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Rushdie stabbing suspect pleads not guilty to attempted murder
Rushdie stabbing suspect pleads not guilty to attempted murder

The suspected assailant of Salman Rushdie pleaded not guilty on Thursday to attempted murder and assault charges at a brief court hearing in upstate New York. Rushdie, who was born in India in 1947, moved to New York two decades ago and became a US citizen in 2016.

Jailed Saudi woman tweeter shrugged off risk: friend
Jailed Saudi woman tweeter shrugged off risk: friend

A Saudi woman given 34 years in prison for tweets critical of the government knew people were informing on her but did not take it seriously, a friend said Thursday. "We discussed people harassing her on Twitter and reporting her tweets to the security services online," the friend told AFP. "She didn't think the authorities would be interested in someone with less than 2,000 followers," she added.

Oil prices fall but inflation stays high
Oil prices fall but inflation stays high

Oil prices have dropped by a quarter since June and could fall further if a nuclear deal is reached with Iran as it would bring more crude to the market, yet inflation remains stubbornly high. - Iran wildcard - The market, however, could fall again if Tehran reaches a nuclear deal that would allow the country to raise its exports, which are currently restricted by sanctions.