UNISA exam timetable and results 2019
Once you secure your admission and are through with the registration, your next concern would be to secure the UNISA exam timetable. This may seem too early for some people but it is appropriate especially if you want to prepare in good time. Having the assessment timetable with you makes it easy for you to plan your studies, assignments and revision periods. Nothing will take you by surprise. This is one of the key components of excelling in your academics. It is also crucial to know ahead of time when your official assessment is to be done to avoid any clashing.

Source: UGC
Students need to select units in such a manner that at no point will their examinations clash. It is essential, therefore, to get your 2019 examination timetable in good time to address any issues that may arise. The reasons why getting the examination timetable early is advisable is because no clashing of units assessment is permitted. If you have been wondering and asking about how to get my exam timetable, the following details will come in handy.
UNISA Exam timetable and relevant dates
Take note of the fact that only the university can change the examination dates. No student's request will be considered. To access this timetable, an online tool is used. You can only get the timetable after you key in the modules that you are taking in that academic period. You also need to note that every student will receive the final timetable via post before the applicable test. The information therein includes:
- The units for which a student has qualified to take examinations in. You will get a list of all the said units.
- Also included will be a list of all units that you are not qualified to sit for assessment.
- Details on the timings and dates for which the exams will be held.
- Specifics on the exam center, invigilators details as well as relevant addresses.
- General examinations instructions that you ought to know as a student.
It is important for all students to read all the instructions of the examination timetable carefully. The university will not grant any supplementary tests on the ground of misreading times and dates that the tests should be carried out. Any of UNISA supplementary assessment will be done on reasonable grounds only. The instructions are on the other page of the timetable. Be careful not to alter any of the instructions given. Such cases may attract disciplinary penalties for students. The instructions touch on several things that include:
- Dates and sessions
- Venue or location of the assessment
- Pocket calculators
- Presentation expected at the test
- Identification
- Rough work
- Invigilator's authority
- Rules on electronic diaries, telephones, and pagers among others
- Answer booklets
- Leaving the test room
- Smoking
- Watches
- Warnings
- Attendance registers
- Firearms
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Specific timelines for UNISA exam dates

Source: UGC
You should be keen on these exam dates. UNISA is strict with them just as it is strict with its registration dates. You can only take the dates for granted at your own expense.
1. January - February
This is a period when exams for further Diploma in Education, Distance Education, Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Nursing, Telecommunication, and Information Policy, Translation, and Tertiary education are done. These tests start on 8th January or thereabout and may continue up to 4 weeks later. It is during this period that special exams, supplementary exams as well as aegrotat are done.
2. May - June Semester assessments
The May semester final timetable will be posted on 12th April. Send an email to examinations@unisa.ac.za in case you are among the students that do not receive their timetable by this period. This is the official way to get in touch with the examination administration division.
3. October - November tests
The October assessments final timetable will be posted by 13th October to all affected students. Usually, these are assessments for postgraduate diploma accounting students. The auditing tests are done in September.
Note that by 8th November, all students should receive the final timetable via MyLife email. This is your trusted UNISA exam results quick link. You need to make immediate contact with the relevant authorities to get a duplicate copy in case you missed it. The special exams, supplementary papers, and aegrotat are posted uniquely to students as they receive their results posts.
2019 results release schedule

Source: UGC
You may have asked yourself how do I check my UNISA exam results? Well, its simple and straightforward. While it is important to know the exam dates, it is equally crucial to have a date when the results will be out. This is dependent on the exam period. These will happen as follows.
- For the January/ February test results will be released on 8th March 2019.
- The May/ June test will be released on 26th June 2019.
- The October/ November test will be released on 20th December 2019.
You need to note the following:
- All students will receive a mail of their final examination results on the specified dates above.
- Final results will be released upon their availability on myUnisa
- Results are only released once a student returns all borrowed library books and also when all fees owed the school are cleared.
- No staff member, administrative or academic, can release results via phone to students.
- Supplementary exam timetable will only be released when a student does not owe the Library books or has no outstanding fees.
Results can be accessed either through email or post. All students will receive a posted copy of the results in hard copy after the results are released and printed. If you wish to receive your results via email, you can do so. All you need to do is to register on myUnisa. Indicate on your application that you would like to receive your results via email.
It is also important to note that once you are done with the examinations, your qualifications completion confirmations will be made on different dates depending on when you did the exam. These are as follows:
- Jan - Feb 2019 can check for confirmation by the end of April 2019
- May - June 2019 can check for confirmation by the end of August 2019
- October - November 2019 can check for confirmation by the end of January 2020
Now that you understand everything about UNISA exam timetable as well as its results release procedure, it is easy to delve into the academic part of your studies without any worry. You can chart a way forward and get organized early enough. The realization that there are no shortcuts should be a wake-up call to new and existing students to start working hard in good time. Knowing when you expect to sit for your exams will make it easy for you to plan and schedule everything in good time. The last thing you want is to be caught by surprise when the tests finally arrive.
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