120+ Best funny, cute and belated happy birthday cousin messages, wishes and quotes (with images)

120+ Best funny, cute and belated happy birthday cousin messages, wishes and quotes (with images)

Siblings do not hate each other but cannot stay together for hours without arguing. Therefore, many people find a deeper connection with their cousins than their siblings. Is your cousin's birthday around the corner? Take a look at these belated happy birthday cousin messages, wishes and quotes and send as many as you want.

happy birthday cousin messages
Celebrating someone else's birthday is a sign of unconditional love. Photo: @happybirthdayquoteswishesimages
Source: Facebook

Many people will send your cousin happy birthday gifts and messages. However, yours might be the only thing they need to feel special. Use happy birthday cousin messages, wishes and quotes creatively. Write them on a poster, a card, the cake, the gift wrapper and so on.

Best 120+ belated happy birthday messages, wishes and quotes for your cousin

Most people do not know there are three types of cousins. You have "first", "second", and "first once removed" cousins. These are genealogy terms used to define the type of blood relationships among cousins.

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Funny birthday wishes for cousins

happy birthday cousin messages
The event reminds the person how far they have come. Photo: @sweet_holidaysochi
Source: Instagram

Do you have cousins who are the family's entertainers? They are the family's WhatsApp group's meme Lords and events' planners, emcees, DJs and performers. Here are the funny happy birthday messages for such cousins:

  1. Best wishes, cousin! Please don't blow on the cake too hard because some of us plan to eat it.
  2. You would be able to count your age today if you had taken mathematics seriously in school.
  3. Hey, birthday boy, how about I send you a mail order bride as a gift if you aren't married by this time next year.
  4. You know I love you, right? I went out of my way to buy you such a lovely gift even though you owe me money.
  5. The tablecloth is flame resistant, there is a fire extinguisher under the table, and I have the fire department on standby in case blowing the candles turns into something else.
  6. I made a list of wise words to tell you, but it will remain blank till next year!
  7. Enjoy your birthday the same way you enjoy annoying me.
  8. You have more preservatives in you than a jar of mayonnaise! Is there an expiration date at the bottom? I hope not. HBD dear.
  9. I will sanitize my house and wear the mask while waiting for you to stream that birthday party or send me videos. Happy lockdown-birthday, cousin.
  10. I bought us this bottle of whiskey but will add some water to your glass. I can't handle you when you are drunk. Enjoy your day, cuz.
  11. Do you remember how you made a cake that looked like a pudding? Please send me the recipe because I need to make one for your big day.
  12. Since you hate exercising, I am hanging the cake from the ceiling to get you to do a few jumps.
  13. HBD cousin. May all you give come back to you.

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Happy birthday messages for male cousins

happy birthday cousin messages
It strengthens family bonds as people get time to interact and socialize. Photo: @sweet_holidaysochi
Source: Instagram

A birthday message is much better compared to a present. Write one of these funny male birthday wishes on the card and witness its magical impact.

  1. Congratulations, my brother from another mother, for adding another year to your life!
  2. You are my favourite human being. Happy birthday, brother!
  3. We were the best childhood partners in crime. I wish you a grand celebration.
  4. You deserve all the happiness in the world, brother!
  5. May your smile and positive attitude help you conquer the world.
  6. The best moments of my life are the days I spent with you.
  7. You are the most handsome man I know. May joy, success and love overflow in your life.
  8. Here is to another year for your adventurous soul to explore the world. HBD brother.
  9. Age gracefully, dear. I am mad at you for not telling me the secret to staying young.
  10. We are honoured to be your family. May you remain the coolest cousin ever.
  11. I feel blessed to see you grow older!
  12. We won't talk for the rest of the year if you wear that gloomy face to your birthday.
  13. I thought of getting you a suit today, but you have added so much weight. I envy you, cuz.
  14. I noticed you are so healthy, brother. Please don't be stingy with your recipes. Happy B-Day
  15. You are like a fortified city built on a hill. May your light continue to shine.

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Special birthday messages for cousins

happy birthday cousin messages
The celebration boosts the person's self-esteem because it shows them that they are loved. Photo: @sweet_holidaysochi
Source: Instagram

Everyone has wealthy cousins. Some are stingy and spoiled braggarts, but you enjoy their company since blood is thicker than water. What is better than sending them funny birthday messages?

  1. It's about time you turned 18! Drinks are on you, and happy birthday.
  2. Please take care of this gift until I am done paying for it. Otherwise, both of us will be indebted to the seller.
  3. All your birthday wishes come true, except the illegal ones.
  4. You annoy me so much that I get worried when you do not. So, let's party and annoy each other our entire lives.
  5. Cheers to the sweetest cousin ever. I promise to be by your side.
  6. Happy B-day, cousin! Let me confirm whether the emergency number is working. I do not think you can drink and dance without breaking a bone.
  7. Please save a piece of cake for me. I do not know why I am requesting the impossible.
  8. Get all your presents before you offend anyone because I know you will.
  9. We ensured the candles cost less than the cake; therefore, we just got two numbers. Happy 70th birthday!
  10. I am sending virtual flowers, cakes, and drinks because we're digital.
  11. I will be pissed off if you do not forget to send me birthday photos. I want to turn them into memes.
  12. I just want to remind you that I am still younger than you.
  13. Since I am collecting all gifts on your behalf, I am extending the gifts' expiration date to next month.
  14. Will you pardon all my future mistakes because I got you a birthday gift?
  15. What can I pray for a wonderful human who has it all? Another year of fortune, blessings and strength.
  16. I will never throw a small party for you. I love watching you clean the mess the next day.
  17. Happy Birthday to you. You smell like my cousin and kind of look like him too.

