118: Tourism Management
UNISA bachelor's degree courses
These are the bachelor's degree courses UNISA offers and their codes:
- 98302: B. Acc. Sci. in Financial Accounting- FA1
- 98303: B. Acc. Sci. in Internal Auditing Internal Auditing - AUI
- 98304: B. Acc. Sci. in Management Accounting - MA1
- 98318: B. Acc. Sci. in Taxation - TAX
- 98315: Bachelor of Administration - BAD
- 90016: B.Admin. in Human Settlements Management - HSM
- 99311: Bachelor of Arts - GEN
- 99311: B.A. in African Languages and African Politics - APO
- 99311: B.A. in African Languages & Archives & Records Management - ALM
- 99311: B.A. in African Languages and Art History - ALA
- 99311: B.A. in African Languages and Criminology - ALC
- 99311: B.A. in African Languages and Development Studie - ALD
- 99311: B.A. in African Languages and Economics - ALE
- 99311: B.A. in African Languages and Geography - ALG
- 99311: B.A. in Arts African Languages and History - ALH
- 99311: B.A. in African Lang. & Industrial & Org. Psychology - ALO
- 99311: B.A. in African Languages and Information Science - AIN
- 99311: B.A. in African Languages and Linguistics - ALL
- 99311: B.A. in African Languages and Psychology - ALP
- 99311: B.A. in African Languages & Public Admin - APA
- 99311: B.A. in African Politics and Economics - APE
- 99311: B.A. in African Politics and Politics - APP
- 99311: B.A. in African Politics and Private Law - APL
- 99311: B.A. in Afrikaans and Arabic - AFA
- 99311: B.A. in Afrikaans and Economics - AEC
- 99311: B.A. in Afrikaans and Geography - AGE
- 99311: B.A. in Afrikaans and History - AHI
- 99311: B.A. in Afrikaans and Private Law - AFL
- 99311: B.A. in Ancient History and Archaeology - HAR
- 99311: B.A. in Anthropology and Communication Studies - ANS
- 99311: B.A. in Anthropology and Economics - ANE
- 99311: B.A. in Anthropology and Geography - ANG
- 99311: B.A. in Anthropology and History - ANH
- 99311: B.A. in Anthropology and Linguistics - ANL
- 99311: B.A. in Anthropology and Psychology - ANP
- 99311: B.A. in Anthropology and Theology - ANT
- 99311: B.A. in Arabic and English Studies - AES

Source: UGC
- 99311: B.A. in Arabic and Linguistics - ARL
- 99311: B.A. in Arabic and Mandarin Chinese - AMC
- 99311: B.A. in Arabic and Theology - ATH
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology and African Languages - AAL
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology and African Politics - AAP
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology and Anthropology - AAN
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology & Archives & Records Management - AAR
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology & Art History - AAH
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology & Communication Studies - ARS
- 99311: B.A. in Arts Archaeology & Criminology - ACR
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology & Development Studies - ADS
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology and Economics - ARE
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology and French - AFR
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology and Geography - ARG
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology and History - ARH
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology & Industrial & Org. Psychology - AIO
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology and Information Science - AIS
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology and Linguistics - ALI
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology and Mandarin Chinese - ACH
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology and Philosophy - APH
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology and Politics - ARP
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology and Psychology - APS
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology and Scripture - ASC
- 99311: B.A. in Archaeology and Sociology - ASO
- 99311: B.A. in Archives & Records Management & Ancient History - ARA
- 99311: B.A. in Archives & Records Management & Art History - AMA
- 99311: B.A. in Archives & Records Management & Criminology - ARC
- 99311: B.A. in Archives & Records Management & Economics - AME
- 99311: B.A. in Archives & Records Management & Geography - AMG
- 99311: B.A. in Archives & Records Management & History - AMH
