Al Jama-Ah’s Strategic Move: SA Mocks the Progressive Caucus for Calls To Join the GNU

Al Jama-Ah’s Strategic Move: SA Mocks the Progressive Caucus for Calls To Join the GNU

  • Al Jama-ah urges the Progressive Caucus, including the EFF, to join the Government of National Unity (GNU) to help maintain an apartheid-free SA
  • The caucus is in disarray following defections by UDM, PAC, and Al Jama-ah itself to the ANC-led GNU
  • Social media reactions highlight scepticism and criticism of the party's last-minute shift

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Reitumetse Makwea, a Briefly News current affairs journalist in Pretoria, South Africa, has covered local elections, policy changes, the State of the Nation Address and political news at The Citizen and Rekord Noweto for over five years.

Al Jama-Ah’s Strategic Move
Al Jama-ah plans to have further discussions with parties in the progressive caucus. Images: Per-Anders Pettersson and Papi Morake/Gallo Images.
Source: Getty Images

Al Jama-ah wants to the Progressive Caucus to join the Government of National Unity (GNU) at the eleventh hour.

The party has called for Caucus members, including the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), to follow suit and support the unity government.

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The party noted that this would help SA remain an 'apartheid-free zone'.

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The move comes amid growing discontent within the progressive caucus, which has seen key members like the United Democratic Movement (UDM), Pan Africanist Congress (PAC), and Al Jama-ah itself break ranks to join the ANC-led GNU.

This defection has left the caucus in a state of disarray

South Africans were definitely amused by the party's strategy and last-minute change in thoughts.

@BbwMaturity commented:

"FOMO...They decided that if we don’t eat now, we may never get the chance."

@jwareli78436, criticised the current state of the caucus, stating:

"It has imploded to a gossip group - this group is only good in bashing SA whites & DA & noise about land, u will never hear anything constructive & uniting SAns, no wonder it didn't last."

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Yet another user, @nordienmn, added:

"Ideology doesn’t feed anyone!"

Maintaining the unity and integrity of South Africa

According to News24, in light of these developments, Al Jama-ah's leader, Ganief Hendricks, emphasised the party's commitment to maintaining South Africa's unity and integrity.

"Al Jama-ah reiterates that no three-state solution will exist in the Republic of South Africa. Our beloved country will not be broken down in the lifetime of our parties and communities.
"South Africa will remain an apartheid-free zone and our foreign policy will remain intact and progressive. It will not be dissuaded from taking up the concerns of the oppressed communities in other parts of the world."

The Progressive Caucus has no intention of joining the GNU

Just two weeks ago, the progressive caucus appeared to be a formidable bloc capable of challenging the parties aligned with the GNU.

The caucus argued that the Democratic Alliance (DA) and Freedom Front Plus (FF Plus) were not ideologically compatible with the African National Congress (ANC).

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However, the recent departures have weakened this united front.

Al Jama-ah is now focused on fostering further discussions with the remaining progressive caucus members, aiming to build broader support for the GNU.

Julius Malema reiterates EFF’s stance on joining GNU

Briefly News reported that Julius Malema once again spoke strongly about his party's conditions for national unity in the government (GNU).

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader's utterances come as yet another party joins the broad coalition government.

Malema said among the terms for the EFF to join, the DA and VF+ could not form part of the GNU.

Malema's post attracted much fanfare as eager netizens shared their thoughts on his latest statement.

Source: Briefly News

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Reitumetse Makwea (Editor) Reitumetse Makwea is a Current Affairs journalist at Briefly News. She has a National diploma, Advanced diploma and Post-graduate diploma in Journalism from the Tshwane University of Technology. She first worked as a student journalist and freelancer for Caxton's Record Noweto and later joined The Citizen News, where she worked for a little over 3 years covering politics, environmental news, business, education, and health. Reitumetse joined Briefly News in 2024. Email:

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