Top 30 weird laws in the US that have existed or still exist

Top 30 weird laws in the US that have existed or still exist

The United States of America ranks as one of the world’s most powerful countries thanks to its military and economic muscle. However, another thing that the country has in abundance is rules and laws. While some are essential for each state's smooth running, others are bizarre and seem to originate from a comic book. Discover some of the weird laws in the US that you would never believe existed or are still in effect.

Weird laws in the US
Here are some weird laws in the US. Photo: Nora Carol Photography, Aaron McCoy, Sergio Mendoza Hochmann via Getty Images (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Many absurd laws have been written over the years, and they were all written for a reason. Someone did something so nutty at some point that people felt compelled to make it illegal. But do not worry, unless you are in the habit of wrestling bears or sharing your Netflix passwords, you are probably not breaking any of these weird US laws.

Weird laws in the US

From random food facts to hilarious rules about animals in various states, get ready to laugh and gawk as you go through some of the absurd laws in the United States.

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1. In Arizona, it is illegal for a donkey to sleep in a bathtub

Weird Arizona donkey law
A miniature Mediterranean donkey in a farm. Photo: Alberto Menendez
Source: UGC

As bizarre as this rule appears, you will be surprised to learn it is true. According to Horse and Man, a dam broke in the 1920s, flooding a rancher’s home where a donkey had become accustomed to sleeping in a bathtub.

When the flood reached the rancher's property, the flood swept the donkey and tub into a basin. After working to rescue the animal with town resources and workforce, the town passed a regulation prohibiting donkeys from sleeping in bathtubs.

2. In Gainesville, Georgia, you cannot eat fried chicken with a fork and knife

Weird US food laws
Southern fried chicken with potato salad. Photo: Marianna Massey
Source: UGC

In Gainesville, you can be arrested for eating fried chicken with anything other than your hands. In 1961, the state passed legislation making eating fried chicken with a fork illegal to promote the city as the world’s poultry capital.

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3. In Arkansas, you cannot honk your horn near a sandwich shop after 9 pm

Weird state laws in the US
A man pushing a car horn while driving. Photo: Nopphon Pattanasri
Source: UGC

Arkansas’ honking law is one of the weirdest traffic laws in the US. As per The Lariat, honking horns near places where sandwiches and cold drinks are served after 9 p.m. is illegal. The law was enacted in the 1920s when curb services became popular nationwide.

4. In Illinois, underage culinary students are allowed to drink

The Sip and Spit Illinois law
A man pouring red wine into a glass. Photo: Luis Alvarez
Source: UGC

In 2012, Illinois passed a law called Sip and Spit based on the idea that learners should learn how to taste wine during their early years of culinary school. The regulation allows culinary students over 18 years old but under 21 to taste alcoholic drinks only by sipping and spitting.

5. In Missouri, you cannot wrestle a bear

Dumbest laws in the world
A close-up of a grizzly bear. Photo: Cris Cantón
Source: UGC

According to Justia, Missouri passed legislation prohibiting bear fighting in 2000. During these wrestling matches, the bears had their teeth and claws removed so they would not maul their opponents. Perpetrators of this inhuman behaviour face harsh penalties if found guilty.

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6. In Michigan, you cannot sell a car on Sunday

Dumb laws in America
In Michigan, it is against the law to sell a car on Sunday. Photo: Westend61
Source: UGC

Did you know that it is illegal to trade a car on Sunday in Michigan? Idiot Laws reports that the 1953 regulation was enacted due to the state’s sizable Christian population that believed Sunday was a day of rest.

7. In Connecticut, you cannot sell a pickle that does not bounce

Weird state laws in the US
In Connecticut, a pickle that does not bounce is not fit for human consumption. Photo: Valeriu Dragomir
Source: UGC

The Connecticut pickle law is one of the strange regulations that still exist. According to The Free Library, two farmers were caught selling pickles unfit for human consumption in the 1940s.

Unfortunately, there was no standard for pickles inspection, so for this reason, officials decided that bouncy ones were fresher than those that flopped onto the ground. In 1948, the bouncing-pickle rule became a law.

8. In Montana, you cannot keep a pet rat

Dumbest laws in the world
It is unlawful to sell rats in Montana. Photo: Indy
Source: UGC

In most of Montana, keeping a rat as a pet is illegal. Additionally, you cannot buy or sell a rat in Billings if it is not to feed a bird of prey or reptile. The law was initially enacted in reaction to an unpleasant hoarding situation.

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9. In Rockville, Maryland, you cannot swear in public

Dumbest laws in the world
It is illegal to swear in the streets of Maryland, USA. Photo: Sergio Mendoza Hochmann
Source: UGC

If you are visiting the state of Maryland, it is vital to know that you will be charged with misdemeanour and fines of $100 for cursing or swearing in public. The Moco Show reports that it is illegal to use obscene language on the sidewalk or highway where people can hear you.

10. In Minnesota, you cannot have muddy tires

Dumb laws in America
You risk being charged severe fines for muddy tires in Minnesota. Photo: Shaunl
Source: UGC

Dirty tires that leave a mud trail on the street are considered a nuisance in Minnesota. So, if you are visiting this state, ensure you hose off your tires if you have taken an off-roading expedition.