- 99311: B.A. in Archives & Records Mgmt. & Industrial & Org. Psychology - AIP
- 99311: B.A. in Archives & Records Management & Information Science - AMI
- 99311: B.A. in Archives & Records Management & Public Adm. - AMP
- 99311: B.A. in Art History & Ancient History - ANA
- 99311: B.A. in Art History and Economics - AHE
- 99311: B.A. in Art History and Music in History and Society - AHS
- 99311: B.A. in Communication Studies and African Languages - CAL
- 99311: B.A. in Comm. Studies & Archives & Records Management - CSR
- 99311: B.A. in Communication Studies and Criminology - CCR
- 99311: B.A. in Communication Studies and Development Studies - CSD
- 99311: B.A. in Communication Studies & Industrial & Org. Psychology - CSP
- 99311: B.A. in Communication Studies and International Politics - CSI
- 99311: B.A. in Communication Studies & Music in History & Society - CMS
- 99311: B.A. in Communication Studies and Psychology - CPS
- 99311: B.A. in Communication Studies & Public Administration - CSA
- 99311: B.A. in Communication Studies and Theology - CTH
- 99311: B.A. in Communication Studies and Theory of Literature - CSL
- 99311: B.A. in Criminology and Anthropology - CRA
- 99311: B.A. in Development Studies & Archives & Records Management - DAR
- 99311: B.A. in Development Studies and Criminology - DCR
- 99311: B.A. in Development Studies and English Studies - DES
- 99311: B.A. in Development Studies and Geography - DSG
- 99311: B.A. in Development Studies and History - DSH
- 99311: B.A. in Development Studies & Industrial & Org. Psychology - DIO
- 99311: B.A. in Development Studies and International Politics - DIP
- 99311: B.A. in Development Studies and Ministry - DSM
- 99311: B.A. in Development Studies and Philosophy - DPH
- 99311: B.A. in Development Studies and Private Law - DPL
- 99311: B.A. in Development Studies and Psychology - DSP
- 99311: B.A. in Development Studies & Public Administration - DPA

Source: UGC
- 99311: B.A. in Development Studies and Scripture - DSC
- 99311: B.A. in Development Studies and Sociology - DSS
- 99311: B.A. in Development Studies and Theology - DST
- 99311: B.A. in Economics and Communication Studies - ECO
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and African Languages - EAL
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and Afrikaans - ESA
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and Ancient History - ENA
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies & Archives & Records Management - EAR
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and Art History - EAH
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and Communication Studies - ESC
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and Criminology - ECR
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and Economics - ESE
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and French - ESF
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and Geography - ESG
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and History - ESH
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies & Industrial & Org. Psychology - EIO
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and Information Science - EIS
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and International Politics - EIP
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and Linguistics - ESL
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and Mandarin Chinese - EMC
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and Philosophy - EPH
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and Politics - ESP
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and Private Law - EPL
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and Psychology - EPS
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies & Public Administration - EPA
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and Scripture - ESS
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies and Sociology - ESO
- 99311: B.A. in English Studies & Theory of Literature - ETL
- 99311: B.A. in French and Anthropology - FRA
- 99311: B.A. in French and Mandarin Chinese - FMC
- 99311: B.A. in Geography & Communication Studies - GCS
- 99311: B.A. in History and Art History - HAH
- 99311: B.A. in History & Communication Studies - HCO
- 99311: B.A. in History and Criminology - HCR
- 99311: B.A. in History and Economics - HEC