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Beautiful birthday messages for female cousins

happy birthday cousin messages
The celebration creates unforgettable memories among loved ones. Photo: @sweet_holidaysochi
Source: Instagram

Make their special day count, and they will forever be grateful. What do you think about these happy birthday cousin female messages?

  1. We were not born of the same parents, but we are much more like sisters! HBD cuz.
  2. Wishing a happy and blessed born day wonder woman.
  3. I hope this birthday brings you the best things in life as you celebrate yet another milestone in your life.
  4. Every moment spent with you is sacred since you are my inspiration. Happy B-day, girl!
  5. May you live long so that I can learn more from you, my dear.
  6. Happy birthday to the world's best cousin.
  7. I pray you continually grow in grace, wisdom, and beauty. Much love.
  8. The best thing about being cousins is you sharing your stuff with me. Can we share your boyfriend too?
  9. Happy B-day to the craziest cousin ever. Unleash all your madness today.
  10. I love your determination and principles. If you are selling, I would love to be the first buyer.
  11. Dress up or throw on your pyjamas. All we want is your presence. HBD.
  12. I remember how many times you won the contest. HBD to the smartest girl I know.

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Birthday messages for cousins who have been your mentors

happy birthday cousin messages
A birthday celebration is a symbol of your gratitude for being alive. Photo: @sweet_holidaysochi
Source: Instagram

Your parents always mention these cousins whenever advising you. They want you to emulate their character. The following thoughtful birthday texts will suit them:

  1. I am grateful you saved me from trouble. I have a thousand more mischiefs running on my mind. Will you come and get me, superman? Happy birthday!
  2. Dear, I consider you as a shining light in my life. Thank you for motivating and inspiring me to become a better person.
  3. I find myself in you and hope you find yourself in me. HBD.
  4. Have a fantastic birthday, cuz! You deserve a Grammy Award for keeping my secrets to date.
  5. Cheers to my cousin! You are my pride, rock, and shining armour.
  6. I remember the good old days when you fought my bullies. I am strong enough to fight for you now. HBD.
  7. Live today like there is no tomorrow. I won't take any excuse from you. We will party till dawn.
  8. I wish I could get you the most expensive gift in the world. Enjoy your day, cuz.
  9. If you do not celebrate your birthday, please lend it to me. I will be glad to celebrate it on your behalf.
  10. Life is too short. I wish all days were your birthday, brother.
  11. I pray your guardian angels will watch over you for the rest of your life.
  12. HBD cuz. My family and I will always have you in our minds and hearts.

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Happy birthday messages with sarcasm

happy birthday cousin messages
It helps children to develop social skills. Photo: @sweet_holidaysochi
Source: Instagram

Cousins who are pretenders are sometimes cooler than the entertainers. No one but you and a few other cousins in your inner circle know each other's true colours. Here are some playful birthday wishes for such cousins:

  1. I will never forget your birthday. It comes to my mind a day after you notify me. Happy belated birthday, cuz.
  2. The funniest thing about your age is that your maturity level is stagnant.
  3. We did not bring the candles. How can 37 of them fit on top of a cupcake?
  4. The secret to a great birthday is to remember what happened the next day. I doubt you will recollect anything after a shot of whiskey. Happy birthday!
  5. Happy 18th birthday. You can now legally do everything you have been doing since 13.
  6. The secret to staying young is lying about your age.
  7. I did not waste my time writing on this card because you never read cards. All you care about is the gift inside.
  8. Another year means another birthday to organize and another headache, but I love it. It is the only time I genuinely request sick leave.
  9. Please don't give your side chicks my address. I will keep your gifts this time if they drop them at my place.
  10. You did not have the best birthday if you did not wake up to a hangover, terrible headache and confusion. Drink up, baby!
  11. Have I ever told you that I love you? Now, you have. Remember these words when you’re cutting and dishing out the cake portions later! And I love the icing.
  12. You are so different from your parents; hence, I thought today was the best time to tell you you were adopted. Just kidding! Enjoy your birthday.
  13. I wish your mum a happy B-day. She did all the work, and you just popped out!
  14. Do I smell that bad? We used to be besties, but now we're not. I want to wish you HBD face-to-face. Not from behind a door. Shall we hang out today?
  15. I found a cute picture of the three-year-old you wearing nothing but socks and a smile! Check my happy B-day wish on Instagram and Facebook. I can not figure out how to upload the darn picture on Twitter.

