100+ quotes for a broken-hearted wife and husband who are hurting that will appease the soul
Marriage is not always a bed of roses and will have ups and downs. How you deal with the challenges determines the course the union will take. As a wife, your husband's words or actions can hurt you, and a husband can be hurt by his wife, too. These reflective quotes for a hurting husband or wife will help you through rough times.

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Whether emotional or physical, harmful marriage behaviours arise from a complex interplay of several factors. A spouse can hurt another due to communication problems, unresolved conflicts, stress, unmet expectations, societal norms, or power dynamics.
Quotes for a broken-hearted and hurting wife and husband
1. Your spouse is not a possession you attain but a soulmate you trust and adore. Robert Vanleeuwen
2. It is amazing how someone can break your heart, and you can still love them with all the little pieces. Ella Harper
3. The pain of yesterday is the strength of today. Paulo Coelho
4. The pleasure of love lasts but a moment. The pain of love lasts a lifetime. Bette Davis
5. If you spend your time hoping someone will suffer the consequences for what they did to your heart, then you're allowing them to hurt you a second time in your mind. Shannon L. Alder
6. There comes a time in your life when you must choose to turn the page, write another book or simply close it. Shannon L. Alder
7. Having your heart broken by the one you love the most can be like a thousand paper cuts or one massive and decisive blow. Either way, the pain is profound. Barrie Davenport
8. A broken heart is the worst. Nobody can see it, but it hurts every time you breathe. Unknown
9. Someday, you are going to look back on this moment of your life as such a sweet time of grieving. You will see that you were in mourning, and your heart was broken, but your life was changing. Elizabeth Gilbert
10. You cannot really get married by mistake. You can only marry the wrong person. Mokokoma Mokhonoana

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11. Men are not meant to hurt their wives. They have a bigger role. They are there to protect her and love her. A man hurting his wife is no man. Unknown
12. You married him because he promised to love, honour, and cherish you. When all of those promises are broken time and again, you are left with a broken heart. Barrie Davenport
13. The shattering of a heart being broken is the loudest quiet ever. Carroll Bryant
14. No matter how hard your heart is broken, the world does not stop for your grief. Faraaz Kazi
15. One day, I hope you look back at what we had and regret every single thing you did to let it end. Sahil Verma
16. The problem is you still do not think that you did anything to hurt me. Unknown
17. You hurt me more than I deserve because I love you more than you deserve. Unknown
18. Everyone will get hurt by someone. Getting hurt is a part of life. Expect to get hurt, but do not change into someone you are not because of it. Sonya Paker
19. It hurts the most when the person who made you feel so special yesterday makes you feel so unwanted today. Unknown
20. Everyone in life is going to hurt you; you just have to figure out which people are worth the pain. Unknown
21. It's true; the greatest gift a husband can give to his wife is not to hurt her. Everything else falls into place when a man stops to understand what hurts her. Unknown
22. He does not deserve you at your best if he cannot handle you at your worst. Real love means seeing beyond the words spoken out of pain and instead seeing a person's soul. Shannon L. Alder
23. Love grows where trust is laid, and love dies where trust is betrayed. Unknown
24. I wish I could go back to the day I met you and just walk away. Honestly, it would have saved me so much hurt and pain. Unknown
25. A woman devoted to her integrity and honour will not entertain emotional inappropriateness from her husband. Unknown

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Quotes to help someone in an unhappy marriage
26. Many marriages would be better if the husband and the wife clearly understood that they have always been on the same side. Zig Ziglar
27. Hearts can break. Yes, hearts can break. Sometimes, I think it would be better if we died when they did, but we don't. Stephen King
28. A good marriage is supposed to be one where each spouse secretly thinks they got the better deal. Anne Lamott
29. I will never regret you or say I wish I'd never met you. Because once upon a time, you were exactly what I needed. Bob Marley
30. Relationships are like glass. Sometimes, it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself by putting them back together. Unknown
31. Silence is a woman's loudest cry. You can always tell she's really hurt when she starts ignoring you. Unknown
32. Cry. Forgive. Learn. Move on. Let your tears water the seeds of your future happiness. Steve Maraboli
33. Nothing hurts more than realizing he meant everything to you and you meant nothing to him. Unknown
34. Do not look for healing at the feet of those who broke you. Rupi Kaur
35. It is not a lack of love but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages. Friedrich Nietzsche

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36. Marriage has its ups and downs. But no ups and downs can justify a husband hurting his wife. Do not let them cover a toxic relationship that is killing you from the inside. Unknown
37. Do not spend too much time beating on a wall, hoping it will transform into a door. Dr Laura Schlessinger
38. Whenever a husband battles within himself, his wife feels the force of the war. Unknown
39. Never make a good woman hurt too many times. At some point, the pain you cause her will permanently damage her, and she will no longer see a future with you or look at you the same. Unknown
40. Letting go does not mean that you do not care about someone anymore. It's just realizing that the only person you have control over is yourself. Deborah Reber
41. Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. Haruki Murakami
42. I still feel that you will realize your mistake and come back. But honestly, I know you have burnt bridges and created a lack. Unknown
43. When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sandpaper. They may scratch and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished, and they end up useless. Unknown
44. If they loved you in the ways they claim to love you, they wouldn't hurt you in the ways they deny they hurt you. Unknown
45. I pretend that your words don't hurt me. I'm not breaking even though you still pretend that my tears are invisible. Unknown

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Quotes for a wife neglected by her husband
46. Loneliness is not a lack of company; loneliness is a lack of purpose. Guillermo Maldonado
47. There is nothing lonelier than being in a marriage and feeling unseen by your husband. You feel like a ghost in your home. Barrie Davenport
48. Something my dad says: He says you end up marrying the one you don't understand. Then, you spend the rest of your life trying. Fredrick Backman
49. A man will admit his wrongs and try to fix them. A boy will find excuses and constantly blame you for why he is hurting you. Unknown
50. Distance does not separate people. Silence does. Jeff Hood
51. What kills love? Only this: neglect. Jeanette Winterson
52. If your husband neglects you, he does not deserve you. Unknown
53. Neglect cannot exist together with love in a marriage. If you are neglected and taken for granted, you are not loved. Barrie Davenport
54. Never make the one you love feel alone, especially when you're right there. Unknown
55. The loneliest thing in the world is lying awake beside someone asleep. Rebecca Makkai

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56. Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option. Marc and Angel
57. Even the most intense feelings cease when neglected and taken for granted. Anupama Garg
58. After marriage, a woman's sight becomes so keen that she can see right through her husband without looking at him, and a man's so dull that he can look right through his wife without seeing her. Helen Rowland
59. Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike. J.K. Rowling
60. Never neglect the most important people to you simply because you think they will always be there. Because one morning, you might wake up and realize you lost the moon while counting the stars. Unknown
61. Spend your time on those that love you unconditionally. Do not waste it on those who only love you when the conditions are right for them. Shirley Fortney
62. It hurts like hell when your husband does not treat you right. What hurts even more, is when they act like they do not know what they have been doing. Unknown
63. All I ever wanted was to spend my life with you in bliss. But you left me alone in this abyss. It is weird, but it is our past moments that I miss. unknown
64. Loving You was a losing game, indeed. It was not a game for me, but you treated it as if it was like a plaything of a kid. Unknown
65. My husband neglects me and thinks I'll always be here waiting. He has no idea the storm that is about to break over his life. I'm tired of begging him to make me a priority. Unknown

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Marriage quotes for a wife or husband who are ignoring each other
66. Ignoring is a passive-aggressive way of dealing with a chronic relationship problem. When your husband ignores you, whether it's all the time or just after arguments, he is trying to avoid and run away from a problem instead of dealing with it and solving it. Lisa Penn
67. The demise of marriages begins with a growing absence of responsive loving interactions and communication. The conflict comes later. Sue Johnson
68. What is worse than being hated is being ignored because it's like you do not exist at all and your presence is nothing. Anurag Prakash Ray
69. The husband who doesn't tell his wife everything probably thinks that what she does not know will not hurt him. Leo J. Burke
70. I don't want to be married just to be married. I can't think of anything lonelier than spending the rest of my life with someone I cannot talk to or, worse, someone I can't be silent with. Mary Ann Shaffer

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71. If you are turning yourself into a pretzel to win his love and attention, you have already diminished yourself. You have already lost whatever love he said he had for you. Unknown
72. It would be easy to say that I feel invisible. Instead, I feel painfully visible and entirely ignored. David Levithan
73. You are ignoring me so loud that it is deafening. This silence is so deep that it's echoing. Anna Jae
74. While it is better to be loved than hated, it is also far better to be hated than ignored. Viet Thanh Nguyen
75. I used to think that the worst feeling in life was to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel all alone. Robin Williams
76. Ignoring your partner's needs and expecting a happy relationship is like ignoring your plants needing water and still expecting a beautiful garden. Unknown
77. If you are being ignored, that's a good time to concentrate on finding yourself and creating your own mystery. Lykke Li
78. If he is not calling you, it is because you are not on his mind. If he creates expectations for you and doesn't follow through on little things, he will do the same for big things. Be aware of this and realize that he is okay with disappointing you. Greg Behrendt
79. Nothing hurts more than being ignored, replaced, forgotten, or lied to. Unknown
80. I wanted to start a new life with you, full of love, dreams, and wishes, but then you changed and started to suffocate me with your fake hugs and kisses. Unknown

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Quotes for a husband and wife in an unhappy marriage
81. The difference between privacy and secrecy is this: One is used to protect, and the other is used to hide. Renee Slansky
82. A man should be like a child with his wife, but if she needs him, he should act like a man. Umar Ibn Al-Khattab
83. Marriage is not 50-50. Divorce is 50-50. Marriage has to be 100-100. It isn't dividing everything in half but giving everything you've got. Dave Willis
84. Divorce is not a tragedy. A tragedy is staying in an unhappy marriage teaching your children the wrong things about love. Nobody ever died of divorce. Jennifer Wiener
85. Hurting someone who loves you is as easy as throwing a stone in a lake, but you never really know how deep the stone goes once it hits the water. Remember that each stone thrown could be a ripple of hurt or a tidal wave of devastation. Stacey Miller
86. A husband should remember it is only natural and healthy for your relationship to have disagreements. How you conduct yourself in these disagreements is important; you can disagree with your wife without being disrespectful and hurtful. Love is kind. Unknown
87. It's good to deal with anger somehow other than drinking, fighting, crashing cars, hitting your kid, wife, husband, or whatever. Paintbrushes, pens, movie cameras, guitars, microphones, and typewriters because these are good things. Weights. These are positive ways, good ways to deal with anger, frustration, alienation, and rage. Because all the other ways do nothing but hurt people. Henry Rollins

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88. Don't break a bird's wings and then tell it to fly. Don't break a heart and tell it to love. Don't break a soul and then tell it to be happy. Don't see the worst in a person, and expect them to see the best in you. Don't judge people and expect them to stand by your side. Don't play with fire, and expect to stay perfectly safe. Life is about giving and taking. You cannot expect to give bad and receive good. You cannot expect to give good and receive bad. Najwa Zebian
89. There is never a reason to fight about money. Money can always be made, but hurtful words can never be taken back. Unknown
90. Most people cheat because they are paying more attention to what they are missing rather than what they have. Unknown
91. Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is the threads, hundreds of tiny threads, that sew people together through the years. Simone Signoret
92. Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love, and they blossom when we love the ones we marry. Tom Mullen
93. True love stands by each other's side on good days and stands closer on bad days. Unknown
94. A great marriage is not something that just happens. It is something that must be created. Fawn Weaver
95. A great marriage is not when the perfect couple comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences. Dave Meurer
96. To love is nothing. To be loved is something. But to be loved by the person you love is everything. Unknown
97. Never marry the one you can live with; marry the one you cannot live without. Unknown
98. A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. Mignon McLaughlin
99. A good marriage is one where each partner secretly suspects they got the better deal. Unknown
100. Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, and penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope. Maya Angelou

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How do you react when your husband hurts you?
Your husband can hurt you emotionally by being insensitive, ignoring you, being selfish, controlling, or showing a lack of interest. In such instances, you can tell him how you feel, assess the situation before coming to conclusions, or talk to a professional marriage counsellor for expert help.
How do you show your husband that you are hurt?
Finding the right way to express your hurt is a step closer to healing. Experts suggest connecting to your truth, journaling your hurt feelings, and opening up to your husband after reflecting.
How to impress a husband by talking
Every marriage is unique, but communication is the most crucial component of each relationship. You can impress your spouse by communicating openly and honestly, listening actively, being supportive, being positive, and showing appreciation.
How do you tell your husband how much he means to you?
It is known that a happy wife is a happy life, but there has to be an appreciated husband for the happiness to overflow. You can appreciate him by doing him small favours or doing something thoughtful like making his favourite meal, organizing date nights, or sending him loving messages.
These 100+ quotes for a hurting husband or wife will appease the soul and help you navigate your emotions, but ensuring the underlying issues are resolved is vital. Seek help from a therapist or a support group.
READ ALSO: 80+ toxic family quotes to help you cut off negative people in your life
Briefly.co.za highlighted over 80 toxic family quotes. Your loved ones are the most important people in your life, but they can sometimes cause you unimaginable distress.
Perfect family dynamics do not exist, but some households are more dysfunctional than others. Loving your family from afar is crucial to avoid creating worse situations.
Source: Briefly News