- 99311: B.A. in History and Geography - HGE
- 99311: B.A. in History & Industrial & Org. Psychology - HIO
- 99311: B.A. in History and Information Science - HIS
- 99311: B.A. in History and Private Law - HPL
- 99311: B.A. in History and Theology - HTH
- 99311: B.A. in Information Science and Afrikaans - ISA
- 99311: B.A. in Information Science & Comm. Studies - ICO
- 99311: B.A. in Information Science and Criminology - ISC
- 99311: B.A. in Information Science and Economics - ISE
- 99311: B.A. in Information Science and Geography - ISG
- 99311: B.A. in Information Science & Industrial & Org. Psychology - IOP
- 99311: B.A. in Information Science and Politics - ISP
- 99311: B.A. in Information Science and Private Law - IPL
- 99311: B.A. in Information Science and Public Administration - IPA
- 99311: B.A. in Information Science and Theology - IST
- 99311: B.A. in International Politics and Criminology - IPC
- 99311: B.A. in International Politics and Economics - IPE
- 99311: B.A. in International Politics and History - IPH
- 99311: B.A. in Linguistics and Afrikaans - LAF
- 99311: B.A. in Linguistics and Ancient- LAH
- 99311: B.A. in Linguistics & Archives & Records Management - LAR
- 99311: B.A. in Linguistics and Comm. Studies - LCO
- 99311: B.A. in Linguistics and French - LFR
- 99311: B.A. in Linguistics and Geography - LGE
- 99311: B.A. in Linguistics and History - LHI
- 99311: B.A. in Linguistics and Industrial and Org. Psychology - LIO
- 99311: B.A. in Linguistics and International Politics - LIP
- 99311: B.A. in Linguistics and Mandarin Chinese - LMC
- 99311: B.A. in Linguistics and Private Law - LPL

Source: UGC
- 99311: B.A. in Linguistics and Psychology - LPS
- 99311: B.A. in Linguistics and Public Administration - LPA
- 99311: B.A. in Linguistics and Theology - LTH
- 99311: B.A. in Linguistics and Theory of Literature - LTL
- 99311: B.A. in Mandarin Chinese and Comm. Studies - MCC
- 99311: B.A. in Ministry and Comm. Studies - MCS
- 99311: B.A. in Ministry & Music in History and Society - MHS
- 99311: B.A. in Ministry and Private Law - MPL
- 99311: B.A. in Music in History & Society and Public Administration - MHP
- 99311: B.A. in Philosophy and Private Law - PHL
- 99311: B.A. in Philosophy and Theology - PHT
- 99311: B.A. in Philosophy and Theory of Literature - PTL
- 99311: B.A. in Politics and Anthropology - PAN
- 99311: B.A. in Politics and Criminology - POC
- 99311: B.A. in Politics and Economics - PEC
- 99311: B.A. in Politics and History - PHI
- 99311: B.A. in Politics and Philosophy - PPH
- 99311: B.A. in Politics and Private Law - PPL
- 99311: B.A. in Politics and Theology - PTH
- 99311: B.A. in Portuguese and French - POF
- 99311: B.A. in Private Law and African Languages - PLA
- 99311: B.A. in Private Law and Communication Studies (99311 - PLS
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and Afrikaans - PAF
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and Arabic - PSA
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and Archives and Records Management - PAR
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and Art History - PAH
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and Criminology - PCR
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and Economics - PSE
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and French - PFR
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and Geography - PGE
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and History - PSH
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and Industrial and Org. Psychology - PIO
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and Information Science - PSC
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and International Politics - PIP
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and Islamic Studies - PIS
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and Ministry - PMI
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and Music in History and Society - PMS
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and Philosophy - PSP
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and Politics - PPO
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and Private Law - PSL
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and Public Administration - PPA
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and Scripture - PSS
- 99311: B.A. in Psychology and Theology - PST
