Free State
People in Jagersfontein rendered homeless after a dam burst in 2022 are still in need. Mzansi peeps unimpressed by officials' progress with building new homes.
The Youth Revolution has called for no bail to be given to Machaka Radebe's alleged murder suspects who were arrested in December and appeared in January.
The South African Weather Service issued severe weather warnings for various provinces, forecasting widespread rain and thunderstorms that might be disruptive.
Christmas in Gauteng, Free State and Limpopo will have heavy rainfall. SAWS warmed five provinces in South Africa about the impending storm over festive.
A man from the Free State was a victim of robbery when thieves broke into his house and stole phones, alcohol and money meant for him to pay lobola.
Slain Free State resident Machaka Radebe was laid to rest this past weekend on 10 December 2023. Her mother, Lebohang, and her aunt, Eve, made emotional pleas.
A truck driver on the N3 in the Free State witnessed an accident between two other trucks and swerved to the side to avoid colliding with one of the trucks.
A TikTok video shows a severe storm in Bloemfontein. Mzansi peeps were in awe of the powerful force of nature and the damage they caused in the Free State.
A TikTok user exposed her friends' private financial information. The video displayed screenshots of bank balances and shocked South African netizens.
Free State
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