A Day in the Life of a Tech Guru: Mzamo Mbhele Builds Apps to Empower Kasi Communities

A Day in the Life of a Tech Guru: Mzamo Mbhele Builds Apps to Empower Kasi Communities

  • Mzamo Mbhele, a software developer from Umlazi, South Africa, is passionate about using technology to empower his community
  • His latest app, Webizify, allows small businesses to create online stores and sell their products professionally
  • Mzamo, who is one of Briefly News' Young Money Makers, is driven by a desire to bridge the digital divide and help local businesses thrive online

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Mzamo Mbhele, a software developer from Umlazi, South Africa, is passionate about using technology to empower his community
Mzamo Mbhele spoke about his love for tech, software development and future goals. Image: Supplied
Source: UGC

Umlazi software developer Mzamo Mbhele has always been passionate about technology. His fascination led him to venture into entrepreneurship by building user-friendly apps to empower his township community.

His latest app, Webizify, allows small businesses to venture into the e-commerce space and sell their goods professionally via their one online store.

The software developer told Briefly News about his lifestyle, profession, and everything in between.

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Mzamo's drive to overcome the challenges of lack of access to advanced technology stems from his township upbringing. He saw the lack of tech access as an opportunity to use his skills to help local businesses thrive online.

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A day in the life of Mzamo Mbhele

When asked what a typical day in his life looks like, Mzamo said that apart from the usual admin tasks like checking emails and responding to reviews and feedback, Mbhele also calls local businesses to schedule meetings to discuss listing their products and growing their online presence.

"After returning from these meetings, I usually work on apps for my clients," Mzamo shared.

The tech whiz's role model is none other than his high school teacher, Mr Tanda.

"At the time, he owned rental units and a butchery business. He used to always say he teaches because he loves it and enjoys it. And that is why I followed my passion, doing something I'm always happy to do."

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Mzamo shares his hopes for industry and career

Mzamo believes that the more developers create apps, the more they will inspire people to start building their own apps or learn more about computer science.

"The whole world is getting more technologically advanced and developers here in SA need to make this country as advanced as other countries," he shared.

Mzamo believes the app development industry is very lucrative, but people need to have morals, as many have tried to hire him to make scam apps. Mbhele is all about making money ethically:

"Sometimes I release simple games on the market and monetise them with ads, giving me a monthly wage, so the money is good."

Mzamo believes in hard work, learning from failures and using technology to create positive change.

The young man aspires to develop apps that will eventually reach beyond Umlazi as soon as funds allow him to extend his territory.

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Young entrepreneur, 22, shows off car she bought following e-commerce success

In another story, Noluthando Gama is making tons of cash in the e-commerce industry, allowing her to buy an impressive whip.

The 22-year-old, who was featured as one of Briefly News' Young Money Makers, made over R200k a month selling products online.

She showed off her VW Polo R-Line on TikTok and told Briefly News it was the second car she purchased.

Source: Briefly News

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Nothando Mthembu (Senior editor) Nothando Mthembu is a senior multimedia journalist and editor. Nothando has over 5 years of work experience and has served several media houses including Caxton Local Newspapers. She has experience writing on human interest, environment, crime and social issues for community newspapers. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree and an Honours Degree in Media Studies from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, obtained in 2016 and 2017. Nothando has also passed a set of trainings by Google News Initiative. Email: nothando.mthembu@briefly.co.za

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