NWU online application for 2026: dates, prospectus, fees, status, contacts

NWU online application for 2026: dates, prospectus, fees, status, contacts

The North-West University (NWU) is a South African public research university with three campuses: Potchefstroom, Mahikeng, and Vanderbijlpark. Since all prospective students are encouraged to apply online, learn about the NWU online application for 2026 below.

NWU online application for 2025
NWU was formed from the merger of the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education and the University of North-West. Photo: @mynorthwestuniversity (modified by author)
Source: UGC


This article explains the North West University online application process and lists the documents required when sending your application. You will also discover the available NWU undergraduate courses and admission requirements.

NWU online application for 2026

NWU was formed from the merger of the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education and the University of North-West.

The NWU online application portal is open once a year for a specified time. During this time, anyone interested in joining the institution's diploma, undergraduate, and postgraduate programs can submit their application.

How to apply online to NWU?

You can only apply once for the academic year and choose up to two study options that align with your career goals and interests. Here is a breakdown of the NWU undergraduate online application process for 2026:

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NWU online application for 2025
A screenshot of the NWU website. Photo: nwu.ac.za
Source: UGC
  • Click "NWU Online Application."
  • Register on the website by filling out the required details.
  • Enter your email address and click "Submit."
NWU online application for 2025
A screenshot of the NWU application portal's registration page. Photo: applynow.nwu.ac.za
Source: UGC
  • NWU will send you an email with a verification code (a temporary password) so you can log in to the portal.
  • Ensure you have no spaces copied or added when copying the verification code.
  • You can proceed with the application process until you are done.
  • Ensure you upload scanned copies of your ID and final Grade 11 or 12 results separately, preferably in PDF or jpeg format.
  • You can change your temporary NWU online application login password (verification code) later.
  • Only successful applicants are contacted and invited to go through the NWU admission process.

What documents are needed at NWU?

Ensure you have the following things and documents when applying at NWU online:

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  • A valid email address
  • A valid phone number
  • A scanned copy of your Grade 11 or Grade 12 results (South African students).
  • A scanned copy of your Grade 11 or Grade 12 results or equivalents (international students).
  • A scanned copy of a valid ID card (South African students).
  • A scanned copy of a valid passport (international students).

Is NWU open for application?

The NWU application portal opens on 2nd April of every year for prospective students to send their applications.

What is the NWU closing date for the application?

The NWU application portal closes the selection of courses and residence applications on 30th June of every year. For all other courses, the closing date is 31st August.

NWU online application for 2025
The NWU online application portal is open once a year for a specified time. Photo: pixabay.com, @12019; Facebook, @mynorthwestuniversity (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Does NWU accept late applications?

NWU does not accept late applications. If you've missed the application deadlines, register on the government's Central Applications Clearing House (CACH).

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The CACH facility sends your information to universities with potentially available spots. If you meet the necessary criteria, these institutions may contact you. Alternatively, you can apply the following year when the NWU portal opens.

How can you change your NWU application details?

Applicants who have submitted their applications should call 0860 169698 or email studies@nwu.ac.za and request NWU to amend or change their applications. Ensure you have your student number when making the call.

How can you check your NWU application status?

Log into the NWU online application portal and check your application status.

What is the NWU application payment fee?

Application is free for South Africans, while international students are required to pay R600 as an application fee.

NWU fees (compulsory 1st-semester minimum fees)

The following NWU fees are payable via direct bank deposits or electronic bank transfers before registration. NWU cannot register you until these amounts are reflected as a credit on your student account:

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FeesResidence studentsNon-residence studentsDistance studentsInternationalStudents
NWU Registration FeesR2 320R2 320R2 320R2 320
First Payment on Tuition FeesR9 490R9 490R9 490Full Cost
First Payment on Residence FeesR10 060 00Full Cost
Total compulsory 1st-semester minimum feesR21 870R11 810R11 810Full Cost

Which bank does NWU use?

All students can use these banks to pay their NWU fees:

BankAccount numberBranch
Standard Bank33-038-243-8052-838
FNB Namibia6224-883-9823281-174 (Old Power Station)

What are the requirements for studying at NWU?

The NWU prospectus, e-Yearbooks, outlines all admission requirements, including the minimum APS scores for each course.

