Deep love letters for him - best romantic letters for boyfriend and husband
Love letters have been used for a long time, even when no other form of communication but writing existed. Men and women have poured their hearts out through letters as a show of love. Even so, questions such as, "what should I write in a love letter to my boyfriend?", keep coming up. It is important to know what to include in a love letter.

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Women keep wondering how best to impress their men in the letters that they write. So, how do I write a letter to a man? This is a common question that crops up every time the subject is mentioned. Every woman would like to communicate their intimate and deepest feelings using the right words. This could just be what convinces your man that you truly love him.
Love letters for him from the heart
As a loving wife, how do I write an emotional letter to my husband? This will be one of the questions that keep you awake at night especially if you want to write him a special message on a special occasion. This is a relationship that must be protected under all costs. Just as most men go out of their way to write fantastic love letters for girlfriends, you must be one of the few that writes deep messages that will capture the heart of the man that you love. To do this, you ought to be sincere with how he makes you feel, and the emotions he evokes in you. Consider the following examples.
Dear Jude, I have always been the kind of lady that feels very emotional to the depth of my spine. Finding you in the most unexpected ways proved this. The moment our eyes met, something magical happened. You captured my heart and gave me a shudder and a chill ran down my back. I remember it vividly because I have never felt so elated and awaken. Something even more strange happened when you walked towards me. I somehow got stuck on the spot and could not move an inch. I was tensed, and I could tell that you knew it. You flashed the sexiest smile I had ever seen and finally opened your mouth. Your melodious voice reassured me that I could relax and that you would not bite. That is when I knew that you were special. And as they say, the rest is history. We have grown from that day of awkwardness to a solid marriage of 12 years and never at any point have I regretted my choice to be with you. Thank you for being a great father to our children, and above all, a husband that any woman would be proud of. I am a lucky girl to be the one who owns your heart. Your love, Lucia.
Dear Gabe, I have not met so many men that are beautiful. You are one of a kind, my special man. A man that is very slow to anger, quick to help, and always ready to lend a listening ear. You have taught me how to be patient with myself, a skill I did not have before. With you, I have grown physically, spiritually and emotionally. I do not want to imagine the kind of woman, wife, and mother I would have been if you were not my man. I love the fact that you are always soft-spoken as this is not to be confused by weakness. You have a sense of confidence and respect that causes everyone to hush when you speak, not because you shout, but because your presence commands it. I am so privileged to walk beside a man whose focus, ambition and passion for life are unquenchable. I love you so much. Your loving wife, Mariah.
Dear Derrick, Some men work with their hands, others give orders, while the rest lead. You, my husband, are a leader by default. In every crowd you are in, you stand out for you were born to inspire. Our home and family knows this too well for things will always whenever you are around. Everything you do is for the betterment of those that you love. As your wife, I have seen you guide us through what I thought were difficult waters. There is no challenge that is too big for you. You are my strong man, the man that I can count on for everything I need. It is easy to respect you for you have earned it. Your embrace makes me feel like a child that is adored by her daddy. You have no idea how much I thank God for giving me such a perfect husband. I cherish you for you are my heart beat and my reason to live. Yours loving, Diana.
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Love letters for him that make him cry

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There comes a time when a wife has to tell her husband things that she can only do in confidence. It is not always easy to do so in person because of the emotions involved. If you feel the need to talk to your man in such a deeper way, consider writing him an intimate letter. You are likely to move him to tears, especially if you remain true to yourself. Here are some good examples.
Dear Davis, You have probably heard this before, you are my world. It is not easy penning this down because I am struggling to hold my tears back. Each day I wake up with a grateful heart because of the man that you are in my life. I remember when we met, I was lost. I was nowhere close to the beautiful lady that I am today. My life was a mess, and I cared about no one else but my drugs. My self-esteem was so low that I would not think twice about harming myself. Then, you came along. You saw in me a woman with a future even when I could not see it myself. You stayed through the insults and violence just to make sure I was clean. As if that was not enough, you asked me to marry you and start a family with you. I have never been quite able to tell you how much that changed my life. You made me feel valuable and worthy. It has now been four years of your support without any judgment. I want you to know that the gift of motherhood and family is the best thing after making me the custodian of your heart. I will always have you in my heart. Your wife, Vivian.
Dear Collins, for a long time I have heard the phrase, love comes to those who wait. As usual, I dismissed this claim and went about my business. As far as I was concerned, matters of the heart were not cut out for me. Little did I know that the heart will do what it wants, especially when it is ready. Exactly 3 and a half years ago, I saw a dashing young man walking my way, smiling from ear to ear. Taken aback, I thought to myself how weird he must be but smiled back as courtesy would have it. Never in my wildest imaginations did I expect that you will be my husband. I like the fact that you are witty, charming and funny, all great combinations for a disinterested woman. I remember fighting my spirit the day I realized that I was falling for you. Erythromycin in me screamed that I should run. This was short lived as my heart succumbed to the warmth of your love. You were so understanding to let me take my time to get to where you were emotionally. You are a go-getter, unstoppable and an honest man that loves with all his heart. I would never ask for more than you. You are my star. Your loving wife, Rubby.
Love letter for him long distance

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Like in all other relationships, the distance can take a toll on people that are far away from each other. No matter how much two people are in love, staying apart sometimes has a way of creating a huge dent in how they relate. It is not even a matter of deceiving each other or cheating on each other. The fact that you are out of sight sometimes plays tricks on the mind and convinces you to be out of mind. To prevent such tragedies from happening, more so if you are genuinely in love, your communication must be clear and sincere. Most women have found solace in writing heartfelt letters to the men they love. Here are a few samples that will give you direction.
Dear Gideon, my heart aches at the thought of staying one more minute away from you. I must say that it has not been easy. I clutch at the hope that it is only for a while, and that I will see your handsome face again. I miss you so much that I sometimes cry out my frustrations when I go to bed. My body aches for your tender touch and my lips long to be kissed by you. I keep away from gatherings that will make me miss you. I try my best to visit the places we used to together so that I can revive the memories we shared before. I pray that the new environment is kind to you and that you have finally settled. Please stay safe and remember our promise to each other. I will wait for your return, my love. Yours in love, Portia.
Dear Charlie, Whoever said that things will get easier lied. My life has lost its spark just because you are not around to bring in the excitement. I miss your smile and constant nagging. I never knew how important your constant wake up calls were to me until you had to go away. Even though we try to talk every day, it is just not the same without you here. A lot has changed around, and my affection for you keeps growing. It is my hope that as days turn into months, and months into years, you are a day closer to returning. I pray for your safety and success. I am also pursuing my dreams as we had agreed. The wait may be long, but I have this hope that 5 years will soon pass, and I will reunite with the love of my life, this time forever. Hopeful and patient, your love Annette.
No one has the right to make an excuse regarding their failure to communicate and pour their hearts out. Well written love letters have the power to tell your man exactly what is in your heart. In case you are struggling with your feelings, get a pen and paper and jot everything down. Expressing your intimate feelings is one of the best ways to guarantee success in your relationship. Open up to your man and show him that you are vulnerable because of your love for him. It makes a huge difference in the long run.
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Source: Briefly News