11. In Nevada, you cannot sit on the sidewalks

Weird laws in the US
Cheerful male and female friends talking while sitting on the sidewalk. Photo: Azman
Source: UGC

Sitting down on public sidewalks in Nevada is prohibited as it is considered a threat to public safety. Nevertheless, exceptions are made for people in wheelchairs and people having medical emergencies.

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12. In New Hampshire, you cannot take seaweed from the beach

New Hampshire seaweed law
This law was introduced as a result of seaweed’s relatively lucrative resale value in some contexts. Photo: Georgette Douwma
Source: UGC

How many seaweed peddlers have you ever met? Well, a US law forbids them from taking seaweeds from the beach. It is alleged that seaweed that was once used to manufacture fertilizer was stolen from public beaches at night.

13. In North Carolina, it is illegal to drink and play bingo

Weird state laws in the us
If you are a bingo lover, you will hate to find out that a game cannot last more than five hours in North Carolina. Photo: Tetra Images
Source: UGC

Did you know that as a bar owner in North Carolina, you could be fined for serving alcohol while playing bingo? Although it is still being determined when the law was first enacted, it has been followed for over three decades.

14. In North Carolina, you cannot wear a mask publicly

Dumbest laws in the world
This law was meant to discourage the Ku Klux Kla activity in the area. Photo: Maurizio Siani
Source: UGC

According to WCNC, wearing a mask in North Carolina is illegal. This law, enacted in 1953, prohibits individuals from wearing facial coverings in public.

15. In Oklahoma, it is illegal to trip a horse

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Dumb laws in America
It is against the law to do horse-tripping in Oklahoma. Photo: Nora Carol Photography
Source: UGC

Horse-tripping was an inhumane act that became a popular event to a point that Oklahoma and 12 other states had to enact this law. You could face severe jail terms or heavy fines if found doing this deliberately.

16. In Mississippi, you cannot have more than two kids out of wedlock

Weird US laws
This rule is among the weirdest state laws in the US. Photo: Fizkes
Source: UGC

In 2013, the Mississippi state passed a law that prohibits one from having more than one illegitimate child. A person having a second child out of wedlock risks being charged with a misdemeanour punishable by fines or jail time.

17. In Fresno, California, you cannot bother lizards at city parks

What is the strangest law in history?
This must be one of the strangest laws in the United States on our list. Photo: Jeremy Garber
Source: UGC

Lizards, as cold-blooded reptiles, love to lay out in the sun, and therefore, it is not uncommon to see them basking in local parks. However, touching or feeding basking lizards in Fresno is against the law.

18. In Yamhill, Oregon, you cannot be a fortune teller

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Dumbest laws in the world
Any spiritualistic readings or exhibitions of such characters for hire or profit are prohibited in Oregon. Photo: Peter Cade
Source: UGC

Is it illegal to become a fortune teller in Oregon? Yes, it is. As per American Legal Publishing, the state forbids the practice of any occult arts, including fortune telling, phrenology, astrology, clairvoyance, palmistry, spiritualism and mesmerism. Nonetheless, the state allows people to practise these arts if duly licenced under city ordinances.

19. In Blythe, California, you cannot wear cowboy boots unless you own two cows

Weird US laws
Boots bear a lot of significance for the people of Blythe. Photo: Aaron McCoy
Source: UGC

Although most people wear boots as a fashion statement, they take them very seriously in Blythe. As such, the law prohibits people who do not own at least two cows from wearing boots meant to be worn while wrangling cows.

20. In Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, whispering in the church is considered a disturbance of worship

Weird state laws in the US
Pews and stained glass windows in a church. Photo: Monashee Frantz
Source: UGC

According to E Code 360, making noise in a church in the City of Rehoboth Beach, Delaware will result in a fine. The law states that no one shall use noise to disrupt or disturb any congregation or assembly assembled for religious worship.

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The disturbance includes talking or whispering, rude or indecent behaviour, and profane language within 300 feet of the church.

21. In Louisiana, it is illegal to steal crayfish

Louisiana crayfish law
Crayfish on a white background. Photo: Jason Marz
Source: UGC

According to this law, stealing a crayfish could result in prison time (6 months if you steal less than $500 of crawfish or up to a decade if you steal over $1,500 worth). This law was enacted in 2011.

22. In South Carolina (and other states), you cannot use stink bombs

Weird state laws in the US
This law against stink bombs is active in South Carolina and some other states. Photo: Mironov Konstantin
Source: UGC

If you are a South Carolina native, playing with stink bombs as a prank was a popular pastime. However, since 2021, the state enacted a law that has made the use of stink bombs in public forbidden.

The Legislature makes it illegal for anyone other than a peace officer in the line of duty to place or throw a stink bomb or similar device containing foul or offensive odours.

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23. In Kentucky, a woman cannot marry the same man four times

Weird US laws
Marriage is a complex area of law when it comes to bizarre rules across the US. Photo: Klaus Vedfelt
Source: UGC

Although it is uncommon for divorced couples to get back together and get married again, Kentucky lawmakers decided that true love should have some restrictions. Clark Law Group reports that the state forbids a woman from remarrying the same man four times.