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Cute birthday wishes for cousins

happy birthday cousin messages
Celebrating someone's birthday makes them understand they need to focus more on their life goals because they are growing older. Photo: @sweet_holidaysochi
Source: Instagram

Do you have born-again cousins? They will appreciate Christian happy birthday messages for cousins. Some people do not like ungodly jokes.

  1. There is no one better than you. Well, I guess you know that too. Enjoy your special day.
  2. May you continue to brighten our lives, and you deserve the best from Allah.
  3. Today means so much to me, for you are a true friend. Happy B-day.
  4. I am very grateful to God for adding a year to your life.
  5. Have a beautiful day, cuz! I hope that you can make reality whatever you want and God be with you wherever you go.
  6. May God's presence never depart from you as you begin another chapter in your life.
  7. May God's love surround you the same way this envelope has covered my card.
  8. HBD, I pray that God continues to bless the work of your hands.

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Touching birthday messages for cousins

happy birthday cousin messages
It symbolizes a new beginning and the joy of life. Photo: @sweet_holidaysochi
Source: Instagram

It sucks when you are no longer close to those cousins who used to be your ride and die. Strike a conversation using these sweet birthday messages:

  1. We grow older and forget the things our younger selves used to do. I hope that you never forget me. Enjoy the moment.
  2. Happy birthday, cuz! The pyramids wouldn't have been built without you!
  3. Hey dinosaur, the entire family now relies on you for information about our history! HBD
  4. Hope you know you have lost one year of your life today? Anyway, I will throw a party for you to forget about this loss.
  5. Getting older sucks, but you make it look easy.
  6. Follow your dreams and go where the heart calls you. Happy birthday!
  7. Getting older? No way! Buddy, you are getting sexier!
  8. Your past is blessed, your present is guaranteed, and your future is secured; this is my heart-felt prayer for you.
  9. I am glad we are not sisters because my parents would praise your intelligence more than mine. happy born day
  10. Hey dear, now you have to start acting your age and not your shoe size.
  11. I won't make any age-related jokes today because I genuinely feel bad about how old you are.
  12. A toast to you on this special day. The best way of staying young is to believe you are young.
  13. Now is the time to tell you what you truly are, cuz! An old geezer!
  14. I cannot believe how big you are getting!

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Genuine belated happy birthday cousin wishes

happy birthday cousin messages
The event is an ideal opportunity to reflect on things they should change in their lives. Photo: @sweet_holidaysochi
Source: Instagram

It is never too late to send your birthday wishes to your cousin. Make it up to them by sending them one of these wishes. How about you try these?

  1. Happy belated birthday, my love. Though I am a little late, let me grab this chance and return it later.
  2. I hope you had a spectacular day with lots of colourful celebrations. I wish you a happy belated birthday.
  3. I did not forget your special day, cuz. I just wanted to annoy you by sending my wish late.
  4. May you be aware of how you are loved!
  5. On your special day, I just want you to eat and drink as much as you can – after all, there's an awful lot of time to be skinny when you're dead, LOL!
  6. I am so proud of all you have accomplished and who you have become. Happy B-day, cuz!
  7. You are irreplaceable and a blessing to the world! Remember that.
  8. I want to be you in my next life.
  9. It's your day! You are growing older, but I am glad that I am still your senior.
  10. Happy birthday to the most beautiful person – Outside and inside.
  11. Our friendship will last forever. Happy cake-cutting moment.

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Birthday quotes for cousins

happy birthday cousin messages
It is a reassurance that you were born for a reason, and you have people who can help you achieve it. Photo: @sweet_holidaysochi
Source: Instagram

Do you have a happy birthday cute wish in mind you can write on a card right now? Pick any of these funny happy birthday cousin quotes:

  1. And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's life in your years. – Abraham Lincoln
  2. Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be. – Robert Browning
  3. I hope that your birthday is as much fun as you are, but that sets a very high standard. – Unknown
  4. Age is a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. –Satchel Paige
  5. I hope your birthday is as sweet as the cake. And the year to follow is filled with as much joy as you bring your friends! – Unknown
  6. The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. – Oprah Winfrey
  7. Inside every older person is a younger person wondering what the hell happened. – Cora Harvey Armstrong

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Hope that you enjoyed these happy birthday cousin messages, wishes, and quotes. Save your cousin's birthday and send them these messages.

READ ALSO: 150+ sweet things to say to her and him in the morning, daytime or night

Communication is the key to building a successful romantic relationship with someone. The internet has lots of romantic messages you can use to spice up your relationship.

Briefly.co.za shared 150+ sweet things to say to her and him. Rewrite the messages or copy and paste them as they are. What matters most is how you feel when sending the texts.

Source: Briefly News

Rodah Mogeni avatar

Rodah Mogeni (Lifestyle writer) She is a content creator with more than 4 years of experience. She graduated from Chuka University with a BA degree in Journalism and Mass Communication (2023). She joined Briefly in 2019. Rodah has been working as a health/fitness writer at BetterMe (since 2020), London Brokers, The Hoth, and Ardor Content. In 2023, Rodah finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. Her email is rodahmugeni998@gmail.com