NWU courses and requirements

North-West University offers more than 160 undergraduate courses across eight faculties. Below are each faculty's courses and the required minimum APS:

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Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences

Programs in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences include:

BCom in Accounting (general) 24
BCom in Chartered Accountancy32
BCom in Chartered Accountancy (Extended)28
BCom in Financial Accountancy28
BCom in Financial Accountancy (Extended)24
BCom in Forensic Accountancy36
BCom in Management Accountancy30
BCom in Operations Research24
BCom in Statistics24
BCom in Statistics (Extended)20
BCom in Logistics Management24
BCom in Logistics Management (Extended)20
BCom in Transport Economics24
BCom in Transport Economics (Extended)20
BCom in Agricultural Economic and Risk Management26
BCom in Econometrics26

BCom in Econometrics (Extended)20
BCom in International Trade26
BCom in International Trade (Extended)24
BCom in Informatics26
BCom in Information Systems26
BCom in Information Systems (Extended)20
BCom in Risk Management26
BCom in Risk Management (Extended)24
BAdmin Human Resource Management23
BAdmin in Human Resource Management (Extended)21
BAdmin in Industrial and Organizational Psychology23
BAdmin in Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Extended)21
BA in Industrial & Organiz. Psychology & Labor Relations Management26
BCom in Human Resource Management30
BCom in Industrial & Organiz. Psychology & Labor Relations Management30
Bachelor of Human Resource Development (BHRD)20 - 22

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BAdmin in Local Government Management21
BAdmin in Local Government Management (Extended) 20
BAdmin in Public Administration21
BAdmin in Public Administration (Extended)20
BCom in Business Management24
BCom in Business Management (Extended)20
BCom in Communications Management24
BCom in Communications Management (Extended)24
BCom in Marketing Management 24
BCom in Marketing Management (Extended)20
BCom in Marketing and Tourism Management24
BCom in Sports Business Management24
BCom in Safety Management24

BAdmin in Local Government Management21
BAdmin in Local Government Management (Extended) 20
BAdmin in Public Administration21
BAdmin in Public Administration (Extended)20
BCom in Business Management24
BCom in Business Management (Extended)20
BCom in Communications Management24
BCom in Communications Management (Extended)24
BCom in Marketing Management 24
BCom in Marketing Management (Extended)20
BCom in Marketing and Tourism Management24
BCom in Sports Business Management24
BCom in Safety Management24
BA in Tourism Management22
BCom in Tourism Management24
BCom in Tourism and Recreation Skills24

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Faculty of Education

These are the programs offered in the Faculty of Education:

  • BEd Intermediate Phase: Mathematics, Science and Technology
  • BEd Intermediate Phase: Life Skills and Social Sciences
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: Afrikaans for Education
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: Life Science for Education
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: IT Education
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: English for Education
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: History for Education
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: Geography for Education
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: Life Orientation
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: Art for Education
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: Physical Sci. for Education
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: Business Studies for Education
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: Accounting for Education
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: Computer Applications Technology Education
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: Mathematics for Education
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: Setswana (M) for Education
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: Engineering Graphics & Design for Education
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: Mechanical Tech. Ed.
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: Civil Tech. Education
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: Electrical Tech. Education
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: Math Literacy Education
  • BEd Senior & Further Education & Training phase: Sesotho (M) for Education

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Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering offers the following courses:

  • Bachelor of Engineering (BIng) in Chemical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (BIng) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (BIng) in Computer and Electronic Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (BIng) in Electromechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (BIng) in Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (BIng) in Industrial Engineering
  • Bachelor of Engineering (BIng) in Mechatronic Engineering

Faculty of Health Sciences

The Faculty of Health Sciences offers the following programs:

Diploma in Coaching Science18
BSc in Physiology and Biochemistry 24
BSc in Physiology and Psychology26
BSc in Sport Coaching and Human Movement Sciences 24
BSc in Recreation Sciences and Psychology26
BSc in Recreation Sciences and Tourism Management 24
BSc in Sport and Recreation Administration24
Bachelor of Social Science in Psychology26
BA in Psychology & Geography & Environmental Management26
BA in Psychology & Labor Relations Management26
BA in Psychology and Tourism Management26
Bachelor of Consumer Studies24
B.Consum. Sci in Food Product Management - food comm.24
B.Consum. Sci in Food Product Management - Food supply24
B.Consum. Sci in Fashion Retail Management - fashion supply24
B.Consum. Sci in Fashion Product Management - fashion comm.24
Bachelor of Social Work28
Bachelor of Pharmacy32
BSc in Dietetics30
BSc in Occupational Hygiene27
BSc in Biokinetics32
Bachelor of Nursing25

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Faculty of Humanities

The Faculty of Humanities offers the following courses:

BA in Humanities with Social Sciences24
BA in Humanities with Psychology24
BA in Humanities with History24
BA in Humanities with Geography24
BA in Humanities with Afrikaans and Dutch24
BA in Humanities with English24
BA in Humanities with French24
BA in Humanities with German24
BA in Humanities with History of Art24
BA in Humanities with Latin24
BA in Humanities with Setswana24
BA in Humanities with Sesotho24
BA in Humanities with Politics24
BA in Humanities with Social Anthropology24
BA in Humanities with Sociology24
BA in Humanities with Philosophy24
BA in Humanities with History and Society24
BA in Humanities with Psychology and Society24
BA in Humanities with Geography and Society24
BA in Humanities with Politics and Society24
BPhil in Philosophy, Politics & Economics PPE26
BA in Behavioral Sciences with Sociology & Psychology22
BA in Sociology and Geography22
BA in Sociology and Labor Relations Management22
BA in Public Governance - Public Administration25

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BA in Public Governance - Politics & Public Admin.25
BA in Public Governance - Municipal Mgmt. & Leadership25
BA in Public Governance - Public Administration & Social Studies25
BA in Public Governance - Public Administration and Geography25
BA in Public Governance - Public Admin. & Labor Relations Mgmt.25
BA in Public Governance with Policing Practice25
B.Soc.Sc. in Political Studies & International Relations24
B.Soc.Sc. in Development Studies24
B.Soc.Sc. in History22
B.Soc.Sc. in Economics22
B.Soc.Sc. in Geography22
B.Soc.Sc. in Psychology and the Social Sciences22
B.Soc.Sc. in Population Studies22
B.Soc.Sc. in Sociology22
B.Soc.Sc. in Social Anthropology22
BA in Graphic Design24
BA in Communication24
BA in Language and Literary Studies24
BA in Language and Literary Studies - Language Practice24
BA in Language and Literary Studies - Language Practice & Comm.24
BA in Language and Literary Studies with Languages24
BA in Language Technology24
BA in Graphic Design with Communication24
BA in Music and Society21
Bachelor of Music24
BAdmin in Development Management - Local Govt Mgmt.21
BAdmin in Development Management - Local Govt Mgmt. (extended) 20
Diploma in Music18

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Faculty of Law

The Faculty of Law offers these programs:

BA in Law with Politics28
BA in Law with Industrial Psychology28
BA in Law with Psychology28
BCom in Law30
Bachelor of Laws (LLB Extended) 28
Bachelor of Laws (LLB) 30
Bachelor of Laws (LLB) after BA in Law30
Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Law30
Bachelor of Laws (LLB) after BCom in Law30

Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences

These are the courses that the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences offers:

Diploma in Animal Health22
Diploma in Animal Science22
Diploma in Plant Science22
BSc in Financial Mathematics28
BSc in Quantitative Risk Management (Extended)28
BSc in Business Analytics (Extended)28
BSc in Information Technology (Extended)24
BSc in Chemistry and Physics26
BSc in Chemistry, Mathematics, and Applied Mathematics26
BSc in Applied Mathematics and Chemistry26
BSc in Biochemistry and Chemistry26
BSc in Physics and Mathematics26
BSc in Physics and Applied Mathematics26
BSc in Applied Mathematics and Electronics26
BSc in Electronics and Mathematics26
BSc in Electronics and Physics26
BSc in Physics and Computer Science26
BSc in Chemistry and Computer Science 26
BSc in Computer Science and Electronics26
BSc in Computer Science and Statistics26
BSc in Computer Science and Mathematics26

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BSc in Computer Science and Economics26
BSc in Mathematics and Economy26
BSc in Geography and Applied Mathematics26
BSc in Statistics and Mathematics26
BSc in Mathematics26
BSc in Applied Mathematics and Mathematics26
BSc in Financial Mathematics32
BSc in Quantitative Risk Management32
BSc in Business Analytics32
BSc in Actuarial Science32
BSc in Information Technology26
BSc in Botany and Chemistry26
BSc in Chemistry and Microbiology26
BSc in Zoology and Chemistry26
BSc in Chemistry and Geology26
BSc in Geology and Geography26
BSc in Geology and Botany26
BSc in Geology and Microbiology26
BSc in Zoology and Geology26
BSc in Zoology and Geography26
BSc in Geography and Botany26

BSc in Chemistry and Geography26
BSc in Geography and Computer Science26
BSc in Tourism and Zoology26
BSc in Tourism and Geography26
BSc in Tourism and Botany26
BSc in Microbiology and Biochemistry26
BSc in Microbiology and Botany26
BSc in Zoology and Microbiology26
BSc in Zoology and Biochemistry26
BSc in Botany and Biochemistry26
BSc in Zoology and Physiology26
BSc in Chemistry and Physiology26
BSc in Zoology and Botany26
BSc in Urban and Regional Planning28
BSc in Agricultural Economics26
BSc in Animal Health26
BSc in Animal Science26
BSc in Agronomy and Horticulture26
BSc in Agronomy and Agricultural Economics26
BSc in Indigenous Knowledge Systems26

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Faculty of Theology

The Faculty of Theology offers the following programs:

Bachelor of Arts in Ancient Languages24
Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Psychology26
Bachelor of Divinity24
Bachelor of Theology24
Bachelor of Theology in Christian Ministry24

Does NWU have student accommodation?

