Denika Herbst
3479 articles published since 16 Feb 2018
3479 articles published since 16 Feb 2018
A lady took to social media to celebrate a huge achievement and got all the hype she deserved. Opening a nail shop is a big deal that deserves celebration.
A man took to social media to share how he and wife overcame obstacles that could have ended their marriage. Being friends with your partner is so important.
One mom wanted to make her two beautiful daughters feel like the princesses they are. So, she threw them a lush tea party and shared the moment on social media.
Pictures of a father carrying his small child on his chest in the cold as he sells food on streets has left many oozing pride. His hustle is respected by many.
A gorgeous SA woman became an admitted attorney of the High Court of South Africa and had to celebrate with her people on Twitter. They clapped for her win.
One woman was not okay with the way that her man responded after she thanked him for dropping a whopping R8k into her account for hair. People had some words.
Two proud women in a relationship are over the moon as they wait to welcome twins who happen to be biologically both of theirs. People just love their story.
One Mzansi woman took the floor to bring up a pressing topic that not many address – the huge change in relationship dynamic and romance after having a child.
A Mzansi snake rescuer by the name of Sarel van der Merwe got a call-out for a Southern African python. Even he himself was amazed at the size of the snake.
Denika Herbst
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