24. In Colorado, you cannot keep a couch on your porch

Dumbest laws in the world
In Boulder, Colorado, having upholstered furniture on your front porch is unlawful. Photo: Mint Images
Source: UGC

As per the New York Times, Colorado officials approved an ordinance in 2002 that prohibits keeping upholstered furniture outside. This law was enacted to prevent university students from lighting bonfires with this furniture during riots.

25. In Louisiana, you cannot surprise someone with pizza

Dumb laws in America
Suprising someone with pizza is illegal in Louisiana. Photo: Peter Cade
Source: UGC

Enacted in 1999, this regulation is one of the dumbest laws in the world. In this state, you will be fined $500 if you are caught surprising a friend with pizza. The regulation prohibits people being footed the bill for food they did not order.

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26. In San Diego, California, you cannot keep Christmas lights on after January

Weird state laws in the US
Christmas lights in boxes on the floor. Photo: Ryan McVay
Source: UGC

If you are a San Diego resident, staying on top of your calendar is a necessity. The state will fine you $250 if you do not take down your Christmas lights by the end of January.

27. In Oklahoma, it is illegal to eavesdrop

Dumbest laws in the world
Eavesdropping in Oklahoma will attract a penalty. Photo: Basak Gurbuz Derman
Source: UGC

The Oklahoma eavesdropping law prohibits individuals from secretly loitering about any building intending to overhear a private conversation. If found guilty, one is charged with a misdemeanour count.

28. In New Jersey, you cannot wear a bulletproof vest while committing a crime

Weird US laws
If found wearing a bulletproof vest while committing a crime in New Jersey, you face additional charges for trying to protect yourself against bullet wounds. Photo: John Images
Source: UGC

Did you know that criminals in New Jersey cannot wear bulletproof vests? If found guilty, you will risk facing a misdemeanour charge.

29. In Wyoming, it is illegal to build a large building without displaying art

Dumb laws in America
This Wyoming state was enacted in 1991. Photo: Michael Robinson
Source: UGC

Wyoming enacted this law to help bolster state art agencies. Thanks to the National Assembly of State Art Agencies, new buildings that cost over $100,000 must allocate one per cent of funds for art displays.

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30. In Tennessee, you cannot share your Netflix password

Dumbest laws in the world
Netflix password sharing is prohibited in Tennessee. Photo: Giuliano Benzin
Source: UGC

This 2011 law was introduced to help prevent hackers from selling Netflix logins in bulk. Although not most people share their passwords with anyone outside the household, the law has curbed fraud incidents.

What are the top 10 weirdest laws?

If you thought that you had witnessed enough dumb laws in America, you are in for a shock. Below are some other weird laws that exist in the US.

  • In Arkansas, it is illegal to mispronounce the name of the state.
  • Going to bed without putting away the frying pan in Massachusetts is illegal.
  • In Georgia, it is illegal to use profanity in front of a dead body in a funeral home or a coroner's office.
  • In Florida, singing in public while wearing a swimsuit is illegal.
  • In North Carolina, it is illegal to play bingo while the person calling the game is wearing a tuxedo.
  • In Kentucky, carrying ice cream in your back pocket is illegal.
  • In Kentucky, carrying ice cream in your back pocket is illegal.
  • In Louisiana, robbing a bank and then shooting at the bank teller with a water pistol is illegal.
  • In Minnesota, crossing state lines with a duck on your head is illegal.
  • In Alabama, wearing a fake moustache that causes laughter in a church is illegal.

What is the strangest law in history?

It is an extreme sport to identify a single strange law in history because it varies across periods and cultures. However, below are some of the world’s bizarre laws:

  • In 19th century Prussia, it was illegal to enter a pub unless you had a job.
  • In the 16th century England, it was illegal to be a homeless person.
  • In 20th century China, it was illegal to have more than one child.
  • In 17th century Massachusetts, kissing your wife on a Sunday was illegal.

Which US state will not allow fake moustaches in church?

The state of Alabama forbids individuals from wearing fake moustaches in churches. According to AL, wearing fake moustaches that cause laughter in church is illegal.

Weird laws in the US include some of the most bizarre rules ever enacted by Legislatures. They may appear strange, but they were most likely formulated to address specific issues at the time. It is worth noting that many of these rules are no longer in effect or have been repealed or modified.

READ ALSO: Top 20 safest and most dangerous countries in Africa ranked recently published an article ranking Africa's safest and most dangerous countries. Africa is a vast and diverse continent with 54 countries that vary in terms of safety and security.

While some countries are known for their peaceful and welcoming environments, others are known for their high crime rates and political unrest.

Source: Briefly News

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Ruth Gitonga (Lifestyle writer) Ruth Gitonga has a background experience in Mass Communication for over six years. She graduated from the University of Nairobi with a degree in Mass Communication in December 2014. In 2023, Ruth finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. She has worked for for five years now. She specializes in topics like lifestyle, entertainment, travel, technology, and sports. Email:
