Patriotic Alliance’s Gayton McKenzie Demands Ministerial Position or PA Will Leave the GNU

Patriotic Alliance’s Gayton McKenzie Demands Ministerial Position or PA Will Leave the GNU

  • Patriotic Alliance president Gayton McKenzie wanted the PA to be given a ministerial portfolio as his condition for a government of national unity
  • He said if this does not happen, the Patriotic Alliance will pull out of the GNU
  • Briefly News spoke to Stellenbosch University's Professor Zwelinzima Ndevu, the School of Public Governance director
  • South Africans slammed him and accused him of being a politician for the sake of enriching himself

Tebogo Mokwena, a Briefly News current affairs journalist in Johannesburg, South Africa, has covered policy changes, the State of the Nation Address, politician-related news and elections at Daily Sun and Vutivi Business News for over seven years.

Gayton McKenzie demanded to be a minister or the PA will drop out of the NGU
Gayton McKenzie wants the position of minister. Image: Sydney Seshibedi/Gallo Images via Getty Images
Source: Getty Images

JOHANNESBURG – The president of the Patriotic Alliance, Gayton McKenzie, said if his party does not get a ministerial position, he will pull it out of the government of national unity.

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McKenzie wants minister from PA

According to Eyewitness News, McKenzie spoke about the week the new National Assembly is expected to have its first sitting. This was after the African National Congress's National Executive Committee elected to form a government of national unity after not winning the elections by a majority.

McKenzie reasoned that his desire for the party to have a minister stems from his promises to his supporters. He said if he did not get a ministry, he would leave the GNU as there would be nothing to show that the PA supports a GNU. He also claimed he would give 100% of his money to the Joslin Smith Foundation to help with missing children.

Stellenbosch professor weighs in

Briefly News spoke to Stellenbosch University's Professor Zwelinzima Ndevu, the School of Public Governance director, who gave his opinion.

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"We know many parties campaigned on the card that they wanna remove the ANC. These elections have been about removing or retaining the ANC, and any discussion (including that of ministerial positions) must consider that," he said.

South Africans roast McKenzie

Netizens commenting on @ewnupdates' tweet were far from impressed with McKenzie's demands.

Khetani Chabane said:

"He is a careerist politician who knows what he wants. He doesn't care about the policies that will drive the country/economy forward. As long as they give him the position as a minister, we are sorted."

Kastido sarcastically said:

"Rightfully so. The man says he wants power, so he must be given what he wants. Of course, our markets will remain happy. Your markets fund him, right?"

Kgadi Custy said:

"Let the games begin."

Jofter said:

"This clown is starting his kak already. All about him and not about the people."

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Fifty Niggaz said:

"We told you this one was all about positions."

Gayton McKenzie calls on George building collapse victims to be deported

In a similar article, Briefly News reported that McKenzie called on the victims of the collapsed building in George to be sent home.

Many of the victims were from countries in the SADC region, and he said the government should not bother to provide them with assistance.

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Source: Briefly News

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Tebogo Mokwena (Current Affairs editor) Tebogo Mokwena is a Current Affairs Editor at Briefly News. He has a Diploma in Journalism from ALISON. He joined Daily Sun, where he worked for 4 years covering politics, crime, entertainment, current affairs, policy, governance and art. He was also a sub-editor and journalist for Capricorn Post before joining Vutivi Business News in 2020, where he covered small business news policy and governance, analysis and profiles. He joined Briefly News in 2023. Tebogo passed a set of trainings by Google News Initiative Email:

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