- 99311: B.A. in Sociology and African Languages - SAL
- 99311: B.A. in Sociology and Anthropology - SAN
- 99311: B.A. in Sociology and Communication Studies - CSS
- 99311: B.A. in Sociology and Criminology - SCR
- 99311: B.A. in Sociology and Economics - SEC
- 99311: B.A. in Sociology and Geography - SGE
- 99311: B.A. in Sociology and Industrial and Org. Psychology - SIO
- 99311: B.A. in Sociology and International Politics - SIP
- 99311: B.A. in Sociology and Politics - SPO
- 99311: B.A. in Sociology and Psychology - SPS
- 99311: B.A. in Sociology and Public Administration - SPA
- 99311: B.A. in Theory of Literature and Geography - TLG
- 99311: B.A. in Theory of Literature & Music in History & Society - TMS
- 99311: B.A. in Theory of Literature & Private Law - TPL
- 90186: B.A. in Communication Studies
- 98618: B.A. in Community Development
- 99313: B.A. in Creative Writing
- 98681: B.A. in Criminology

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Source: UGC
- 99312: B.A. in Development Studies
- 98055: B.A. in Environmental Management
- 90002: B.A. in Forensic Science and Technology
- 99301: B.A. in Government, Administration, & Development
- 99302: B.A. in International Relations
- 98683: B.A. in Police Science
- 99303: B.A. in Policy Studies
- 99304: B.A. in Political Leadership and Citizenship
- 90079: B.A. in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics
- 90180: B.A. in Psychology
- 90091: B.A. in Visual Multimedia Arts
- 98316: Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA
- 98314: Bachelor of Commerce - GEN
- 98300: B.Com. in Business Informatics - BIS
- 98310: B.Com. in Business Management - BSM
- 98305: B.Com. in Economics - ECS
- 98305: B.Com. in Economics Quantitative Economics - QEC
- 90106: B.Com. in Entrepreneurship - ENT
- 98306: B.Com. in Financial Management - FMN
- 98307: B.Com. in Human Resource Management - HRM
- 98308: B.Com. in Industrial and Org. Psychology - IOP
- 90123: B.Com. in Law - LAW)
- 98301: B.Com. in Marketing Management - MKT
- 98767: B.Com. in Public Procurement Management - PPM
- 98311: B.Com. in Quantitative Management - QMA
- 98766: B.Com. in Supply Chain & Operations Management - SCM
- 98312: B.Com. in Tourism Management - TRT
- 98313: B.Com. in Transport and Logistics - TRL
- 90102: B.Ed. in Foundation Phase Teaching
- 90103: B.Ed. in Intermediate Phase: Math and Life Skills - MLS
- 90103: B.Ed. in Intermediate Phase: Math & Natural Sciences & Tech. - MNT
- 90103: B.Ed. in Intermediate Phase: Math & Social Science - MSS)
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Art & Life Orientation - ARP
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Agricultural Science - AGS
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Agricultural Tech. - AGT
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Agriculture & Management - AGM
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Art and Languages - ARL
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Computer Application Technology - CAT
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Consumer Studies - CON
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Economics and Management Science - EMS
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Financial Accounting - FAC
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Geography and Languages - GEL
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: History and Geography - HIG
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Hospitality Studies & Business Studies - HSB
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Hospitality Studies and Tourism - HST
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Information Technology - IFT
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Language - LAN
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Life Orientation and Language - LOL
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Life Science and Math - LSM
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Life Sciences - BIO
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Math Literacy and Economics - MLE
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Math Literacy and Financial Accounting - MFA
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Math and English - MTE
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Math and Math Literacy - MML
