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China population to begin shrinking by 2025: officials
China population to begin shrinking by 2025: officials

China's population will begin to shrink by 2025, officials have said, as family sizes grow smaller and citizens age. Higher costs of living and a cultural shift as people grow used to smaller families have been cited as reasons behind the lower number of babies.

The killing of Al-Qaeda's Zawahiri: how it happened
The killing of Al-Qaeda's Zawahiri: how it happened

Despite a $25 million US bounty on his head, Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri apparently felt comfortable enough with the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan to move into a home in Kabul where he would regularly appear out in the open, on his balcony.

A year on, Iran's Raisi faces economy in trouble
A year on, Iran's Raisi faces economy in trouble

A year after Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi took power, his government has curbed the Covid pandemic but faces a sharp downturn of the sanctions-hit economy as nuclear talks remain stalled. - Nuclear talks - Iran had hoped for greater prosperity after its 2015 landmark nuclear deal with major powers gave it sanctions relief in exchange for curbs on its atomic programme.

Baby boom: the endangered wildlife revival at Cambodia's Angkor Wat
Baby boom: the endangered wildlife revival at Cambodia's Angkor Wat

The melodic songs from families of endangered monkeys ring out over the jungle near Cambodia's Angkor Wat temple complex -- a sign of ecological rejuvenation decades after hunting decimated wildlife at the site. Since Angkor Wat became a world heritage site in 1992, its jungle, which covers more than 6,500 hectares, has benefited from increased legal and physical protections.

Beyonce to remove offensive lyric after disabled community outcry
Beyonce to remove offensive lyric after disabled community outcry

Beyonce will remove a derogatory term for disabled people from her new song "Heated," a spokesperson said Monday, after its use was condemned as offensive by campaigners. In June, US singer Lizzo re-recorded her song "Grrrls" to remove the same term following complaints that it was derogatory.

Qaeda leader Zawahiri: 9/11 planner and bin Laden successor
Qaeda leader Zawahiri: 9/11 planner and bin Laden successor

Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, who has been killed in a US drone strike in Afghanistan, was the key idealogue behind the global terror network for several decades, but never revived the status it had under charismatic founder Osama bin Laden.

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