Bizarre facts
Love pimples are common in many cultures that believe their occurrence have an underlying significance. Uncover the truth behind the superstition!
El Cuco is a myth in Latin American folklore. The term is derived from the word for coconut, which refers to a head or skull, though its appearance is undefined.
What are some of the scary dogs in the world? Read on to discover some of the top intimidating dog breeds based on their appearance and reputation.
Discover the stunning transformation of Barbie Botox with before and after photos. See how this procedure can enhance facial features and rejuvenate your appearance.
Starry is a caffeine-free soda with a crisp, clear lemon-lime flavour. It aims to compete against Sprite and 7 Up. Discover who owns Starry Soda.
This in-depth exploration of the 1717 angel number unearths its meaning beyond representing new beginnings and the need to take take control over your life.
A Snapchat streak is a repeated two-way Snapsharing communication that continues for three or more days. Discover the longest Snapstreaks ever recorded.
McDonald's is one of the largest chains of restaurants globally, known for its signature menu items. Find out what happened to McDonald's mascots and characters.
Jolt Cola was once one of the most sought-after high-energy drinks before it was discontinued. Discover the rise and eventual fall of the highly caffeinated soda!
Bizarre facts
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