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Physical Science and Math - PSM
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Religious Studies - RES
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Technology - TEC
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Tourism and Geography - TRG
- 90104: B.Ed. in Senior Phase: Tourism and Management - TRM

Source: UGC
- 99310: Bachelor of Information Science
- 98680: Bachelor of Laws - NEW
- 90089: Bachelor of Music
- 98801: B.Sc. in Applied Math & Computer Science - AMC
- 98801: B.Sc. in Applied Math & Physics - AMP
- 98801: B.Sc. in Applied Math & Statistics - AMS
- 98801: B.Sc. in Chemistry & Applied Mathematics - CAM
- 98801: B.Sc. in Chemistry & Computer Science - CCS
- 98801: B.Sc. in Chemistry & Information Systems - CIS
- 98801: B.Sc. in Chemistry & Physics - CAP
- 98801: B.Sc. in Chemistry & Statistics - CAS
- 98801: B.Sc. in General - GEN
- 98801: B.Sc. in Math and Applied Math - MAM
- 98801: B.Sc. in Math and Chemistry - MAC
- 98801: B.Sc. in Math and Computer Science - MCS
- 98801: B.Sc. in Math and Information Systems - MIS
- 98801: B.Sc. in Math and Physics - MAP
- 98801: B.Sc. in Math and Statistics - MAS
- 98801: B.Sc. in Statistics and Physics - STP
- 90082: B.Sc. in Agricultural Science & Agric. Business Management - ABM
- 90082: B.Sc. in Agricultural & Animal Science - ANS
- 90082: B.Sc. in Agricultural Science Plant Science - PLS
- 98906: B.Sc. in Computing - COM
- 98052: B.Sc. in Environmental Management Botany - EBO
- 98052: B.Sc. in Environmental Management Chemistry - ECH
- 98052: B.Sc. in Environmental Management Zoology - EZO
- 98907: B.Sc. in Informatics - INF
- 98053: B.Sc. in Life Sciences Biochemistry with Business Management - BBM
- 98053: B.Sc. in Life Sciences Biochemistry & Botany - BAB
- 98053: B.Sc. in Life Sciences Biochemistry & Microbiology - BAM
- 98053: B.Sc. in Life Sciences Biochemistry & Physiology - BAP
- 98053: B.Sc. in Life Sciences Biochemistry & Zoology - BAZ
- 98053: B.Sc. in Life Sciences Biomedical Sciences - BMI
- 98053: B.Sc. in Life Sciences Biotechnology - BIT
- 98053: B.Sc. in Life Sciences Botany and Microbiology - BNM
- 98053: B.Sc. in Life Sciences Botany & Zoology (with Geography) - BZG
- 98053: B.Sc. in Life Sciences Genetics & Zoology - GZB
- 98053: B.Sc. in Life Microbiology and Physiology - MAP
- 98053: B.Sc. in Life Sciences Microbiology and Zoology - MAZ
- 98053: B.Sc. in Life Sciences Physiology and Zoology - PAZ
- 98053: B.Sc. in Life Sciences Psychology and Physiology - PPG
- 90088: Bachelor of Social Work
- 90160: Bachelor of Theology
- 98005: Bachelor of Consumer Sci. Fashion Retail Management - FAR
- 98005: Bachelor of Consumer Sci. Fashion Small-Business Management - FSB
- 98005: Bachelor of Consumer Sci. Food Service Management - FSM
- 98005: Bachelor of Consumer Sci. Food and Clothing - FCL
- 98005: Bachelor of Consumer Sci. Food and Nutrition - FNU
- 98005: Bachelor of Consumer Sci. Hospitality Management - HOM
UNISA postgraduate qualifications
The University of South Africa offers postgraduate certificates, diplomas, and honors degrees. Check out UNISA postgraduate qualifications below:
Postgraduate certificates
These are the postgraduate certificates UNISA offers and their codes:
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Agriculture & Life Sciences - AGR
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Agriculture & Management - AGM
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Agriculture & Technology - AGT
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Art (90148 - ART)
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Business Studies - BUS
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Consumer Studies - CON
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Economics - ECO
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Engineering Technology - ETC
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: English - ENG
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Financial Accounting - FAC
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Geography - GEO
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: History - HIS
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Hospitality Studies - HOS
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Information Computer Studies - ICA
