Top 11 ugliest Pokémon ranked: not your typical cuties

Top 11 ugliest Pokémon ranked: not your typical cuties

In the diverse world of Pokémon, elegance can often be overshadowed by those creatures that do not scream beauty. However, not all these creatures are created appealingly, as each holds a special place in the heart of the Pokémon community. So, who is the ugliest Pokémon?

ugliest Pokémon ranked
The ugliest Pokémon are the kind of creatures that make you want to look away because their designs are downright hideous. Photo: @Pokémon Global News on Facebook (modified by author)
Source: UGC


Many Pokémon designs are classic and memorable and are appealing to look at. However, the Pokémon world has its fair share of uglies, as some characters are ugly to the point of being unsettling.

Top ugliest Pokémon ever

Pokémon is a franchise that runs purely on creativity, and one of its crucial roles is coming up with attractive characters. We know that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder but many people have said some designs look awful and you would not want them at your party. So, according to public votes on Ranker, here are some of the ugliest Pokémon characters:

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1. Jynx

Jynx Pokemon
Jynx walks rhythmically, swaying and shaking its hips as if it were dancing. Photo: @Randy Weber on Facebook (modified by author)
Source: Getty Images

Jynx has a purple face, pink lips, saucer-like eyes, and long blonde hair. The Pokémon is unappealing and even unsettling and has been heavily criticized for its unmistakable resemblance to racist cartoons and blackface comedy.

Jynx is one of the ugliest legendary Pokémon, with a design almost as bad as its troubled history. It is also one of the most controversial pocket monsters ever.

2. Probopass

Probopass Pokemon
Probopass radiates such a powerful magnetic field that nearby electrical appliances are rendered useless while it is around. Photo: @Randy Weber on Facebook (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Probopass is a dual-type rock/steel Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. It has a big red hat-like magnet on its head and exudes strong magnetism from its body.

Probopass is one of the weirdest-looking Pokémon due to its small round eyes, red nose, and bushy black moustache, which consists of iron sand. It was meant to be like a compass with a pointer for a nose.

3. Dracovish

Dracovish Pokemon
Dracovish species are brought back to life through fossils. Photo: @Austin Fisher on Facebook (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Dracovish is a dual-type water/dragon fossil Pokémon. It was introduced in Generation VIII after being resurrected by combining a fossilized fish and a fossilized drake.

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Dracovish is said to have been the apex predator of its time due to its powerful legs, jaws, and ability to run at high speed. It is one of the dumbest-looking Pokémon, as its colour palette is awful, its jagged teeth are terrifying, and its mismatched body is unsettling.

4. Flapple

Flapple Pokemon
Flapple uses its body fluid to repair its apple. Photo: @Eevee64 on Facebook (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Flapple is a green, worm-like dragon Pokémon with a light green underside and yellow eyes. It is one of Applin’s three-branched evolutions and uses parts of an apple to form its body.

It can also disguise itself as an apple by folding its wings. Its cheeks store acid strong enough to induce chemical burns and corrode metal.

5. Bruxish

Bruxish Pokemon
Bruxish grinds its teeth with great force to stimulate its brain. Photo: @Dawid Preme Novak on Facebook (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Bruxish is a fishlike Pokémon with thick skin covered in colourful scales and fins. It was introduced in Generation VII as one of the many fish species populating the bio-diverse waters of Alola. The upper half of its body is primarily light purple, while the other half is yellow.

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Its eyelids are dark purple with long, light blue eyelashes. It has human-like lips and sultry eyes, making it look unpleasant. On top of its head is a bump with a dark purple bulb at the tip that emits psychic solid power.

6. Binacle

Binacle Pokemon
Two Binacles live together on one rock. Photo: @Zach Esparza on Facebook (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Binacle is a Pokémon that resembles a goose barnacle and has the appearance of a hand and arm, where the hand serves as its head. On top of its head are three long claws, and it moves by stretching and contracting its body.

Binacle lives as a pair on one rock, where they cooperate in gathering food during high tide. They feed on seaweed that washes up on the shoreline, and one moves to a different rock when they fight.

7. Lileep

Lileep Pokemon
Lileep is an ancient Pokémon that was regenerated from a fossil. Photo: @introvertnacho (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Lileep is a plant-like Pokémon based on a Crinoid with eight dark-tipped, pink, petal-like tentacles. It disguises itself as seaweed by making its tentacles sway, and when unsuspecting prey come too close, they are swallowed whole. The head is connected to the body through a yellow stem.

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8. Feebas

Feebas Pokemon
Feebas is the shabbiest Pokémon of all. Photo: @Pokémon Global News on Facebook (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Feebas is a shabby, old-looking, fishlike Pokémon with a light brown body covered in dark, irregular spots. It is the definition of an ugly Pokémon. Although unattractive and unpopular, its marvellous vitality has made it a research subject.

Feebas is famous for its shabby appearance and is considered the shabbiest Pokémon. Its poor appearance makes it ignored by predators. It eats anything, making it suitable for adapting to polluted streams and lakes.

9. Garbodor

Garbodor Pokemon
Garbodor is vulnerable to ground and psychic moves. Photo: @Randy Weber on Facebook (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Garbador looks like a pile of trash spilling out of a large, torn garbage bag. It has one finger on its left hand and three on the other.

Not only must Garbador smell horrible, but this poison-type monster looks like its life is in pain. It clenches opponents with its left arm and finishes them off with foul-smelling poison gas emitted from its mouth.

10. Crabominable

Crabominable Pokemon
Crabominable blows icy bubbles from its mouth to immobilize its opponents. Photo: @Linh Hoang on Facebook (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Crabominable is a crustacean Pokémon that resembles a crab covered in white fur, and its fluffy fur enables it to combat the icy cold of its mountain home. The fur is absent on its face, and the tips of its legs and arms are heavily fluffier around its mouth, shoulders and claws. Its face has white eyes and a large mouth where two blunt teeth are visible.

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Crabominable’s main ugly features are in the face, adding on goofy teeth with crazy eyes. Its design combines the worst parts of a king crab and the abominable snowman. In desperation, it can lop off its pincers and fire them like rockets.

11. Natu

Natu Pokemon having a good time
Natu cannot fly but has a highly developed jumping ability. Photo: @Linno The Shibo on Facebook (modified by author)
Source: UGC

Natu is an ugly bird Pokémon with a nearly spherical body covered in green, red, yellow, and black accents. Its wings are tiny and not fully grown, making it unable to fly; however, it can hop and climb tree trunks. Its face is its entire body, and its eyes are thin and large. Its wings are useless since it cannot fly.

What is the weirdest Pokémon?

Trubbish and its descendant, Garbodor, are considered strange and odd. Its rudimentary eyes and lips indicate that its author was leaning towards the absurdity of its design.

Above are the top 11 ugliest Pokémon that are not your typical cuties. They are the kind of creatures that make you want to look away because their designs are downright hideous. Despite not being so appealing, they have enough abilities to go toe-to-toe with legendaries.

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Source: Briefly News

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Bennett Yates (Lifestyle writer) Bennett Yates is a content creator with over five years of working experience in journalism and copywriting. He graduated from the University of Nairobi (2017) with a Bachelor's in Information Technology. In 2023, Bennett finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques. He started working for Briefly in 2019. You can reach him via email at

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