The Way You Treat People Says a Lot About You: Mzansi Mom Sacks Helper Over Differences

The Way You Treat People Says a Lot About You: Mzansi Mom Sacks Helper Over Differences

  • A mother on TikTok chose her mental peace over having to deal with an extra person roaming around her household
  • The woman announced on TikTok that she let go of her domestic worker, which divided the internet
  • The lady added an explanatory soundtrack in the background as she announced the parting of ways between her and her helper

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A lady on TikTok revealed the drama between herself and her helper, which led her to fire her.

Mom fires helper
A Mzansi Mom announced her decision to fire her helper. Image: @moradiwamatselane
Source: TikTok

The woman could no longer walk on eggshells in her own home and decided to let go of her domestic worker.

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The work field is incredibly hard to break into, even students fresh out of university find the task more challenging than meeting their least professor’s due date for an assignment. Unfortunately, a new woman has been sacked from her job over dramatic differences.

A woman on TikTok announced to Mzansi that she had fired her helper after enduring debilitating moments of being uncomfortable in her own home. The lady, Malesane Ledwaba, said this by including a self-explanatory soundtrack to her announcement, which led to speculations that she and her helper did not see eye-to-eye.

Ledwaba captioned her post:

“I just decided to let my helper go. I’m done with helpers.”

Watch the video below:

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The lady did not have to say much for Mzansi to understand that there was major bad blood between the employer and employee. The woman expressed that she was exhausted of helpers as she added a track that said:

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“You know, I’m proud to say that I’ve come to that stage of life where I say I’m not fixing anything with anyone. I don’t care what people say, they will always have something to talk about, mara I’m not fixing anything with anyone. Makubenjalo until the casket drops. I’m not gonna waste my time with someone who is not going to waste their time on me.”

Netizens expressed their mixed views on the woman’s decision:

@Ivory Maytons:

"The day I accepted that helpers are also human and they are not perfect I started having peace. As long my kids are well treated and happy, I’m good."

@Amahle Thobela expressed her pain of losing her helper:

"Yoh, last year October our helper of 18 years passed away. I still haven’t healed, that was my second mom."

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Briefly News also reported that a domestic worker started prioritising her health and joined a lady who had been jogging around her block. The ladies jog in the morning and Nesta makes sure to spare 15 minutes to sneak in some cardio with Maryke.

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Maryke is very much into fitness and is passionate about empowering others to be the best versions of themselves. Nesta only realised that she was famous on TikTok when she saw a WhatsApp message from her jogging buddy, Maryke.

Source: Briefly News

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Chuma Nontsele (Editor) Chuma Nontsele is a human interest journalist for Briefly News. Nontsele holds a diploma in journalism and started her career working at Daily Maverick as a news reporter. Later, she ventured into lifestyle. You can reach her at:

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