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Languages - LAN
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Languages & Life Orientation - LAH
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Languages & Social Sciences - LAS
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Life Orientation - LOR
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Life Sciences - BIO
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Life Sciences & Math - BIM
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Math Literacy - MTL
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Math - MAT
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Math & Natural Sciences - MAS
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Music & Language - MUL
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Music & Management - MUM
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Physical Sciences - PHS
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Physical Sciences and Math - PSM
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Religious Studies - REL
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Sport Science - SPT
- 90148: Education in Senior Phase: Tourism - TRM

Source: UGC
Postgraduate diplomas
These are the postgraduate diplomas UNISA offers and their codes:
- 98231: Accounting Sciences
- 90159: Agriculture Agri-Business - ABM
- 90159: Agriculture Animal Health - AHE
- 90159: Agriculture Animal Science - ANS
- 90159: Agriculture Plant Science - PLS
- 98255: Applied Accounting Sciences
- 90185: Applied Psychometry
- 98215: Business Administration
- 90167: Disability Studies
- 98233: Financial Accounting
- 98234: Forensic Auditing
- 98227: Human Resource Development
- 98228: Human Resource Management
- 90100: Inclusive Education
- 90069: Information Resource Management
- 90172: Intellectual Property Law and Management
- 98207: Internal Auditing
- 98209: Labor Relations Management
- 90164: Language Education
- 90003: Library and Information Science
- 98205: Management Accounting
- 90175: Mathematics Education
- 98106: Nature Conservation
- 98212: Organizational Development
- 90096: Ornamental and Landscape Horticulture
- 90146: Project Management
- 90163: Psychology of Education
- 98208: Public Administration
- 90161: Public Health
- 98210: Risk Management
- 90182: Safety Management
- 90080: Security Management
- 90008: Social and Behavioral Studies - HIV/AIDS
- 90171: Supply Chain Management
- 98256: Taxation
- 90110: Teaching and Learning Care and Support
- 98257: Tourism Management
- 98213: Transport and Logistics
Honors degrees
These are the honors degrees UNISA offers and their codes:
- 98354: B. Acc. Sci. Honors in Management Accounting
- 98449: B.Admin. Honors in Public Administration
- 99306: B.A. Honors in African Languages
- 99307: B.A. Honors in African Politics
- 99435: B.A. Honors in Afrikaans Language Stream - LAN
- 99435: B.A. Honors in Afrikaans Literature Stream - LIT
- 99402: B.A. Honors in Ancient Near Eastern Studies
- 99403: B.A. Honors in Anthropology
- 99405: B.A. Honors in Applied Linguistics
- 99404: B.A. Honors in Arabic
- 99406: B.A. Honors in Archaeology
- 90168: B.A. Honors in Archives and Records Management
- 99407: B.A. Honors in Art History
- 99408: B.A. Honors in Biblical Archaeology Old Testament Period - OTP
- 99409: B.A. Honors in Biblical Studies New Testament Period - NTP
- 99409: B.A. Honors in Biblical Studies Old Testament Period - OTP
- 99410: B.A. Honors in Classical Studies
- 98655: B.A. Honors in Corrections Management
- 98682: B.A. Honors in Criminology
- 99438: B.A. Honors in Development Studies

Source: UGC
- 99411: B.A. Honors in English Studies
- 90108: B.A. Honors in Environmental Management
- 90109: B.A. Honors in Forensic Science and Technology
- 99439: B.A. Honors in Gender Studies
- 99412: B.A. Honors in History
- 98619: B.A. Honors in Integrated Organizational Communication
- 99414: B.A. Honors in International Politics
- 99415: B.A. Honors in Islamic Studies
- 99417: B.A. Honors in Linguistics
- 99418: B.A. Honors in Media Studies
- 99419: B.A. Honors in Modern European Languages and Literature
- 99420: B.A. Honors in Philosophy
- 90074: B.A. Honors in Police Science
- 99421: B.A. Honors in Politics
- 99422: B.A. Honors in Psychology Applied Psychology - APP
- 99422: B.A. Honors in Psychology Community and Health Psychology - CHP
- 99422: B.A. Honors in Psychology Psychological Counselling - COU
- 99423: B.A. Honors in Religious Studies
- 99425: B.A. Honors in Social Behavioral Studies - HIV/AIDS
- 99426: B.A. Honors in Sociology
- 99427: B.A. Honors in Theory of Literature
- 99428: B.A. Honors in Translation Studies
- 90090: B.A. Honors in Visual Multimedia Arts
- 98450: B.A. Honors in Business Informatics
- 98452: B.A. Honors in Business Management - N22
- 98353: B.A. Honors in Economics
- 90095: B.A. Honors in Financial Management
- 98350: B.A. Honors in Financial Modelling
- 98351: B.A. Honors in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
- 98453: B.A. Honors in Logistics
- 90114: B.A. Honors in Marketing Management
- 98355: B.A. Honors in Tourism Management
- 98464: Bachelor of Commerce Honors in Transport Economics
- 98104: Bachelor of Consumer Science Honora
- 90125: B.Ed. Honors Adult Continuing Education and Training - ACE
- 90125: B.Ed. Honors Agric. sciences, tech., & education Management - ATM
- 90125: B.Ed. Honors Curriculum Studies - CUR
- 90125: B.Ed. Honors Early Childhood Education - ECE
- 90125: B.Ed. Honors Education for Sustainable Development - ESD
- 90125: B.Ed. Honors Educational Leadership and Management - ELM
- 90125: B.Ed. Honors History of Education - HIS
- 90125: B.Ed. Honors Inclusive Education - IEE
- 90125: B.Ed. Honors Information Comm. Technologies in Education - ICT
- 90125: B.Ed. Honors International and Comparative Education - ICE
- 90125: B.Ed. Honors Language Education, Arts and Culture - LAC
- 90125: B.Ed. Honors Mathematics Education - MAT
- 90125: B.Ed. Honors Open Distance & e-Learning in the Higher Educ. - ODL
- 90125: B.Ed. Honors Philosophy of Education - PSE
- 90125: B.Ed. Honors Psychology of Education - PSY
- 90125: B.Ed. Honors Science Education - SCE
- 90125: B.Ed. Honors Sociology of Education - SOE
- 90125: B.Ed. Honors Technology Education - TEC
- 90155: B.Ed. Honors in Chemical Engineering
- 90156: B.Eng. Technology Honors in Electronic Engineering
- 90154: B.Eng. Technology Honors in Industrial Engineering
- 90151: B.Eng. Technology Honors in Mechanical Engineering
- 90153: B.Eng. Technology Honors in Power Engineering
- 90152: B.Eng. Technology Honors in Structural Engineering
- 90150: B.Eng. Technology Honors in Water Engineering
- 90072: Bachelor of Information Science Honors
- 98578: Bachelor of Musicology Honors
- 98921: B.Sc. Honors in Applied Mathematics

Source: UGC
- 98920: B.Sc. Honors in Astronomy
- 98919: B.Sc. Honors in Chemistry
- 98908: B.Sc. Honors in Computing
- 98102: B.Sc. Honors in Environmental Management
- 98103: B.Sc. Honors in Environmental Monitoring and Modelling
- 98105: B.Sc. Honors in Geography
- 90084: B.Sc. Honors in Life Sciences Biochemistry - BIO
- 90084: B.Sc. Honors in Life Sciences Botany - BOT
- 90084: B.Sc. Honors in Life Sciences Genetics - GNE
- 90084: B.Sc. Honors in Life Sciences Microbiology - MIB
- 90084: B.Sc. Honors in Life Sciences Physiology - PHY
- 90084: B.Sc. Honors in Life Sciences Zoology - EZO
- 98923: B.Sc. Honors in Mathematics
- 90078: B.Sc. Honors in Operations Research
- 98918: B.Sc. Honors in Physics
- 98922: B.Sc. Honors in Statistics New Curriculum - NEW
- 98627: Bachelor of Theology Honors in Christian Leadership
- 98626: Bachelor of Theology Honors in Christian Spirituality
- 98620: Bachelor of Theology Honors in Church History
- 98579: Bachelor of Theology Honors in Missiology
- 99429: Bachelor of Theology Honors in New Testament
- 99430: Bachelor of Theology Honors in Old Testament
- 99431: Bachelor of Theology Honors in Practical Theology
- 99433: Bachelor of Theology Honors in Systematic Theology
- 99434: Bachelor of Theology Honors in Theological Ethics
UNISA admission requirements
A higher certificate at UNISA requires a minimum APS of 15, a diploma requires a minimum APS of 18, and a bachelor's degree requires an APS score of 21 or more.
Note that even if you reach or surpass the required APS score, your admission to UNISA still depends on your ability to meet the specific admission requirements for your chosen course.
UNISA contact details
You can contact UNISA through:
- Main campus address: Preller Street, Muckleneuk Ridge, Pretoria
- Sunnyside campus address: Cnr Justice Mahomed & Steve Biko Streets, Sunnyside, Pretoria
- Telephone: 0800 00 1870
- Email:
Which courses are still open at UNISA?