NWU has student accommodation on its three campuses, Mahikeng, Vanderbijlpark, and Potchefstroom. The university provides residential accommodation to students who need them. Therefore, local and international students can opt for on-campus NWU accommodation if they so wish.

How do you apply for the NWU residences?

Fill out the NWU residence accommodation forms alongside your admission application forms between 2nd April and 30th June. On receiving and accepting a conditional offer, complete a formal residence application and indicate your preferred residence.

How can you contact NWU?

Here are the different ways you can get in touch with the university.

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  • Email: applicationsug@nwu.ac.za
  • Telephone: 018 285 2227/2334 or 018 299 4383/4130/4263/2445
  • Mahikeng Campus: Corner of Albert Luthuli and University Drive
  • Potchefstroom Campus: 11 Hoffman Street, Potchefstroom
  • Vanderbijlpark Campus: Hendrik Van Eck Blvd, Vanderbijlpark
  • X (formerly Twitter): @theNWU
  • Facebook: mynorthwestuniversity
  • Instagram: @my_nwu
  • Website: nwu.ac.za
NWU online application for 2025
NWU can only register you once the compulsory 1st-semester minimum fees reflect on your student account. Photo: pixabay.com, @Element5 Digital; Facebook, @mynorthwestuniversity (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Does NWU have an application fee?

Application is free for South Africans, while international students pay R600.

What is the application fee for NWU international students?

NWU international students pay an application fee of R600.

How much is the registration fee at NWU for 2026?

The NWU registration fee is R2 320 for all students (residence, non-residence, distance, and international students).

Can you register at NWU without paying the registration fee?

NWU cannot register you until the compulsory 1st-semester minimum fees, which include the R2 320 registration fees, are reflected as a credit on your student account.

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Which NWU campus is the best?

NWU's Vanderbijilpark Campus was once again recognized as the highest-rated institution for higher education at the prestigious 2023 PMR.

What happens when you deregister at NWU?

All NWU bursaries and/or loans are immediately refundable when you cancel your undergraduate studies. For a postgraduate student, all NWU bursaries received during uncompleted postgraduate studies will be reversed, and the student will be liable for the total cost of fees.

Can you change campuses at NWU?

Only those who have submitted their applications can amend/change their details on the online application form or request a change of qualification or campus (if capacity allows). Contact the Central Applications Office on 018 285 4320 to help change your campus.

The NWU online application process is relatively straightforward, making it easy and convenient for both resident and international applicants to choose, apply, and check their admission status online. There is also an easy offline application process for those unwilling to apply online.

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Briefly.co.za published the University of Pretoria courses and their entry requirements. The University of Pretoria (UP) is a world-class institution of higher learning renowned for its academic excellence in South Africa and beyond.

Being one of the largest universities in South Africa, Tuks offers numerous undergraduate and graduate courses, which are spread across the numerous faculties and departments at the university.

Source: Briefly News

Peris Walubengo avatar

Peris Walubengo (Lifestyle writer) Peris Walubengo is a content creator with 5 years of experience writing articles, researching, editing, and proofreading. She has a Bachelor of Commerce & IT from the University of Nairobi and joined Briefly.co.za in November 2019. The writer completed a Google News Initiate Course. She covers bios, marketing & finance, tech, fashion & beauty, recipes, movies & gaming reviews, culture & travel. You can email her at perisrodah254@gmail.com.

Jackline Wangare avatar

Jackline Wangare (Lifestyle writer) Jackline Simwa is a content writer at Briefly.co.za, where she has worked since mid-2021. She tackles diverse topics, including finance, entertainment, sports, and lifestyle. Previously, she worked at The Campanile by Kenyatta University. She has more than five years in writing. Jackline graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Economics (2019) and a Diploma in Marketing (2015) from Kenyatta University. In 2023, Jackline finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques and Google News Initiative course in 2024. Email: simwajackie2022@gmail.com.