Boy Wakes Family Up and Demands to Turn Into Man With Beard

Boy Wakes Family Up and Demands to Turn Into Man With Beard

  • Man, moms must be the most exhausted people on the planet dealing with children who throw the most absurd tantrums
  • A mom on TikTok shared a clip a hilarious clip of her son who woke up the entire fair at 01:00 am demanding a beard
  • Moms have talked about ridiculous tantrums, but this one takes the cup

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A mother shared a hilarious clip of her son waking up the entire family at 01:00 am demanding facial hair.

Mom shares hilarious clip of son's tantrum
A boy woke his family up demanding facial hair. Image: @bhelekazi2.0
Source: TikTok

The little boy cried out his eyeballs when he woke up the entire family and demanded a beard.

They grow up so quickly

A little boy defeated Mzansi when his mother Bhelekazi shared a clip of him throwing a tantrum at 01:00 am. The little boy was bawling his eyes out for a beard which defeated Mzansi.

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The boy must have had an awesome dream in which he was king of the world with the shiniest beard. However, when he woke up from dreamland, his greatest asset was taken away from him. The little boy woke up his entire family from their little dreamlands by screaming his lungs out, mourning his loss.

Bhelekazi captioned the clip:

“Dude woke up crying saying he wants a beard, it’s 01:00 am.”

Watch the video below:

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Moms must truly be the most tired people on earth. They have to deal with their young ones' absurd tantrums and demands.

A three-year-old mom, Malenie Roberts told Briefly News about one of the worst tantrums she had to live through over an ice lolly. Roberts had apparently opened the packaging a little imperfectly which frustrated her son:

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“I think last week was the worst when he hit me so hard and constantly. It literally brought back childhood trauma. I was scared to even touch him after that and didn’t want him to touch me.”

Bhelekazi added to her post:

“Reasons not to fall pregnant. These people are not necessary, I could have been sleeping.”

Netizens were dusted in the comments and said:

@Kay added humour to the matter:

"And when you call baby Daddy at 1am saying the baby wants a beard they say you have baby mama drama."

@Skye enlightened the crowd:

"What if he was dreaming of his past life where he had a beard, jiki jiki he wakes up & akana intshebe, oooh likkle baby."

Boys are impressive

Briefly News also reported that a little boy wowed online users with his make-up skills, and people were going gaga in the comments section. In the TikTok video, the young man can be seen applying make-up on his face, and he impressed netizens with the results.

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South Africans reacted to the clip with mixed reactions, while others gushed over the little boy's make-up skills. The video of the little boy gathered over 283K views, along with thousands of likes and many comments on the video platform. Many people were amazed by the boy's make-up skills, while others were conflicted.

Source: Briefly News

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Chuma Nontsele (Editor) Chuma Nontsele is a human interest journalist for Briefly News. Nontsele holds a diploma in journalism and started her career working at Daily Maverick as a news reporter. Later, she ventured into lifestyle. You can reach her at:

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