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Hundreds rally in Paris, European cities to denounce Iran regime
Hundreds rally in Paris, European cities to denounce Iran regime

Hundreds of expatriate Iranians rallied in Paris and other European cities on Saturday to denounce Iran's crackdown on protests following the death of Mahsa Amini after her arrest by morality police. Iran says that 35 people have died in the protests that erupted after the death of Amini but activists say that the number is now over 50 and likely even higher.

Russian FM, at UN, slams West for 'grotesque' Russophobia
Russian FM, at UN, slams West for 'grotesque' Russophobia

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov bitterly criticized Western nations Saturday over the Ukraine war, telling the United Nations that the United States and its allies sought to "destroy" his country. "They are not shying away from declaring the intent to inflict not only military defeat on our country but also to destroy and fracture Russia."

Ukraine push slowed by rain, river and Russian holdouts
Ukraine push slowed by rain, river and Russian holdouts

What had been a lightning push by Ukraine to drive Moscow's forces from the eastern Kharkiv region slowed to a brutal slog Saturday, stalled by heavy rain and Russian resistance. But a narrow strip of the Kharkiv region on the east side of the Oskil river remains in Russian hands and prevents Ukraine from pushing on into the Lugansk region, which Moscow holds and is seeking to annex.

Russians flee to Istanbul after mobilisation call
Russians flee to Istanbul after mobilisation call

A stream of Russians flocking to Istanbul on Saturday expressed personal relief but concern for the safety of loved ones after the Kremlin announced a partial mobilisation for the war in Ukraine. Sasha said it was difficult to gauge the true mood of Russians after the mobilisation order because some still supported the war and were willing to fight.

Death toll of Lebanon migrant ship tragedy rises to 89
Death toll of Lebanon migrant ship tragedy rises to 89

Twelve more bodies were recovered Saturday after a boat carrying migrants from Lebanon sunk off Syria's coast, raising the overall toll to 89, Syrian state media said, in one of the eastern Mediterranean's deadliest such shipwrecks. Families in Lebanon held a second day of funerals Saturday after they were handed bodies of relatives on Friday night through the Arida border crossing with Syria.

Several thousand protest Angola's disputed vote result
Several thousand protest Angola's disputed vote result

Angolan opposition supporters took to the streets on Saturday to protest the return to power of the long ruling MPLA party in divisive elections last month. Opposition parties and civic groups had said the vote was marred by irregularities.

Mali post-coup PM denounces France, salutes Russia at UN
Mali post-coup PM denounces France, salutes Russia at UN

Mali's military-appointed prime minister on Saturday lashed out at France as well as the United Nations in a grievance-filled address over his nation's deteriorating security. Colonel Abdoulaye Maiga, named last month by coup leaders as Mali's interim prime minister, accused France of having "stabbed in the back" the West African nation with its withdrawal of troops.