“No Backbone”: Mzansi Lashes Out at EFF CIC Julius Malema’s Post About No Personal Vendettas

“No Backbone”: Mzansi Lashes Out at EFF CIC Julius Malema’s Post About No Personal Vendettas

  • The South African social media community is up in arms against Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema over a recent post
  • Malema says the EFF does not have a personal vendetta against anyone but only cares about fighting political battles following Jacob Zuma’s arrest
  • Some people argue that the former ANC member is changing his tune after he was influenced by the DA to fight against Msholozi

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Economic Freedom Fighters leader Julius Malema is facing backlash from his social media followers. Many people argue that he has no backbone as they allege he was involved in a ‘personal vendetta’ against former president Jacob Zuma.

This comes after Juju’s post asserting that his party does not engage in personal battles but objective political action.

However, many of his fans and social media followers have a different view as they argue that the EFF was convinced by the Democratic Alliance to launch attacks on the imprisoned ex-president.

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With the post going viral, some people have posed questions to Malema on whether he will challenge current President Cyril Ramaphosa.

Mzansi, EFF, Julius Malema, Vendetta
South Africans are questioning Julius Malema and EFF's stance on the Jacob Zuma saga. Image: @Julius_S_Malema/Twitter
Source: Twitter

The post reads:

@UncleGeePee1 said:

“Malema is no more Malema we used to know this Malema of today is useless believe me.”

@RevThapsLiphoko said:

“We must honestly give EFF members hugs wherever we meet them. Theirs is a difficult task. Perpetually changing politics. Who would have thought the EFF would be Zuma Defence Force! Win dikgetho!.”

@Khangweezy said:

“There will now be those who hate you because you don't hate President Zuma.”

@Guava2657 said:

“Zuma will never forgive himself for kicking CIC out of ANC.”

@TmanMoafrika said:

“Revolutionary is guided by ideological consciousness. You fought Mbeki tooth & nail, then you went to Given Mkhari show & tell Mbeki "we were misled about you!" And later you fight DA war of "Zuma must fall project", where's the standpoint? Now JZ is in jail, you change again!”

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@Mdletshesh1 said:

“But you fail to analyse the danger in your approach, you contributed in jailing Zuma by those apartheid judges. Your learning curve is costing us dearly, this need to improve very fast otherwise a lot is at stake.”

@Mtikamorris said:

“You don't have backbone wena, you always change directions, you are still young.”

“Not in Limpopo”: Duduzile Zuma-Sambudla calls dad 'people's president', Mzansi reacts

Still on Zuma related articles, Briefly News reported that the daughter of the former South African president Jacob Zuma, Duduzile-Zuma Sambudla has taken to social media to reaffirm her love for the embattled leader.

Zuma-Sambudla says the former African National Congress president is the people’s choice. She shared this controversial remark on her official Twitter page, sparking massive reactions from Mzansi social media users.

Duduzile has posted a photo of her father and further said Zuma is the people’s president even if he faces a number of legal challenges at the present moment.

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Source: Briefly News

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Phumzile Ngcatshe (Editor) Phumzile Ngcatshe is a staunch football fan and a lover of political and human interest stories. He launched his journalism career working for various community publications but eventually joined Goal.com where he worked until October 2020. In March 2021 Pumzile also started writing human interest, mainstream and sports news for Briefly News. Phumzile's love for writing saw him earn a national qualification in Journalism and Media Studies and a qualification in video and television production.

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