50+ hilarious short people memes that will crack you up

50+ hilarious short people memes that will crack you up

The world today rotates around funny puns and memes regarding anything. With so much going on, one needs to have a little laugh as it is believed to be medicine for the soul. One category of hilarious jokes revolves around little people. Here are some great short people memes to crack you up.

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short people memes
Hilarious short people memes that will crack you up. Photo: Unsplash.com, @Priscilla Du Preez
Source: UGC

There is a high likelihood that you have one, two, or even three small people in your life. Perhaps your best friend is a small person, or even one of your siblings is little. So, are you well acquitted with some funny jokes about short people?

Short people memes

If you are having a bad day, rest assured that with a glimpse of these funny memes about being small, your day will be filled with laughter. However, such jokes or puns are viewed as short people problems, and little people may not take them lightly. So, here are some hilarious short people memes.

1. How to converse with short people

short people memes
When you hug someone taller than you, you can feel their heartbeat. Photo: @a_drawing_bunny
Source: Twitter

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When you hug someone taller than you, you can feel their heartbeat. This is a common story for little persons with their tall friends.

2. For the short, strong, and independent woman

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The life of most small people when they go to the store for some shopping. Photo: @krisbkee
Source: Instagram

This is what happens when most short girls find their way to the store for some shopping and they cannot get to the top shelve.

3. When you overestimate a little person

short people problems
The face of a little person when faced with a tough question in life. Photo: @babyyoda.2020
Source: Instagram

When you are in the pool with your friends, you must tread while their feet can still touch the bottom.

4. A steady support system

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When a small person needs to grab some crisps from the cabinet. Photo: eurofitdirect
Source: Instagram

For most little folks cooking becomes a workout because they have to climb up the counters and get what they need.

5. Microwaving a little person

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Short person memes to enjoy today. Photo: @memesnigeria247
Source: Instagram

God only lets things grow until they are perfect. Some people did not take long as others. People make fun of little people especially when waving at them.

Small people jokes

Having a little friend around you is always a joy in its way. If you have not had enough of the funny jokes, here are more short person memes to enjoy.

6. The perfect way to communicate

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How to communicate to little people because of their size. Photo: @sayuudaiji
Source: Twitter

Sometimes when a little person is talking to you, it can get strenuous. Thus, it is advisable that you engage them while sitting in the appropriate sitting position.

7. The joy within

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The joy of spotting someone shorter than you. Photo: @splendourlillyposh
Source: Instagram

There is nothing as joyous as when a short person spots someone else who is shorter than them. The feeling is amazing and that of over the moon.

8. Double standards!

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Short girls are believed to have specifications when it comes to the height of the guys they would love to date. Photo: @die_acidic
Source: Instagram

It is ironic how small girls will have specifications when it comes to the height of the guys they want to date. This is no different from a small person trying to make a bed and not being able to reach across it, or getting a chair to reach something high up and still not being able to reach it.

Short man memes

If you have come across memes about being small, you know how it feels to have your day made. Here are some angry short person memes to crack you up as well as how to talk to short people memes.

9. Feeling left out

how to talk to short people meme
Little girl problems when walking with their tall girlfriends. Photo: @veggielover77
Source: Instagram

When walking with tall friends on the road and you cannot keep up with them. It is indeed an uphill task.

10. Looking up explained

small people jokes
A great way of self-defense for little girls. Photo: @lastofferbrand
Source: Instagram

How little folks get confidence when explaining themselves to tall people on why they look up to them. Sometimes, its not the achievements but the height difference.

11. Little people anger expressions

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Short people problems. Photo: @funtroverts
Source: Instagram

Isn't it funny how the imagination in most people's minds is; that when small folks are angry, their anger is portrayed as bigger than them. This is something that only little folks can affirm.

12. Holding hands redefined

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Tall and small people in a relationship often face various challenges. Photo: @students_.fact
Source: Instagram

The tale of a small girl dating a tall guy is a funny sight to behold. The above photo shows how a tall guy should hold hands with his small girlfriend.

13. Mess around at your own risk!

jokes about short people
There is nothing good that comes out of messing with a small girl! Photo: @short_maz
Source: Instagram

You definitely do not want to mess with the wrong girl. Short girls will be after you in case you break their heart!

14. Minding your business

small people jokes
The challenges of having to reach past the third shelf. Photo: @shaynatitan
Source: Instagram

The tale of most little folks when they find what they need stored in the most-top shelf in the store. You find yourself wanting to help.

15. Everything short!

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Little persons also have their own pros in life. Photo: @lethabo_moskyllz
Source: Instagram

16. The big person

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Height means different things to various people. Photo: @turquoiseandshells
Source: Instagram

Life can serve you both bitter and sweet at the same time. During those hard times, it is only paramount to allow the strong person to handle the issues at hand, and especially if they are taller than yourself.

17. Being accommodating enough

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When a short person is responding to you. Photo: @brosdhike_meme
Source: Instagram

Conversing with a short person can sometimes be tricky, especially when both of you are standing tall!

18. When the conversation is not clear enough

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A little boy struggling to see afar. Photo: @laughable_memes7
Source: Instagram

A conversation with a little person can be termed as problematic, especially when they seem not to understand. Some tall folks will argue and joke that their size could be the root cause. What do you think?

19. Looking at the glass half full

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Life has its way of balancing people. Photo: @funin25
Source: Instagram

Not all the time does life offer lemons to little people. Sometimes, it is advantageous to be short as being tall also has its shortcomings.

20. A day in the life of a small person

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Small people go through much to survive. Photo: @theadventuresof_sandk
Source: Instagram

The tale of a little person catching a train on the subway in the midst of tall people. One has to struggle beneath their smelly armpits.

21. Full lengths pictures can be problematic

small people jokes
When a tall person ruins a photo session. Photo: @theadventuresof_sandk
Source: Instagram

There is nothing as annoying as a tall friend or loved one ruining your planned photo session. You are forced to capture many pictures and try different poses to have everyone captured.

22. The untold story of the top shelf

jokes about short people
Tales of the top-most shelf in most households. Photo: @theadventuresof_sandk
Source: Instagram

The top shelf is always often disorganized and dusty when a short person is around. It always comes down to throwing stuff up there.

23. When no one takes you seriously

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When no one takes you seriously because of your size. Photo: @theadventuresof_sandk
Source: Instagram

24. Car accessories for little persons

The audacity that tall people have over short people when they are angry. The best part is that no one takes them seriously even when offended.

short people memes
Car accessories for little people. Photo: @memes.x.addda
Source: Instagram

When you thought you has seen it all! Little persons also have the privilege of driving cars at their comfort, and there in no shame in it.

25. No beating around the bush

50+ hilarious short people memes that will crack you up
When a small person opts to be brutal honest. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

Being small is not a disability, and so, treating short people like they are less able is a no! You certainly do not want to find yourself on the wrong side.

26. Tit for tat is a fair game

how to talk to short people meme
A small person exhuming wisdom and wittiness. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

Small people do not appreciate when tall people treat them as less-able or ask them non-pleasant questions.

27. Long distance relationship

hilarious short people memes
How a short person's palm fits to a tall person's palm. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

Being in a relationship with a little girl often culminates to such moments, which are hilarious and awkward at the same time.

28. Mug-like defination

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When you want to annoy a little girl. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

There are many ways to annoy a short girl, and one which carries the day is comparing them to mugs. That is cruel!

29. Dating a tall dude

jokes about short people
How it feels dating a tall guy and holding hands on the streets. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

If you have ever dated a short girl, then you know how it feels holdings hands while walking on the streets. The distance between your hand and them feels like a million miles away.

30. Hitting on a tall girl!

jokes about short people
The look one gets when a short guy hits on a tall girl. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

Dating a small girl has been normalized in today's society. But, what about a tall girl going out with a short guy? It is possible but seems out of place.

31. Slap on the face

small people jokes
The reaction when a short guy tells his height. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

Being turned down because of your height is the worst feeling, especially if you really liked the girl.

32. When little people get angry!

small people jokes
The look when small persons get angry! Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

Crossing one's boundaries is annoying. However, it becomes more deadly if the person in context is little.

33. The irony of life!

jokes about short people
How short is too short. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

Just when you think your height is perfect for any girl in your reach, a little girl neglects your advances.

34. Friend-zoned in the blink of an eye!

small people jokes
Trying to understand why life is unfair to short people. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

Fiona from the popular animation Shrek choose an ogre over a short handsome prince. This goes to show to what extent one would take to keep off short dudes.

35. Tables turned over!

small people jokes
A victorious laugh cannot be avoided once in a while. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

Most instances, tall people look down on small people, and enjoy when they turn to them for help. However, in some cases, a short person enjoys the day when a tall person encounters a problem as a result of their height.

36. How to talk to your short buddy

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One of the best ways of talking to little people. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

Does your short friend struggle when it comes to hearing you? If the answer is yes, you can have them inclined to level up to you.

37. Hanging everywhere

short people problems
When your friend's feet are always touching the floor. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

Ever sat next to your best friend and their feet are touching the floor whereas yours cannot? If this is the case, then you know the feeling, quite humbling!

38. Definitely a shorty!

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When he is too good to be true. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

Chatting with a guy who has all the qualities you would desire in a guy, including texting back on time, and earns a decent salary is a clear indication he is short in stature.

39. When height haunts!

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Being short is sometimes costly. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

Dating a very short girl may end up being expensive. This is especially when you find yourself on the wrong side of the law.

40. Grow up!

short people problems
It is not everyday you come across little persons. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

For some people, coming across short people is a big deal. It is not everyday that you meet little persons.

41. Down to earth

small people jokes
When you cannot help it but make jokes of your height with your friends. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

Being a small person can be a source of humour for most buddies. While for some, jokes about their height is a no-go zone, for others anything to create laughter is perfect.

42. When height meets disagreement

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It is advisable to keep off arguments especially when you are the short person in your relationship. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

Arguing with a tall friend or boyfriend is not advisable especially when your height can cost you your dear life and comfort.

43. When not even heels can get you off the hook!

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Heels are the key to a short girl regaining her glory. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

Most small people often embrace wearing heels as they make the,m look taller than they really are in life. This is the story for most tiny ladies.

44. If only wishes were horses, beggars would ride!

short people meme
Little persons admiration for tall people. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

It may seem like getting something from the top-most shelf as normal to you. This is not the case for little persons who often struggle to do that which seems very easy.

45. When height defines who you are!

jokes about short people
When people judge you by your height. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

Some people are often quick to judge before spending quality time with the person and getting to learn who they are. This is the story for most little people who are misjudged and mishandled.

46. When love is short

short people problems
Having a short partner can be an uphill task. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

The atmosphere in a home where one of the partners is short can be comical, especially if both are humorous.

47. When height disapproves you

short people
Being a little parent often comes with challenges. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

When a little person is is asked a challenging question such as how tall they are! A million feelings rush through their mind and body! Also, funny thing is that small people know that they are not tall, but that does not mean you can use them as an armrest.

48. Keeping lines of communication open

short people problems
The art of communication redefined. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

When conversing with a small person, it is only fair to have them rise to the occasion and level up to you.

49. Social distancing

angry short person meme
Little persons do not have any choice rather than social distance by force. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

When you are short, you hardly have the hustle of social distancing in a crowd. Your height works perfectly well as everyone seems to be far from a distance even if they are near.

50. The secret revealed

hilarious short people memes
Heels are a girl's best friend. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

Most girls, and especially short ones want a tall dark handsome guy! You would think its just a close-to-the-heart trait, but no! Every girl wants to rock in heels and feel gorgeous.

51. The future is here!

hilarious short people memes
The benefits of little persons in a few words. Photo: @memesforlittles
Source: Instagram

Small people come with a handful of benefits to humanity. Most people joke that the benefits they experience are the future.

With the hilarious short people memes above, you will have a fabulous day. But, at the same time, if you are the little friend in your circle, you learn how to relate with your friends and loved ones and what sometimes they think of you when around.

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Briefly.co.za highlighted some of the best 100+ happy birthday uncle messages, quotes, wishes 2022 (with images). Birthdays are special occasions in everyone's lives, and people strive to create a memorable celebration every year. Happy birthday uncle messages are sure to put a smile on your uncle's face.

Nephews and nieces often develop special bonds with their uncles, especially the younger ones who understand their needs. Depending on the kind of nephew or niece-uncle relationship, choose the best quote that best describes his role in your life.

Source: Briefly News

Ruth Gitonga avatar

Ruth Gitonga (Lifestyle writer) Ruth Gitonga has a background experience in Mass Communication for over six years. She graduated from the University of Nairobi with a degree in Mass Communication in December 2014. In 2023, Ruth finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. She has worked for Briefly.co.za for five years now. She specializes in topics like lifestyle, entertainment, travel, technology, and sports. Email: gitongaruth14@gmail.com.