These are the short courses UNISA offers and their codes:
- 76908: Speechwriting
- 76820: I-SET Robotics Components and Pedagogy
- 77067: I-SET Robotics Fundamentals
- 76984: I-SET Robotics Problem-solving, Data and Debugging
- 77068: I-SET Robotics for the Future
- 72877: Refugee Law and Humanitarian Support
- 72621: Introduction to Agribusiness Management
- 76968: Orientation and Background to HIV/AIDS Care and Counselling
- 76815: Psychology of Mentorship

Source: UGC
Does UNISA offer bridging courses?
If your Matric grades do not meet UNISA entry requirements for a bachelor's degree, take a bridging course to improve your Matric grades and qualify to enroll in a degree of choice. Bridging courses available at UNISA are:
- Bridging Mathematics Course
- Bridging English Course
- Bridging Science Course
- Bridging Information Technology Course
- Bridging Accounting Course
- Bridging Economics Course
- Bridging Health Sciences Course
What are the free online courses at UNISA?
UNISA does not have free online courses. However, you can pay for a course and enroll under the Distance Education program, where you don’t attend daily lectures. You learn from a distance and connect to the university via the internet.
What are the UNISA plumbing courses?
UNISA does not offer plumbing as an independent course. Nonetheless, you can learn about plumbing and more in engineering courses offered at UNISA.
Does UNISA have Master's and doctoral degrees?
There are over 100 UNISA have Master's and doctoral degrees to choose from. To enter a Master's program, you need an honors degree, postgraduate diploma, or 4-year bachelor of science degree in the related field, with an average of at least 60%.
Students who have not completed a module in research methodology may be required to do so before their proposal for a Master's degree will be considered. Before applying for admission, contact the relevant academic department to confirm the availability of a supervisor.
To do a doctoral degree, you need an appropriate Master's degree. Contact the relevant academic department to confirm the availability of a supervisor before applying for admission.
What are the requirements for studying at UNISA?
There are specific admission requirements for each qualification. So, review the general admission requirements for courses you want and consider other alternatives if you do not meet the criteria.
What are the basic admission requirements for UNISA?
You need a valid email address and cellphone number and copies of all the required documents (i.e., primary and high school certificates, official tertiary academic record(s), national ID/passport, marriage certificate (if applicable), or divorce decree (if applicable), etc.)
What are the UNISA application deadlines for 2024?
Applications for admission to undergraduate courses for the 2025 academic year will be open from 21 August to 11 October 2024.
How do you apply for UNISA qualifications?
You can apply for two qualifications through the UNISA application website, starting with your most preferred qualification. After the application closing date, no new applications or documents will be accepted.

Source: UGC
How much is the application fee?
Pay the R140,00 online application fee and send proof of payment to
How much does it cost to study at UNISA?
UNISA's prescribed fees per subject group are subject to periodic review. The average fees range between R1 815,00 and R7 550,00 per module. In addition, learners incur additional costs for books. The UNISA course fees calculator can help you know your total study fees.
Does UNISA give bursaries?
UNISA's Student Funding Directorate lists undergraduate and postgraduate study loans and bursaries you can apply for and the qualification requirements. One of them is the NSFAS funding.
Is a UNISA degree good?
The University of South Africa offers balanced academic programs while maintaining high academic standards and ethical conduct. On top of this, UNISA's research outputs are commendable and do not compare to any other university.
Is UNISA recognized internationally?
The University of South Africa is verified by the International Association of Universities (IAU) and listed in the International Handbook of Universities published by UNESCO.
Does UNISA accept foreign students?
International students can apply to UNISA. The school has degree advisers to take you through the application process.
What is a UNISA prospectus?
A UNISA prospectus is a booklet or brochure with essential details for a student to know about this college, including its faculties, courses, and admission requirements.
There is so much that you can benefit from the competitive UNISA courses. Enroll today and lay a solid foundation for your career. explained the UNISA registration process. This information can ease the process of getting admitted to this institute.
If you have been eyeing the University of South Africa, the article will help you prepare before sending your application.
Source: Briefly News